Ch7-The Ball

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A/N: When I refer to the nobles I mean all of the people who are listed under lords and children except Garte, the lord of Phoenix drop and any other lord like that.

Dante's P.O.V.

This castle is dangerous. Apparently it is a magnet for thieves. My brother Gene and I don't want to be here anymore. However there is something holding ii back from leaving. I don't know what it is at all.

However there is something holding me here to. That thief that Jeffory has in his room. She is so different from every girl that I have ever met. Every girl I have ever met has always just bowed down to or fangirled. Nothing against that but I want so even who doesn't just like me because I'm rich.

But Aphmau I different. I mean for one she didn't hesitate to attack us. I've never been attacked before. It's not like I want to be attacked but it was nice to have a change from always being loved by everyone. I can tell that all the nobles are interested in her to.

I decide to sneak into Jeffory's room to see her again. I open the door and quickly close it making sure no one saw me. When I turn I see all my friends standing there watching over her. Apparently we all had the same idea.

Aphmau's P.O.V.

Ughh my head hurts a lot. I am not in the cell bed, or in my normal bed. I open my eyes and I see all of the nobles surrounding me. I tare at them without saying a word. They are hovering over me, looking at me like I'm some kind of interesting animal. Ugh they are so annoying.

"What do you want?" I ask bitterly

"We want to know why you are stealing" Cadenza asks

"Umm because it's my job?" I say obviously "I have to in order for my friends and I to survive. It's not like we get to live in a p,ace like this. Just ask Nicole"

"Why won't your friends survive if you don't steal?" Vylad asks sitting down on the bed

"Because then we won't have any money for food. So I need to get back to them because they need me" I reply

"Hold on a second" Garroth interrupts "We all know that there is a ball tonight so we can't have any trouble. We need Aphmau to stay here so she won't cause trouble in town"

"What! No way in nether!" I yell getting up from where I was laying

"Watch your language" Zane tells me

"Shut it brat, no way am I staying here any longer" I say

"Actually you will, or else we will find out the location of the thieves guild and kill them all" Zan yells back

"Fight me you spoiled brat" I yell back

"Can we all stop yelling please" Sky says "Aphmau you will stay here and attend the ball so we know you aren't causing any trouble. That will be all"

"I can't believe this, Ughh. Wait till Ross and Lucinda hear about this" I say grumbling

"Who are they?" Cadenza asks

"None of your business" I say

"Well then I'll show you to your room, follow me" Jin states

I roll my eyes and I follow him. As we walk I take in the castles interior. It's beautiful yes but not amazing. Well, at least not to me, I've been in and out of here so many times that I have just grown used to it.

"You know we never meant to hurt you" Jin says

"Yeah whatever" I say rolling my eyes

I already miss my friends. They are my family and we are so close. Every morning I would always come down to the main living area and speak with Ross.

"Aphmau, you can't still be upset. We were kids" Jin says grabbing my arm softly

I pull my arm away quickly and continue walking. He catches up to my and we continue walking. When we arrive at my rock, I head in, I want to see if there is anyway to escape.

"Aphmau, please, Sky and I want to be like the friends we were before" Jin states

"We will never be like that again, you ruined that. Ross, Red and I have our own friends now, and our own family. I just want to be left alone and go back home" I say and I turn away from him

He touches my shoulder softly and I remember back when we where little and Jin comforted me. I wish we could be friends again but I can't forget what they did to us, they basically threw us out on the street and called us street rats.

I grab Jin's wrist and I push him out of my room while twisting it. He finally leaves and I'm left to my own room. I press my back agains the wall and I lean my face into my kneed. I feel tears rolling down my cheeks.

Oh my Irene I miss my friends so much. These nobles think that they can dictate my life? Well I'll just have to show them that I am so much more than this trouble maker. I do this all for a reason, not just because I enjoy it.

Aaron's P.O.V.

I am walking up to Aphmau's room because I need to give her the clothes that she will be wearing to the ball. As I am about to knock on her door I hear soft sobbing. Is she crying? I don't know what to do, I've never been good in any situation where o have to talk to someone, let alone crying.

I knock on the door.

"Go away!" I hear Aphmau yell

"I need to come in Aphmau" I say softly

"Who are you?" She asks

"My name is Aaron, I'm the lord of Falcon Claw" I say

I see the door open slightly and Aphmau peeks from behind it, she actually looks really cute

"What do you want?" She asks

"I need to give you your dress for the ball" I say

She opens the door the full way and allows me to come in. I put her clothes down on the bed and tell her that she will need to come to the ball in about three hours.

As I am leaving I feel someone grab my sleeve. She looks up at me and I see in her eyes what I believe is loneliness.

"When do I get to go home?" She asks

"I don't know" I reply and I walk out "I'll come get you when it is time for the ball"

"Whatever" she says and she closes the door

I feel something pull at my heart when I see her so upset. She must be homesick. She is so strong willed though. She didn't stand down to Zane and he is kind of creepy. I'm sort of excited to see her again. But now I need to go get ready for the ball.

*Time Skip To Just Before The Ball*

Aaron's P.O.V.

Ten lord of Phoenix Drop decided to throw a ball for the whole town. We want Aphmau to come because we want her to see how happy these people are without stealing, however I think I'm the only one that realises that Aphmau has to steal to survive, she isn't like us. Her life is day to day, our lives have everything planned.

For some reason I have not been able to shake the thought of Aphmau out of my head. I'm getting a bit nervous now that I am going to see her again. What is this feeling? I don't think I have ever felt this before.

I knock on her door.

"Leave me alone!" I hear her yell

"Aphmau it's me" I reply

I hear the door open and I see Aphmau standing there. She looks absolutely beautiful. Mother of Irene she looks like a goddess.

"What?" She asks

"I just think that you look very nice" I say calmly

"Sure, now let's hurry up and go, I'm bored" she says and she grabs my arm

The moment her hand touches my arm I feel something. It's like electricity. She lets me go and we walk out of her room. We make our way to the ball room and when we get there, there are hundreds of people.

We walk over to my friends and everyone is staring at Aphmau. Aphmau isn't watching them, she seems to be scanning the ballroom.

Aphmau's P.O.V.

Come one, come on, my friends must be here, they wouldn't just leave me. I scanning the ballroom to see if they came here. All I want is to just see them. My eyes eventually lock onto someone without looks like Ross. Hey wait a second that is Ross.

"Can I go dance?" I ask

"Sure, but don't run away. Remember we still have your weapons" Vylad states

"Whatever" I reply

"Do you want a dance partner?" Laurance asks me flirtatiously

"No, I already have one" I say and I walk over to Ross

Aaron's P.O.V.

What did she mean by "I already have a dance partner"? I watch her and she walks over to a make. She taps him on the shoulder and when he turns around his face lights up. He hugs her and she hugs him back. Who does he think he is?!

"That's Ross, a former friend of Jin and mine" Sky explains

"Former?" I ask

"We had a falling out. It's all over now, Aphmau doesn't want anything to do with us" Jin says

I can see the look in both Jin and Sky's eyes. There are jealous of Ross. Wait a second, I think that they both are in love with Aphmau. That must be why they agreed to come to Phoenix Drop for lord training.

Garroth's P.O.V.

Mother of Irene Aphmau looks stunning. However I have been feeling a bit bad because Sh erasing said anything nice at all. Although I guess we haven't given her a reason to but she just seems so negative.

I can see the look in my friend Laurance's eyes. He looks like he wants to kill Ross. I want to kill him to. But I'm mainly jealous of him. He is dancing with Aphmau. Mean red to be the one dancing with her.

Laurance's P.O.V.

I am watching Ross and Aphmau gliding across the floor. I don't know how I feel about Aphmau at the moment, sure I'm a play boy but I have never at usually liked a guild. And Aphmau is a thief who hates our guts. I don't know what to do.

Aphmau's P.O.V.

I am so glad I got to see Ross. After a bit of dancing he has to go because he snuck out to see me, he also gave me the message that McCloud made it to the thieves base, I'm glad McCloud fulfilled his end of the deal.

When Ross leaves I walk out to the garden.

I sit on the water fountain and admire the water (Pretend it's nighttime)

I feel so trapped in the castle. I can still hear the music from the castle. I touch the water and I hear footsteps approaching.

As I turn around I am met with a pair of green eyes. He has white hair. I think his name is Travis.

"Hey there baby" he says reaching jut to touch my hair

"What the nether do you want?" I ask

"I want you" he whispers in my ear huskily

I push him off of me and he falls into the water fountain.

"Don't touch me you creep" I say

I feel a presence behind me and I turn to see Aaron

"Why don't you leave her alone Travis?" Aaron asks

Travis pulls himself out of the water fountain and tries to wipe off some of the water. He walks over to me and kisses my cheek.

"I'll see you later" he says and he leaves

I wipe the water off my cheek and I turn around to face Aaron.

"Why did you do that for me?" I ask

"Because I wanted to ask you something" he replies

"What?" I say suspiciously

"Can I have a dance?" He asks me holding out his hand

"W-well I guess" I say taking his hand

I feel his hand around my waist I rest my hand on his shoulder. I try to keep in time with him but I'm not the best dancer. Luckily I don't step on his toes or anything. This is actually kind of fun. I still want to go home though.

Garroth's P.O.V.

As I'm walking though the garden while taking a break from the ball I see two people dancing. As I step closer I see that it is Aphmau and Aaron. It feels like something just stabbed my heart. I walk away silently.

Of course Aaron is with Aphmau. He walkways gets everything. Well not this time. I won't loose. I know that some of the other guys are infatuated with Aphmau but they are all just experiencing crushes. Not what I feel. They could never know how I feel.

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