Chapter Seventy Nine: Clydes bday

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"Only me?"
"Only you"

Clyde: I know!!

I grab some clothes from my dresser, carefully piecing together an outfit from menory, and go to the bathroom to get dressed.

Eventually I'm dressed and ready for the day and I grab my phone from the counter and begin typing as I walk, my black and blue plaid skirt creating a breeze as I go.

Me: Clydeeeee
Clyde: Lanaaaaa
Me: my parents should have a package for you
Me: you available for a call??
Clyde: yeah!
Clyde: and they brought it over early this morning, like, very early
Me: they tend to wake up early 😂 my dad is a doctor after all
Me: I'll call!
Clyde: ok!

"Hey!" Clyde waves at the screen.
"Happy birthday!" I wave at the screen rapidly.
"Thank you!" Clyde chuckles.
"Open your present!" I clap.
"Ok!" Clyde reaches to his left and grabs a gift bag.
"Open it!" I laugh.
"I'm opening, I'm opening," Clye laughs as he tosses the tissue paper aside.
Once he gets the tissue paper out he grabs out the navy blue box in the bottom of the bag. He opens it at an angle where I can't see it, but since I'm the one that bought it I know the box holds a gold charm bracelet with a paper airplane, a little California shape, a palm tree, and the state flower; a Poppy.
"Its a charm bracelet!" Clyde says in awe.
I hold my wrist up, revealing a similar gold bracelet with a paper airplane, a Wisconsin shape, a piece of cheese, and the the Wisconsin state flower; a Blue Violet.
"Thats so cool!" Clyde starts trying to put it on, "thank you Lana!"
"You're welcome!" I smile.
I watch for a moment while Clyde puts his bracelet on.
"I have to water my aunts plants, come with me," I laugh.
"I wasn't going anywhere," Clyde laughs, shaking his head.
I head downstairs and begin watering the various house plants, propping my phone up against random objects in order to keep myself in the cameras view.
"So," I glance to Clyde then back to the plants, "any birthday plans?"
"Eating cake!" Clyde exclaims.
"Of course," I laugh, shaking the watering can and spilling a bit onto the shelf, "woops-"
Clyde readjusts his camera, "I might get to see Clarrisa!"
I nod, "that's cool! Tell her I say hi!"
"I will!" Clyde promises.
I glance back to the camera after cleaning up the spill and notice a message from Ash, "Oooooo, Ash messaged!"
"Add them to the call!" Clyde suggests.
I smile and nod rapidly, "I'll ask!"

Ash: yooooo
Me: Ashhhhh
Ash: hey!
Me: it's Clyde birthday! We're on call, do you wanna join?
Ash: sure!

I add Ash to the call and the greetings begin again.

"Best. Birthday. Ever," Clyde laughs.
"Clyde!" I hear Madison call.
"Happy birthday!" Yells a girls voice.
"Clarrisa!" Clyde jumps up from his bed.
"Go get her," I laugh.
"Clarrisa!" Clyde scrambles to hang up the phone as he runs out of his room.
"Best birthday ever," I smile and sigh as I slide my phone into my pocket.
I sit there for a moment, basking in the Happy feeling of hanging out with Clyde and Ash, even if it was just a phone call. It was just a phone call. My heart cracks and suddenly I'm sniffling, sinking onto my bed.
What if I never go back to California? I sob, loosing control of myself as the tears stream down all over my face. I miss everyone there now- My thoughts are interrupted by the start of a ringtone.
I gather myself quickly as I start searching for my ringing phone.
"Hello?" I ask cautiously answering the unknown number, trying to mask the snotty sound of having just been crying, "an interview? Yeah! What time?"

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