Ch9- A Werewolf?

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Sky's P.O.V.

I am still very shocked over what happened last night at the dining table. Aphmau took down a grown man without any problem at all. She has changed so much, when we were kids she was so frail and fragile.

Xx Flash Back xX

8 year old Sky's P.O.V.

Jin and I are going to the orphanage. Our friends Barney, Red, Ross and Aphmau live there. Jin and I come from a noble family while Red, Ross and Aphmau are at the orphanage. Barney comes by to play with us sometimes. He likes to make dun of me because he is the oldest. He is on,y four months older.

Aphmau is the youngest and she is so pretty. Our parents don't like us playing with them because they aren't rich, I just really enjoy playing with kids my age. I want to spend more time with Aphmau. When I'm around her I feel all tingly inside

*Time Skip To A Few Months*

Sky's P.O.V.

My parents are staring to give me more and more work to do. I don't have time to play with my friends anymore. Jin and I still play a lot and we have stared to accidentally say bad things about poor people.

Today we are going to the orphanage to play again. My parents said that this is the last time they will allow me to go. When we get there we see Aphmau, Ross, Red and Barney making flower crowns. Aphmau sees us and jumps up.

"Sky! Jin!" She says hugging us

I feel a little awkward, my parents have said so many things about how peasants have diseases. I pull back and she stares at me.

"What's wrong?" She asks

"Umm noting, let's go play" I say and we join the group

I started lol really like Aphmau but she is a peasant. I would never be able to be with her. Besides I'm sure there are other people like her.

Xx Flash Back End xX

Sky's P.O.V.

That day ended with Jin and I calling them street rats. We felt that we had to because that way they wouldn't feel hurt when we left. How wrong I was. There are no other girls like Aphmau. We were so stupid to have ever said that to our friends.

But now Aphmau is here. And we have a second chance, I'm not going to mess this up, I realised when I saw Aphmau I was still in love with her. She may have changed a lot but she still has that fire in her eyes that won't die down.

To apologise again is why Jin and I are walking to her room. When we knock on the door there is no answer. Confused we open the door. Aphmau is sitting at the bay window drawing. She is drawing a forest.

I didn't know that she was good at drawing.

She looks up at us and narrows her eyes. She doesn't say anything but I can feel her eyes burning holes into my soul.

"Get out" she says in an almost whisper

"Aphmau we need to talk to you" Jin says

"I swear to Irene" Aphmau starts "If this is about what happened all those years ago I don't want to hear it. You made it quite clear how you felt about me. Ross, Red, Barney and I have made it fine on our own so just leave me alone"

Jin sighs and leaves the room. But I'm determined, I won't rest until we have apologised properly. I walk over to her and take a seat at the bay window.

"Aphmau we were so young" I start "None of us knew what we were doing. I know that it's no excuse but it's all in the past"

"Apparently your parents knew what they were doing" Aphmau explains "After you and Jin ditched us they cut the finding to the orphanage. We were all forced to leave. That's when we had to run away. We found a cave in the woods and we met our friends who are our family and team now"

"W-What?" I say confused

"Why do you think I've never forgiven you?" She asks

"Aphmau I'm so sorry, I had no idea" I say shocked

"Just leave, I don't want anything to do with you" she says and she turns way from me

I try to touch her shoulder but I stop myself. I stand up and quietly walk out of the room. I really tried, but it's so hard. My heart feels broken, but I still love her. I can't just let her go. She is just to special to me.

Aphmau's P.O.V.

I'm having trouble concentrating on my drawing when all I can think about is Sky and Jin. Ughhh I need inspiration. I'm going to the garden. Maybe I'll find something to draw in the garden. I am already dressed in a purple dress.

I haven't been able to wear pants or shorts while being here because I wasn't provided with any.

I step out into the hallway and I walk to the garden.

Sadly the wall is to hight to jump and I can't run away while I'm wearing a skirt. There are way to many guards as well. Mother of Irene this is so annoying.

I take a seat on the bench and I take in my surroundings, I feel like I'm being watched and I look up to see Lowell and Fenrir watching me through a big window. What's their problem?

I hear a branch snap and I turn around, I am met face to face with a wolf.

I don't scream or anything but I stand up. I take a few steps back as we look into each others eyes. A black smoke appears around the world and when it disappears I see a tall boy with brownies black hair and brown eyes.

"W-What?" I say confused

"My name is Balto, I am an Alpha male from a secret werewolf pack. I'm looking for Lowell and Fenrir" He says "Hey you're very beautiful and you aren't marked, how do you feel about being my Luna?"

"Take a hike jerk" I say flicking my hair

"Ohh feisty, I like it" He says walking closer to me

"If you come any closer I swear I'll put a knife through your throat" I say

We hear footsteps running towards us and Fenrir an Lowell come out from behind one of the trees.

"Aphmau get away from him, he is a killer" Lowell states

"I'm a killer to" I say dully

"Yeah but, just Ughh. Balto get away from her this is our territory" Fenrir states

"Well you haven't marked her so I guess I can take her with me" Balto smirks

"Touch me and I will put so many holes in you that people will confuse you Swiss cheese" I say with a deadly look in my eyes

"Oh well, I'll be back. Oh also better mark her while you can" Balto says and he turns back into a wolf

He jumps over the fence with ease. I wish I could do that. I turn back to Lowell and Fenrir and walk past them.

"You know Aphmau, a werewolf has their sights set on you. He might take you back to his pack" Lowell states

"Well it must be better than this place" I reply

"Aphmau were serious, you need to be careful" Fenrir adds

"Please, I've dealt with werewolves before. He isn't anything special" I say and I walk back to my room

I have dealt with people from all different species. An Alpha werewolf is noting new. But I mean maybe I could use him to get me out of here. Hmm Nahh that's to easy. I need a challenge.

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