Chapter Seventy Eight: Back at it Again

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"You ready for this?"
"I've waited forever for this"

"Marie, I'm kidnapping your Neice," Jake states, pushing the door open wide enough for me to rush past my aunt.
"Oh? Well have fun, stay safe," Aunt Marie laughs.
I scurry to Jake's parents' dark red Ford Expedition, climbing into the middle row with Ash. Zack had already taken shotgun so I only got to see his face while glancing in the rear view mirror.
"Hey," he lifts his hand up and waves over his shoulder.
"Hey," I wave back.
"Ok, Freeze World, here we come," Jake puts the car in gear and we start heading towards the local ice cream place.
Jake had agreed to pay for everyone's ice cream so I was glad I wouldn't have to spend any of the small allowance my parents plan to send me every month. They'd sent the first bit and told me they'd send more the first week of February which  would be in a few days.

After ice cream we pull into a parking space at the park. As we all stumble out of the car, we laugh and finish the conversation from the car ride.
"And then we go to Disneyland," Jake finishes.
"That'd be fun, but how would we afford all that?" I ask.
My family lived in an apartment until our Junior year.
Ash nods, "I don't know if we could all manage to get that much money-"
Ash's family had rented several different houses and had once even lived in the same apartments as my family. If I got enough money then I'd help her pay too.
"Save up?" Jake shrugs.
"We don't make any money dude," Ash raises an eyebrow.
Jake shrugs, "we've got until June to figure it out.
"Jake, a graduation trip is only fun if we don't go completely broke funding it. It's a great idea, but it would cost thousands of dollars some of us don't have," Zack reasons.
"Oof," Jake walks past the group and hives beside an empty table.
Even if I got a job I don't think I'd be able to pay for myself to go, let alone help pay for Ash-
My two hundred dollar allowance each month wouldn't last until June for a trip all the way across the country.
"Let's just go have fun," Zack says, placing his hand on my waist and guiding me over to the table by Jake, glancing to Ash to be sure that she was also coming.

"Look at this cool rock I found!" Zack holds up a grey and white speckled rock for us all to see.
"Ooooo, very nice," I reach my hand out and grab it, laughing as I take a few steps backwards, "mine now!"
"I'm gonna get you!" Zack laughs, taking a big step towards me.
"Really?" I squint my eyes at him mischievously.
"Mhm," he nods.
We both lean forward and kiss for a moment before being interrupted by Ash and Jake making mock kissing noises.
Jake laughs, "Zack and Lana sitting in a tree, K I S S I N-" The last letter is interrupted by Zack punching his stomach playfully.
"Oh hush," I roll my eyes, desperately trying and failing to hold back laughter.
I hand back Zacks rock and the four of us begin heading to the table we'd claimed for the day to sit and catch our breath.
While we're walking, Jake points to the swings.
"Get on, we'll push you," Jake insists, motioning to the swings.
Ash and I glance to each other and shrug then book it to the swings. We climb onto two swings beside each other and wait for the boys to start pushing us.
Zack steps behind me and Jake walks over to stand behind Ash.
"You ready?" Zack asks.
I nod and grip the swings chains tightly.
Zack grabs the chains just bellow my hands and pulls back. He let's go and I'm sent forward; the swinging begins.
After a few moments of him pushing me, I'm fairly high up.
Out of the corner of my eye I see a little boy, no more than 6, run up behind Zack and Jake and "bite" them each with his toy dinosaur.
Zack and Jake both gasp as the kid runs off giggling.
"You two stay here, we're gonna chase the kid," Zack laughs.
Ash and I laugh as the two boys dart off after the little boy.
It doesn't take long for them to catch up, at which point the dinosaur apparently bites them again and they start running from the little boy.
He's so good with kids, I smile, watching Zack dodge the end of the slide while running away from the little boy.
"Its a lot less awkward watching you two now," Ash laughs.
I can feel my face growing warm, "it's a lot less awkward being us now."
"Thats good," Ash nods.
"Yeah!" I nod, "our date was so nice, he even walked me to the doorstep and kissed me again!"
"Oooooo," Ash smiles, "I'm glad you two are together finally."
"Me too," I nod.
There's a momentary pause before Ash speaks again.
"So, I think I like somebody," Ash trails off.
"What's his name?" I ask, "does he go to our school?"
Our school. I smile for a moment at the thought.
Ash shakes her head, "He goes to Sun Prarie East high."
"Oh wow, where'd yall meet?" I ask, hoping the answer isn't the internet.
"We met at the choir competition and he gave me his number and we've been talking since then," Ash pulls out her phone and shows me the contact for 'Jackson Fallows' who looks to be a tall, broad shouldered guy with only the start of a beard.
"Nice," I nod.
"That kid can run," Zack laughs, all out of breath as he and Jame head towards the swings, glancing behind him watching the young boy climb into his mother's car.
Ash and I both slow ourselves down. I hop off the swing just before it's stopped, Ash takes another moment to stop and get off.
"You guys have fun over here?" Zack asks.
"Mhm!" Ash and I nod.
Zack nods, "Good, now how does a quick stop for coffee sound?"

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