Chapter Seven: Fluttering Heart

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"You like Jazz?"
"What kind of Conversation starter is that? 😂"

I blink my eyes open in the bright morning light. It's 7 am and its too bright.
"Lana!" My mother calls.
I need to get curtains.
"Coming!" I yell back as I sit up to stretch and then my voice is taken over by a yawn.
I roll out of bed. Quite literally. I roll straight onto the floor. Blankets and all.
"What was that!? My mother yells.
"dropped my blanket!" I yell back. Its not a lie. My blanket is on the floor.
"That sounded too loud for a blanket!" My mother yells again.
"I was in it!" I stand up and wrap my blanket around me.
"Why?" She's at my door now.
"I rolled out of bed," I open the door and walk past her, "why do I have to be awake?"
"We're going to do some sight seeing," my mother says.
"We're not tourists," I roll my eyes.
"Don't you want to look around?" My mother sounds worried.
"Fine. Just don't call it sight seeing," I plop down on the couch.
Someone holds a steaming red mug in front of me.
"Drink up," its my father, "coffee."
I take the cup and take a sip, its hot. I taste caramel and maybe chocolate on the second sip. I sigh happily and keep drinking.
"Thanks," I say as he walks away.
I get up after a moment and go to my room to get dressed, taking the mug with me.
When I walk into my room I pick up my phone from where I left it laying on the floor and sit it and the mug onto my bedside table while I find something to change into. I look out the obnoxiously bright window. Its very sunny, probably very hot.
I find my capris and my white shirt with the lace top.
I open my phone once I have my clothes.

Zack: Morning sunshine
Me: Same to you Sleeping Beauty
Zack: Shouldn't you be sleeping beauty?

My heart flutters again and I'm smiling like an idiot.

Me: Nah
Zack: so you're not a girl???
Me: No- i- I am a girl-
Zack: 😂
Me: Brb, I've gotta get dressed
Zack: have fun
Me: pfft

I drop my phone on my bed then head to the bathroom to get dressed, taking a sip of my coffee before I go.
Once I'm back in my room I grab my phone before going to the living room.
As I walk I think of the song Ready and the part were she says she wishes she could crawl into his mind and see if he wonders about her secrets and see what his are. I wish I knew if Zack felt the same way I do.

"First on our agenda: we go past your new school. I want to know what it looks like and where it is. After that we will go to the mall and find new furniture and things for the house," Mother says as we approach the front door.
"But if we find anything how are we getting it home? Dad returned the rental car-! We can't carry it!" I panic slightly, the thought of helping my mother carry something like a table from the mall back to here pains me.
"Yes, he returned the rental car, but, he bought a truck!" Mother explains, "we won't be walking or carrying anything home."
"Cool!" I follow her out the door.
Out by the curb is a big grey truck. It looks shiny and new. It hadn't even made it as far as our driveway yet.
As I open the door I see the amazing black leather interior that proves its a new vehicle. Now I could understand why people crave the new car smell.
I climb into the passenger seat and glance around.. There are two rows, five seats, and a brand new air freshener lays still in the package on the dash.
"Can I open this?" I ask my mother as she climbs into the driver's seat.
"I was thinking we find one better like vanilla or something. Pine tree is just so basic," she responds.
I nod and set the green tree shaped air freshener back where I found it.
I sigh as my mother puts the truck into gear and we start on our way.

"Here it is!" My mother says.
I look out the driver's side window at the school; Katella High School.
Its a big building, much bigger than my old school. When I was reaserching the area it seemed like all of the schools were bigger than the ones at home.
Home. I want to go back. A tear runs down my right cheek and I look away from the school.
"Let's go shop," I say quietly.

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