Ch29-Dead Man's Cove

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Aphmau's P.O.V.

I couldn't sleep at all last night. I've haven't been sleeping advert well lately. I really don't understand why, it's like I've been nervous and scared this whole time. But also feeling so happy, I have never felt like this, what does it mean?

I quickly get up and get dressed. I go up to the main deck and I see land in the distance. But it isn't a green forest or a yellow beach. It's dark, grey and rocky. It looks terrifying and I suddenly have second thoughts about going.

No I can't back out, I'm stronger than this and I can fight off anything on that is and, I'll be alright and I'll have my friends by my side. Speaking of which I should probably go wake them up. But maybe I should let them sleep for a bit longer.

I go to find McCloud and see when we will be landing on the island. I manage to find him sitting down eating.

"Hey McCloud" I say

"Oh hi lass" he says smirking "I be guessin' you are askin' about when we will be dockin'"

"Yeah, I'm a little bit nervous" I say

"It be alright" McCloud replies "if anything happens I'll be protectin' ya. We will be dockin' I'm about an hour"

"Ok, and thank you" I reply

I walk over to the kitchen and I grab an apron. I start cutting up some fruit for breakfast.

It's my turn to make breakfast. I, not the best at cooking but I think I'll be able to do fine. Hopefully no one dies.

*1 hour later*

Aphmau's P.O.V.

We have arrived at dead man's cove. I look around at my friends and they all seem as scared as I am. I am quick to suggest that we should look around. The sooner we find the treasure the soo we we can get off this island.

We look around the rocky beach and we don't find anything. The rocks are all the same colour as well. There is a small jungle But it's very thick. We will have a bit of trouble if we have to go through it.

"Ugh this place is creepy" Cadenza states

"For once I agree with you" Nicole adds

"I feel like we are being watched" Garroth says

"Something about this place is off" I reply

We continue walking and eventually find ourselves back at the boat. Hmm maybe we are in the wrong island. No we couldn't be, no other place would be this creepy. Speaking of creepy as we were walking around we saw a bunch of skeletons.

We are definitely being watched. But I can't figure out who by, this place makes no sense. Ugh this is so annoying. I really just want to leave this island, maybe we will be fine with the small amount of treasure we have now. I realise that I have fallen behind the group a little and I'm about to run to can't help up when I feel someone grab my arm.

The hand that grabbed my arm feels bony. I turn around and I am met, face to face with a skeleton, but it's not one of the mob skeletons. This is a human skeleton has bits of flesh in it and even an eye hanging out. I think I'm about to throw up.

I scream and spread footsteps run up behind me, another skeleton grabs me and I try to shake them off but I can barely move, another one grabs me and this one has hair on it. I think I'm going to faint. They are going to kill me.

Laurance's P.O.V.

I heard Aphmau scream so I turned around, there are a bunch of skeletons grabbing onto her arms. Before I know what I'm doing I run over and I grab my sword. I start striking them and pulling them off of her.

Some other people notice and run over, which causes more skeletons to come over as well. When Aphmau's arms are free she grabs her knifes and fights them off. Soon enough she is free and the skeletons turn to dust.

I look in Aphmau's eyes and I see fear in them. I wrap my arms around her softly and she hugs me back.

"Thank you" I hear her whisper

Lucinda runs over and checks on Aphmau, she says that she is fine but I can see how terrified she was. It just breaks my heart. She is trying to be so strong even though that just happened.

Aphmau's P.O.V.


I feel like I'm going to cry. No I need to stay strong. If I start panicking then everyone else will as well and nothing will get done. In order to distract myself I walk over to McCloud who is looking over the map.

"See anything?" I ask

"Aphmau!" He says jumping

"What's wrong? Did I scare you?" I giggle

"Aye, umm how are you doin'?" He asks

"I'm fine, I was just wondering if you know where to go?" I ask

"Well we will be going through the forest" McCloud states "And then we need to find a rock shaped like a star" he says "I think we should start walking into the forest now so we can find the treasure sooner"

"Ok, I'll go grab everyone" I reply

I go tell everyone to grab what they need and we begin walking into the forest. I no longer have the feeling that we are being watched which is good but I'm still shaking. Im starting to calm down now though so I'm not terrified anymore.

There are still a few mobs around though but nothing that we can't handle. It might take us a while to find this star rock though because it will just blend in. But knowing that we are almost done with our adventure fills me with great excitement.

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