Chapter Seventeen: We're Neighbors.

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"Am I supposed to care?"
"Not really."

"Hey, look at the camera," I order Clyde.
He leans over and sticks his tounge out at my camera, getting me to do the same.
"Sweet, thanks," I send the picture to him and to my group chat of friends.

Me: picture day!!
Ash: Oooo
Katy: awesome

I get off the bus and wait a moment for Clyde to get off as well.
"C'mon, there's 6 minutes until the first bell and I want to put my violin in my locker!" I say, grabbing Clyde's arm and dragging him along.
Rider races up beside us and begins talking our ears off as we walk. I notice he's in a full suit, making Clyde and his blue button up and jeans look like he barely tried. Today was picture day so everyone in school wore their best.
"We've chosen our next summer vacation," Rider announces, "we are going to Silverwood in Idaho!"
"What's that?" I ask.
"Water park slash theme park," Rider shrugs, "should be fun. We'll get a hotel by it and we'll stay for a few days. August, by the way."
"Nice," I slide my violin into my locker.
"Sounds fun," Clyde nods.
"You're missing the best part Clyde- my dad offered that you and Tristan can come too!" Rider beams.
"Whoa, that's awe-" Clyde is cut off by the ringing bell and suddenly Rider vanishes.

"Smooth out your shirt," The photographer suggests.
I take a moment to smooth my black button up shirt and adjust the hair hanging in my face.
"Now smile," they flash a wide grin at me, hoping I'll do the same, but I just go for a soft smile, "1, 2, 3!"
The flash makes me blink.
"Looka great," the photographer waves me off to the side, "next!"

Eventually lunch comes and I'm surrounded by Clyde and his laughing friends.
My phone vibrates in my pocket and I pull it out to see a notification from my group chat with Ash, Jake, and Zack.
I open the message and it shows that Jake had sent a gif. As it loads it just shows a cow saying Moo.

Me: ????
Jake: Mooooooo
Me: shouldn't you be in class?
Jake: 🤷‍♂️
Ash: wtf

I giggle and Tristan leans over to peek at my screen.
"Nuh uh," I laugh and pull my phone away, "mind your business."
Tristan shrugs, "just wanted to see what made you smile like that."
I become suddenly aware that my face was stretched into a smile and I lift my hand to cover it.
"Talking to my friends from back home," I take a deep breath and lower my hand.
"Nice," Tristan nods and goes back to his food.

Later, while I'm walking between classes, I get a message from Ash; it's a video. I tap the video and wait for it to load as I walk. Once it loads the video shows a pair of girls making journals to write in and give to each other a year later.

Me: we should do that!!
Ash: we should!!!
Me: I'll need to find a notebook
Ash: didn't you go school shopping with the neighbor? Didn't you get a bunch of notebooks then?
Me: yeah, but I use those for school
Ash: all of them?
Me: fair point, I don't actually need a notebook for my art class since I've got my sketch book
Ash: I'll ask Dad if he knows where my other notebooks are
Me: good plan

I sit down in my seat and not long after the person next to me sits in their seat.
"Hey Lana," they say as they pull their sketch book out.
"Hey Jax," I set my phone down and look for my Sketchbook in my backpack

After class I pull my phone out of my pocket and see a message from Ash.

Ash: Dad has no idea where they are and Mom refuses to answer
Me: dang
Ash: Yeah

"Hey," Clyde winks as he passes me in the hallway.
"Hey!" I reach out for his arm, "at least stay and talk for a moment, your class is just down the hall."
Clyde laughs, "what's up?"
I shrug, "I dunno," I laugh, "get to class already!"
He rolls his eyes and turns to go down the hallway.
"Flirting with your boyfriend?" A voice says behind me.
I turn around, "what?"
"You and Clyde," the voice belonged to Amber.
"We're not together," I go to push past her and she steps in front of me, "mind your own business."
Amber puts a hand on her hip, and glares at me, "this is my school, new girl," she snarls.
"Whatever, I don't care," I walk around her and rush to my class.

Me: dudes, I was talking to my friend in the hallway and some girl was like "Flirting with your boyfriend?" 😑
Ella: RIP
Katy: is he your boyfriend?
Me: noooooo he's just my friend, we're neighbors
Katy: ohhhhhh the cute neighbor
Me: what? 😂
Katy: you sent a picture of you two on the bus, I think he's cute
Me: pfft

I screenshot the messages and send the screenshot to Clyde just as the bell rings.

After class I dash through the halls to the strings room to grab my violin. A janitor unlocks the door and I'm able to go in. I rush to the back of the room and grab my violin out of the locker then rush to the busses.
I climb onto my bus and go to find Clyde's seat.
"What girl said that about us?" Clyde asks as I sit down.
I bite my lip, "Amber."
Clyde rolls his eyes, "and who's Katy?"
"My cousin," I laugh and pull out my phone.
"She thinks I'm cute?" Clyde raises an eyebrow.
"She's thirteen Clyde, most boys are cute to her," I roll my eyes and shove him jokingly.

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