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Lowell's P.O.V.

It's been a day since the thief has been here. We decided that we weren't going to let her go back to the other thieves because they'd cause more trouble. It's alright though, I was always taught that thieves are people who are selfish and want everything.

Also the lord of Phoenix Drop has instructed one of the lords or lady's who are here for training to watch over her. Apparently it's a lesson on how to communicate with people no matter how bad they are. I mean I can kind of see why we need that lesson but why didn't we just put her in the dungeon.

It's sadly my day to watch over Aphmau so I am walking towards her room. I really don't want to have to talk to a thief they are scary. When I arrive I knock on the door.

"Get lost whoever you are!" I hear her say

"I have to come in" I reply

"No you don't, let me go home!" She replies through the door

"I can't, we have decided to keep you here" I respond

I hear her footsteps come towards the door and I step back. The door slams open and she looks angry beyond reason, even so she looks really pretty. Yeah I'm not going back on that either.

She grabs my shirt collar and pushes me to the wall

"You can't do that, I have people I need to get back to. They will die" she says looking like she is going to cry

"I'm sorry, the choice was already made" I whisper

Aphmau lets go of me and turns around. She walks back to her room and slams the door. I don't think I'm going to be able to go in there any time soon. I walk back to where my friends are having breakfast.

"Umm Aphmau is really mad, Zane it was your choice to keep her here, you go talk to her" I say sitting down

"Whatever, Vylad please pass the eggs" Zane says ignoring me

"Oh and when you do, I advise that you don't give her or wear anything that she can use as a weapon" I add

Zane's P.O.V.

So apparently Lowell is to incompetent to be able to complete the simple task of watching over Aphmau so now I have to go watch her. I'm not scared of her. I know that she can kill me in a second but she won't so I don't have to worry.

I am about to knock on the door when I hear soft sobbing. I quietly open the door to see what's going on. Aphmau is sitting by the bay window crying and looking out over the forest.

"I really need to get back, Katelyn won't be able to hold up everything without me much longer" she says to herself

When she says that if she doesn't get back I guess she is right. Well maybe I'll just leave a pot of gold or something in the forest. If that will get her to calm down.

She notices me and stares at me with those cold eyes. I know this isn't really her, I saw how she acted in front of that Ross guy. She looked so happy when he hugged her.l

"What do you want?" She asks

"I want you to stop crying" I say stepping closer to her

"Don't come any closer" she says narrowing her eyes

"If you want then I can leave some gold in the forest" I say, her eyes light up a little

"Why?" She asks me intrigued

"Well it will be interesting to see what you would do if you knew your friends went going to die" I say calmly

"That's not going to help, we have reasons to steal. They'll assume it's a trap. I wouldn't blame my friends if they did. Just leave" she says turning back to the window

I want to continue talking with her but I wouldn't tell her that. I turn around and leave the room. I guess I'll leave the job of telling her that she needs to come to dinner tonight to someone else. Cadenza and Laurance sound good.

Aphmau's P.O.V.

Oh my Irene, I can't believe that they are going to keep me here, like a bird stuck in a cage. I won't be like this for much longer though. I'm already planning my escape. I can't stay here. I hear another knock on my door. Oh my Irene just leave me alone.

"GO AWAY!" I yell

I hear the door open and a young woman with red hair walks in. Cadenza and her brother Laurance.

"Oh my Irene, you are so pretty" Cadenza says walking over to me

"I'll say" Laurance adds flirtatiously

"If you don't leave in five seconds you prissy little brat I'll stab a knife so far through your stomach that I'll come out the other side" I say fighting back my tears

"Aww you don't mean that, I can see that you're gonna cry "Cadenza giggles "Well I'll get down to it, you are invited to dinner tonight. Wear a dance dress. See you there"

Cadenza leaves the room leaving me a little shocked and Laurance and I alone.

"Well?" I say

"Well what?" He replies

"Aren't you going to leave?" I say as if it's obvious

"Nahh, I'll stay here for a bit longer" He says sitting down next to me and wrapping his arm around my waist

"Let her go" a voice at the entrance of my room states

We turn to look and Aaron is standing there. The last thing I need is him right now. I thought he was my friend but he is just keeping me locked away here. He is just like the others. Laurance sighs and leaves my room, closing the door behind him.

I turn away from Aaron and look back over the forest. Aaron walks closet to me and sits down, I let him because I really don't want to speak to him at all.

"You know, maybe this is for the best, you get to live a life of luxury now" He says trying to be positive

Aaron's P.O.V.

I guess I really shouldn't have said that. The next thing I know Aphmau is pinning me to the ground with her hands around my neck. She is shaking and I feel her tears falling like rain on my cheek. Her hands aren't trying to choke me.

I softly put my hands on hers and pull them away. She allows me to and I sit up. I hold her in my arms while she cries. She must be so worried for her friends, I know that they are like family to her. I continue to hold her while she cries.

When she has finally calmed down I let her go and she walks back to the bay window. I look over the forest with her. The sun is almost setting. I guess the day goes by quicker in winter. Then again it has been a very long day,

I tell Aphmau that we need to get ready for dinner.

"I'm not going, let me starve" she says

"If you're dead then you can't help your friends" I say

"Whatever" she says getting up and walking to her closet

"I'll be going then" I say

"Unless you want to watch me change" she says

"I-I well umm" I stutter, I don't know what to say

"I'm kidding" she says with a soft giggle

I walk out of her room and my mind keeps replaying the scene of her giggling over and over in my head. What if I had said yes? What would happen?

I go get ready for dinner and then I knock on Aphmau's door.

"Unless you're Aaron get lost before I put a knife through your throat" I hear her say

Is open the door and I see her standing there like a beautiful angel.

Just like she was yesterday. She walks out of the room and turns back to me.

"Aren't you coming? I'm sure everyone will be waiting for us" she says smiling

I smile back and follow her. I'm still really shocked that she knows her way around this castle like the back of her hand. She is just so different from every other girl.

We arrive at the dining hall and walk in.

All the eyes are on Aphmau. She doesn't act nervous at all. She is always so calm. We take our seats and I can see Garte glaring that her.

"What's this street trash doing here?" Garte asks bitterly

No way in nether is Aphmau going to let that slide.

"The only thing trashy here is that cloak you're wearing" Aphmau says narrowing her eyes at him

Oh my Irene, shots where fired. I see everyone's mothers open wide and I try not to laugh.

"Take that back" he almost yells

"Nope, but maybe you should take back those boots, they aren't doing your feet any favours" Aphmau replies smirking

Garte stands up and walks over to her. Before she can react he slaps her. Everything goes silent and Aphmau's eyes are open wide. This is t going to end well.

Before Garte can leave Aphmau has pinned him to the floor with a steak knife to his neck. She scrapes it agains his cheek cutting him. Everyone is to scared to move. She holds the knif up and stabs the ground next to Garte.

Garte passes out due to fear and Aphmau storms off to her room. We just witnessed a fraction of Aphmau's power. And honestly, Garte deserved that. I excuse myself and walk to the exit.

I go to Aphmau's room and I knock on the door to Aphmau's room. When there is no answer I walk in. I see Aphmau curled up on her bed.

It looks like she passed out due to anger and shock. I pull the covers over her and kiss her forehead. Sleep well Aphmau.

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