Another Year

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A lot of people would advocate making big changes or major commitments for the upcoming year as their New Year's resolution. They're gonna work out more! They're gonna connect with more people and stay more social and active! They'll travel more! They'll diet for the entire year!

... I'd say it's not really the big changes that truly matter, but rather the little ones. With this year, comes 365 more days, and within each of those days, hundreds of little moments. It's always important to appreciate the little things, especially when the grand scheme of reality seems so bleak and daunting. Take just a few moments every day, and find something that makes you just a little bit happier, or do something to make another feel better too. Whether you find something that is aesthetically or emotionally pleasing, do something you enjoy and fulfills you, or you take a moment to reflect the good things in your life in that moment, there's always a teeny thing that can lift your spirits.

I'm not saying to ignore the big picture and the plans for the future, but to slow down and enjoy the road along the way so you don't burn yourself out. Take some moments to smile and make yourself happy, and then take some moments of work to improve your life. Make that next little baby step that can bring you closer to that next big goal, even if it isn't particularly fun or entertaining.

And be proud of yourself, because you made it. You made it through today, just like you made it through yesterday, and the days and months and years before that. You made mistakes, yes, and you're going to keep making mistakes, but you're learning, slowly but surely. You'll grow stronger, smarter, more skillful, more understanding, wiser, etc.

You are beautiful soul, that'll grow brighter each and every day if you'll let it. There are big and scary things to face in the future, many uncertain questions to answer, but it'll be okay. You will be okay. Just don't try to rush things- slow down, take time to take care your needs and heal from any wounds in your soul.

Kindle that little spark inside of you, feed it those tiny twigs of inspiration and shavings of joy, and it'll grow into a strong and healthy flame of hope that will keep you warm in this cold world. And if the rains of of dread, doubt, grief, anxiety, and fear douse it? Just start again, and stoke it once more. You can do it, even if you need to borrow a light from those around you for a bit. Everything will be okay, every little moment will be okay.








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