Chapter Nine: I Cant Stop Thinking About You

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"I wish I were there so I could give you a hug or something"
"Me too"

I tell my friends about how humiliated I had felt this morning, of course leaving out the details of the dream. I only told very few people about my dreams, such as Ash.
"Lana," my mother knocks on my door, "May I come in?"
"I can't stop you," I roll my eyes.
Her tone changes to desperate as she responds, "If you don't want me to-"
"Come in," I interrupt her.
I sit up and prepare for a lecture as My mother pushes open the door. She comes to sit beside me on my bed, smoothing the blanket before she does.
"I'm sorry about earlier," she leans on my side, "I thought about how I would feel in your position and I think I understand why you miss home so much."
My stomach drops and I begin to panic, does she know about Zack!? My body is tense as she continues.
"I would miss my friends too," She continues.
My muscles relax and I open my mouth to speak but she keeps talking.
"And I understand if you don't want to stay here once you graduate," she continues.
"That's an understatement," I mutter.
"I'm sorry you can't be with your friends," My mother kisses my forehead.
"I'm glad you got your dream job, but I had dreams back home," I explain, "I was excited to go to my senior year with my friends and to maybe even go to senior prom with my friends."
I had only went to one highschool dance so far, my Freshman year, homecoming. I had managed to avoid ever other dance.
"Maybe you still can," My mother looks around my room.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"I looked at the schedule here and your proms are during different weekends, at least this year. So if the schedule stays about the same next year-" My mothers words bring a smile to my face.
"I could maybe go to prom at home!" I exclaim and add silently and maybe even go with Zack as more than a friend, "thank you!" I hug my mother.
"Don't thank me," she laughs, "thank the school systems."
"Thank you school systems!" I jump off my bed and shout.
My father peeks his head into my room, "why are you suddenly so genuinely enthusiastic about school?"
"I may be able to go to senior prom next year!" I flop back onto my bed.
My father fully enters the room, "why wouldn't you have been able to?"
"I mean the one at home," I close my eyes happily, finally a piece of good news.
"Isn't it too warm for a jacket?" He raises an eyebrow.
"Huh?" I prop myself up on my elbows and glance down, "yeah-"
He shrugs and shakes his head before turning to leave the room.
"Ok, I'll leave you to your unpacking," my mother nods to the two boxes on the foot of my bed.
Once my mother leaves my room I pull out my phone.

Ash: Yay!!!!!!

Zack: Wassup?

Think of the devil. A handsome devil. I giggle a little.
I shift on my bed a bit.

Me: Nothin' much. Just mental insanity
Zack: so nothing new 😂
Me: Oh shush, you're crazy too
Zack: Idk what you're talking about, I'm perfectly normal
Me: Normal is an opinion
Zack: My opinion
Me: 😂 what're you up to?

"Hey, do you wanna go to the beach?" My father calls.
"Uh- yeah-! Sounds like fun!" I call.

Zack: I'm just hanging out with my fam
Me: neat

I set my phone down and go to my dresser, now stocked with most of my clothes.
I pick out a Pineapple tank top and some blue jeans shorts. I change into them quickly, setting Zacks jacket onto my bed.
Once I'm done, I rush out of my room and into the living room where my father is already waiting. He had already been wearing shorts and a t-shirt so he was ready to go.
"Are we all ready?" My mother asks as she and the twins walk out of the hallway and into the living room.
My father and I both nod.
"Let's blow this Popsicle stand," he takes the keys out of his pocket and leads the way outside.

Once we get to the beach we all get out and stand in the wind for a moment before parting ways. I run straight towards the water, the twins get out some sand toys, and my parents hang out near them.
I stop running once I get to the waters edge. I wait as the water starts going back out and I follow it slowly. I go into the water about shin deep and wait for it to come back again. I start running as the water moves, kicking up water as I go.
Being here at the beach makes time stop, it's like nothing else matters. In books and in the movies people always say love is like this, but I think the beach is too. Maybe it's different with love, I wouldn't know. I can't imagine how it must feel to be I'm love at a beach. I smile to myself.
I keep chasing and running away from the water for what feels like only minutes when suddenly I hear my mother calling.
"I think it's time to go," she calls.
I glance to the orangeish sky across the water, I guess it's getting late.

Once we get home I change into Pajamas right away. After changing I sit on my bed and relax for a moment.
I look at the time; 10:02. I get under the covers and begin playing games on my phone. As time passes I just focus on the game.
Suddenly its past midnight. I put my phone down and let my thoughts wander. First stop; Him. I look at the clock on the table beside my bed, its 12:25.
Its only been today for 25 minutes and I'm already thinking about him. When will this stop? Will this ever stop?

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