Chapter Fourty Six: Summer!

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"🎵Schools out for summer!🎵 "
"Ugh we still have two more days"
"Ha loser"

I slide my phone into my pocket and head out of the house to my car. As I walk out, I can see Clyde walking out of his house and usher him this way.
"C'mon, we gotta hurry if we want coffee!" I run over to my car and hop into the drivers side.
I had left my backpack and violin in my room so all I had with me was my year book and the gel pens I got from Ashley, which I toss into the back seat.
Clyde rushes over and gets in, holding his year book and phone on his lap.
"Coffee time," I turn the car on and pull out of the driveway.

"Hey you two," Ashley waves as Clyde and I walk into the building.
"Hey Ashley," I wave.
Clyde waves as well, struggling to hold his coffee, yearbook, and phone.
I take a long drink of my coffee as we walk over to our friends. Our friends. I smile briefly and take another sip of coffee.
"I'll be taking that," Rider snatches my year book from my arm, "a pen please malady."
I giggle and hand him a pen.
Rider flips through the pages, finds the one with his portrait and signs his name, adding a heart at the end. I expect him to be done but then he goes and flips to the back to the designated autograph pages and scribbles something.
"Here you go," he closes it and passes it to me.
"Thanks," I laugh.
I set my pens and coffee down and then sit myself down at the table. Clyde sits beside me, staring at Rider as he signs his yearbook.
I open my yearbook and flip to the back page.
It was a good year Newbie, thanks for hanging out with us
-Rider Lawrence
"Aw, thanks Rider," I smile, "now I want your yearbook."
"Calm down, there's a line. Obviously Max is signing it right now, then Clyde, then you can have a turn," Rider shakes his head and I hear a hint of a brittish accent creeping in at the end of his sentence.
"Don't talk like that," Ashley slaps his arm.
"Why not?" Rider uses the full accent, "I'm just practicing for my trip to England this summer."
"God, you're rich," I roll my eyes.

"Happy last day everyone," Mr. Sharp says as we all sit down in our seats, "if anyone wants their yearbook signed, bring it up to my desk. My yearbook is sitting on the counter over there if anyone wants to leave an appropriate message in that."
I glance to Clyde, "I'm taking my yearbook up there."
"I'll go with you," He stands up from his seat and follows me closely as I go to Mr. Sharp's desk.
His arms are outstretched as almost a shield around me, but not touching me, as we walk.
I set my yearbook on the corner of Mr. Sharps desk and Clyde sets his on top of mine.
"Thank you you two," Mr. Sharp says, "have a great summer."
Clyde and I both nod and chorus, "thank you."
We then both shuffle over to Mr. Sharp's year book, momentarily abandoning our own.
Thanks for being an awesome teacher, glad I got this class! Have a great summer!
-Lana Flame
I step aside and let Clyde write in it next, glancing over his shoulder for a moment to see what he writes.
Drink lots of H2O this summer, thanks for being a cool teacher
-Clyde Travis
"Sweet, let's go back to our seats to wait for our yearbooks," I suggest.

"Have a wonderful summer everyone," one of the secretaries says over the intercom as the bell rings.
As Clyde and I walk through the halls, we hear excited screams everywhere mixed with "have a great summer!"'s, "See you next year!"'s and even a few "I'll miss you!"'s.

"Look at what Ashley wrote in mine!" I show Clyde my yearbook to reveal a pretty cloud sketch with writing in it.
Have a great summer girl, you certainly made the school year great!
"Nice!" Clyde turns his yearbook to me, "this is what she wrote in mine."
Have a great summer idiot. We better get the whole group together this summer- between Riders trips of course.
"Cool!" I nod.
I readjust myself on my bed. Were both sitting Criss Cross on my bed looking through our yearbooks.
"Look! Here's one of us!" I point to a picture of the two of us sitting in Mr. Sharp's class working on a lab.
"Thats a good one!" Clyde nods.
"Dude, I'm so excited to hang out this summer," I say, mindlessly flipping to the next page.
"Me too," Clyde nods, "it's going to be a great summer."

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