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Aphmau's P.O.V.

I'm kind of annoyed right now because Palgrave won't let us leave. He says that he wants to talk with McCloud about a few things but I know he just doesn't want us to continue on our trip because he wants to find the treasure to.

Ok maybe I'm exaggerating, I don't even know if he knows we are finding treasure. But while we are here we aren't going after treasure and I can't go home and steal more stuff. I miss stealing chai lattès and such.

I can see McCloud and Palgrave talking. Palgrave's crew are very annoying as well. They are always flirting with me and I have punched three overboard. I just want to go home, at least I still have my friends with me so I'm not all alone. Although I really do like being home where we can work together in stealing.

I walk over to the other side of the ship and put my hand into the water. I'm just very tired and I want to keep moving. Katelyn doesn't like being still on water because when we get back to sailing she will get sea sick again.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn around to see Palgrave.

"What do you want?" I ask

"I wanna ask Ye why Ye don't like me?" Palgrave asks

"Oh so many reasons, please get out of my face" I say bitterly

"Me is a capin' refer to me with respect lassy" he says

"Uhh, I'll respect you when you can keep your crew under control" I say flipping my hair and storming off under the deck

I hear footsteps run after me but I ignore them. I go to my room and just as I'm about to close the doors foot jams it. I look up to see McCloud standing there. I open the door and I feel him wrap my arms around me.

"McCloud?" I say confused

"Me be sorry, me didn't realise how stressed he had been with Palgrave and his crew" McCloud states

"It's alright, I just really don't like them. They are really annoying but I guess if you and Palgrave are friends then we can put up with it for a bit longer" I say

He hugs me a bit tighter, but careful not to hurt me.

"No, we can be leavin' them and continuin' on our journey" he whispers

"Are you sure? You don't have to do that just for me, it's only been two days" I say confused

"Aphmau, Ye are more important and how Ye feel is more important than Palgrave and his crew" McCloud states

I feel a slight blush creep onto my cheeks. Thank Irene McCloud can't see it. Or else I would die of embarrassment. McCloud pulls back a little and presses his lips to mine. I freeze for a second and then slowly kiss him back. His lips are rough and chapped, they taste like sea salt. I guess that's what happens when you are a pirate.

Katelyn' P.O.V.

I swear to Irene if we don't continue sailing tomorrow and get away from these other pirates I might actually kill one of them. They have gene talking non stop to us and especially the girls who can't defend themselves like Shelby and Cadenza.

We have to be there for the, because if we wont help them no one else will. Shelby is very soft spoken and she doesn't like to fight, Cadenza is very educated in how to act proper but she can't fight.

I am talking to Shelby when one of the Pirates walks over to us and wraps an arm around Shelby's waist and she tries to squirm out. Just as I am about to punch him he drops to the floor. Red is standing behind him smirking.

"Nice, but make sure to clean up any blood" I say

"Thank you Red" Shelby says kissing his cheek

I smile at them and suddenly a second pirate puts his arm around me.

"Alright that's it. I don't care who the capping is or whatever anymore, go back to your ship before I grab a knife and send you all to an early grave!" I yell at the Pirates

They hang their heads and walk off. I feel no shame or regret doing that. I'm not scared of Palgrave and McCloud would share the same thought so I don't need to worry at all.

Aphmau's P.O.V.

I am so happy right now. Tomorrow we are going to continue sailing. We told Palgrave that we had a dead line to meet and we needed to get going, surprisingly he was quite understanding, I guess it's a pirate thing, Katelyn was ecstatic to leave.

Now that the sun has set I can look up at the stars in the sky.

I think it's amazing that these are the same stars that everyone sees. Every famous person, every person who has ever done anything has seen these stars and this moon. It gives me a bit of comfort.

I hear footsteps behind me and turn to see Sky.

"Hey Aphmau, the stars are beautiful today aren't they?" He asks

"Yeah they are, I was just thinking about how it's comforting to see them" I say "No matter how far away we are from home we will always see these stars"

"That's a nice thought" Sky smiles "Are you homesick?"

"A little yes, I miss my bedroom, the forest Nd some of my friends from the village" I say "I have this one meif'wa friend who is a baker and she is married to a guy from the candy dimension, they both live link, and then a friend who is a red headed blacksmith"

"Wow you really have a lot of friends" Sky says shocked

"Yeah I know, it's nice to have a lot of people to rely on. We all work together" I reply

He hugs me and I return the hug

"I wish I could have been part of that group" he says

"It's alright, you are now" I reply

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