Chapter Seventy: Goodbye, Soon

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"You excited for the next trimester at school?"

I set my tray down on the table, continuing to listen to Clyde's story as he sits beside me.
"So Clarrisa is now best friends with the crazy girl who spilled a whole box of Cocoa puffs in the library," Clyde laughs.
I laugh with him, glad to hear how Clarrisa is doing in college. I hadn't seen her since she'd left for College initially.
"What'd I hear about spilling Cocoa puffs in the library?" Ashley asks as she sits down, one eyebrow almost high enough to touch her hair.
"God, Tristan. What'd I say to you about that? Leave your breakfast cereals at home," Rider lightly slaps Tristan on the back of his head as the confused boy sits beside him.
The group bursts out laughing, including a chuckle from Ashley.
As the laughter dies down I take a deep breath, looking at everyone at the table, my friends, "I have to tell you guys something."
They all go silent and turn their attention to me.
"I'm- leaving," I feel a weight begin to lift off my shoulders.
"You're leaving?" The humorous glint in Riders eyes was nowhere to be seen as he asked the question.
I glance to Clyde, who's silently staring at me.
"I'm going back to Wisconsin," I nod.
"When?" Tristan asks.
"T-Two days after Christmas," I bite my lip for a moment, "my older siblings are coming to visit and I'll be leaving on the plane with them."
Amelia smiles a little, "that sounds f-"
Clyde who still hadn't spoken a word finally opens his mouth, cutting Amelia off, "Will you be coming back?"
I shake my head slowly, realizing I should've told Clyde first, away from the crowd.
"We should all hang out at the Cafe tomorrow," Ashley suggests, glancing around the group.
I nod, as do the others and I see a bit of excitement return to Riders eyes.
"We'll throw the best going away party California has ever seen!" He exclaims.
"With the owners permission and café rules in mind," Parker adds.
"Who needs those when you've got a wallet as big as his?" Tristan laughs.

"I should've told you first," I blurt out as I walk next to Clyde on the way to sixth period.
Clyde pauses thoughtfully, "how long have you known?"
"Not long," I say quickly.
"Where are you going to live?" Clyde asks.
"With my great aunt," I give a small smile, "she needs help fixing up her house before she goes to a retire-"
"So after high school, are the two of you going to move into his house or yours?" Amber whispers into my ear with mock innocence.
I whirl around to face her, abandoning the sentence I was midway through.
"After high school are you still going to be a bitch?" I snarl.
Amber looks at me with disgust but a smirk soon crosses her face and she begins to speak again, "I'm-"
"Can't you shut up and let me enjoy my last day at school with my best friend?" I snap.
I feel Clyde's fingertips lightly touch my shoulder in a weak attempt to calm me down.
I see Amber flinch slightly before a smile spreads across her face, "last day, huh? Isn't Clyde-y poo going to miss you?"
"Fuck off, Amber," Clyde says, his now clenched fist brushing against my hip for a moment.
Amber makes a pouty face, "Aw, h-"
"I'm not going to miss you, that's for sure," I roll my eyes.
Amber rolls her eyes, "I wo-"
"And if I find out that you are bothering Clyde or any of the others when I'm gone, I'll get on a plane and come kick your ass," I promise.
Amber looks at me with a shocked expression, which I only look at for a moment before turning and motioning for Clyde to follow me.

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