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A/N: I'm so annoyed, I sprained my ankle and it's all swollen, I give up on life. Oh well, here's the new chapter :)

Aphmau's P.O.V.

We have been walking through the forests for quite some time now. We have been entertained by the many battle stories of Laurance. Cadenza assures us that he is just kidding and in no way shape or form did he go to a battle and come out as an amazing hero.

I laugh at Laurance's attempts to impress us, it's nice to see the effort but in the end it's all just stories. I don't want him to be caught out for lying though, or maybe I do, it would be pretty funny to see that happen.

The trees are so beautiful this deep in the forest, so green and full of flowers. I can't help feel we have been here before. I see a purple bush and I realise that I have seen it before.

"Guys we are going in circles" I say

"What?" Cadenza asks confused

"No, Aphmau is right, we have seen that purple bush three times already" Garroth agrees

"McCloud do you actually know where we are going?" I ask

"Ummm, aye?" He says unsure

"Let me see that map" Katelyn says grabbing the map from McCloud

We look over the map and we seem to be going in the right direction. But if we've always been on the right path then how are we going in circles? We take a closer look at the map but we don't spot anything.

"We are looking for a star shaped rock right?" Gene asks

"Yeah" I say

"Isn't that it over there? He asks pointing into the trees

We see a rock shaped like a start in between the trees.

"But that's not where it's marked on the map" McCloud says defensively

I take another look at the map and see where the little compass is facing, it's pointing north but it's in the wrong direction.

"The map is up side down" I say

Everyone laughs a little and we walk towards the stone. When we make it there is a map hidden in the cracks of the stone. Katelyn grabs it so McCloud doesn't end up leading us in circles again.

"Hey Aphmau, I have a question" Gene whispers to me

"Yeah?" I reply

"Why did you become a thief?" He says

"Umm are you sure you want to know?" I ask

He nods so I take a deal breath in.

"When I was a baby my parents were killed so I went to an orphanage, I lived there till I was 6 or 7" I explain "Eventually that orphanage closed due to a few disagreements so Ross, Red, Barnes and I made our way onto the streets."

"That was because of the whole Sky and Jin thing right?" Gene asks

"Yeah, but don't interrupt" I say "We worked together to steal from people, until one day we were accidentally caught. We were about to be beaten but Katelyn and Lucinda saved us, they took us to a cave. They were our age as well. We all spoke about how we couldn't survive, that's when we started our thief business. One day a young girl with red hair came to our cave and she join up with us, that was Nicole. Now we just try to survive with each other as backup"

"That's a pretty epic story" Gene says

"Not really it's just-" I being to say before I am cut off

"We are here" Katelyn states

We look up to see a temple, but it's a bit smaller than any other temples I've seen. It's kind of broken and run down as well.

We take a few steps inside and Laurance suddenly screams. He turn around but he isn't there. All that's there is a hole. We look down and Laurance is sitting there looking up at us very shocked. I can't help but giggle. Cadenza just full on laughs. I guess it's a sibling thing.

We get a rope and pull him out. As we walk further into the temple we come across a set of doors with rafters over head.

These doors could be trapped so the rafters are our only safe option. However getting up there will be a hard task.

We are discussing how to get up there when I realise that I can probably jump up there if someone helps me. I share my idea and everyone agrees. I put my foot in Ross' hands and he throws me up. Luckily I have good balance so I land on the rafters perfectly. The stone is starting to crumple though.

I can see over the doors and there are all these traps set up behind the doors. I'm glad we didn't go through them. There is one door that doesn't have any traps. I drop down and open it up.

Dante's P.O.V.

Wow, Aphmau is amazing. I can't believe she just flipped up into the rafters like that, that was so awesome. We continue walking down the hallway and Aphmau is disabling all the traps, it's pretty cool to watch.

She is so flexible, she fits through some of the cracks in the wall as well. No wonder the thrive are do good, they have talent like Aphmau. I'm honestly jealous hat she can do all of that. It's pretty awesome.

We continue walking through the temple, looking at the murals painted on the walls. They show a battle. With figures, no women who have these shapes on them that look a little like gems. It's like they are showing us a major fight.

When we have made it about halfway through the temple we stop to take a break. Aphmau is pretty tired from all the work she has had to do. She is pretty strong for putting up with it for this long. Everyone is fussing over her and she is getting really embarrassed. It's kind of cure.

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