Chapter Fourty Five: Presented to you By

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"Almost summer!!"

"Today's video is presented to you by the Ceader Ville High School Yearbook team," the principal starts out, motioning towards one of the several cameras stationed facing the stage and the graduates.
"Look, there's Persia," I point to where I can faintly see my sisters recently dyed blue hair.
Thankfully just after my family all notice her, the camera angle changes and we're able to see the faces of the graduates.
"There's Shrek!" Kelly exclaims, pointing at our brother.
I'm glad we have a smart TV, I can't imagine how uncomfortable it would be for all of us to be crowded around one of our phones to watch this since our father leaves his laptop at work a lot and our mother doesn't have one.
"They're all grown up," my mothers voice breaks a little and I glance over to see her eyes watering a little.
My father is silent, but I can see his eyes beginning to water a little as well.

Me: any of you guys watching gradation?
Katy: I am! We're all watching to see Shrek and Persia graduate
Katy: my mom says to tell your parents congrats

I set my phone down for a moment, "Katy says her mom says congrats to you two," I glance between my parents.
"Tell her we say thank you," my father smiles, not taking his eyes off of the TV.

Me: they say thank you
Katy: Cool
Ash: I started watching it but I'm gonna hop back on when it's a little closer to actual graduating time lol
Me: fair
Ella: my family is watching
Me: awesome!
Ella: I like Persias hair
Me: yeah! She dyed it a couple days ago!
Ella: cool

The principal goes on talking and I space out for a moment, remembering one of the assemblies when Zack, Ash, Jake and I all sat together and Zack kept whispering sarcastic comments into my ear. I whispered some back and we kept trying to hold back laughter, I could tell my face was red from how hot it felt, and I could see the red on his face.

Eventually the principal begins calling out names and kids start walking up to the stage as their name is called.
As Persia starts walking onto the stage, my family all smile and watch. My mother records the screen with her phone.
"Persia!" Kelly calls out.
"Yay!" Becca exclaims.
I clap awkwardly and glance to my mothers phone, "Persia!"
We watch intently as Persia accepts her diploma and shakes the principals hand, posing for a moment as one of the year book crew takes their photo.
A few more kids get called up and eventually I see someone familiar- well, I recognize most of them, but I mean my brother.
"Skrek!" I point out as my brother begins to walk up to the stage to get his diploma.
"Shrek!" Kelly and Becca chorus.
He accepts his diploma and shakes the principals hand and I can tell he's staring at Persia because as he walks off they both wave their diplomas at each other.
"Our babies graduated," My father looks over at my mother across the room perched on the arm of one of the recliners.
"Yay!" Kelly claps.

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