Chapter Seventy One: Jingle Bell Rock

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"U gonna dance around to Christmas music?"
"Obviously ✨"

I look at the bright white and blue lights on the back of the house as I wait for Daisy to run around in the yard for a few minutes. Out of the corner of my eye, I see someone in the Travis' house pass the kitchen window. I wonder how their Christmas is going so far.

Me: Merry Christmas!
Clyde: Marry Christmas!
Me: how's your morning going so far?
Clyde: well, Santa brought me a new model plane 😏
Me: Ooooo nice! lol
Clyde: and my dad put up new shelves in my room
Me: good, you definitely could use the space
Clyde: that's for sure
Clyde: how's your morning going so far?
Me: Shrek and Persia got here late last night, we all opened gifts this morning. I got a new suitcase! 😅
Me: I also got an IOU for a new phone once I get to Wisconsin
Clyde: awesome! Make sure to give me your new number!!
Me: it'll be the same number 😌 but if it does for some reason change, I'll make sure to give you the new one
Me: oh, and I'm gonna give you the house phone number when I get there! And the address, I plan on sending you lots of letters and expect lots back 😈
Clyde: 😂 can do

I take Daisy back into the house and head to my room to get dressed. My father had invited a few of his coworkers to have Christmas with us since they had no nearby family and I was surprisingly excited to meet them. I'd only been to the hospital with him a few times when he'd forgotten things at work and we picked them up on our way to pick up take out for dinner so it'd be nice to get to meet the people he spends most of his time with.

Zack: 😂
Zack: Merry Christmas
Me: how goes it?

As I stare at my screen between texts, I fight the urge to say 'Merry Christmas, I'm coming home!'. I've held it in for this long, I want to wait it out, but also, it's so hard to keep it in.

Ash: Its going good!! I got a new game for my switch!
Me: Ooooo nice!
Zack: I got a new phone 😏

He sends a mirror selfie and I can see the fresh red case on his new phone.
I study the image for a moment, noticing he's got a suit hanging on the bathroom door. He must be about to put that on- my heart flutters. Maybe he'll send a pic with it on-?

Me: nice!

I quickly head towards the bathroom, sliding my phone into the pocket of my sweatpants. Once I'm dressed I smooth out my white button up and pull at the bottom of the blue and white plaid pencil skirt. I take a quick mirror selfie and send it to the chat.

Ash: Ooooooo pretty bestie!!
Zack: nice

Jake sends a picture of him and his coffee mug.

Me: Mmmmm Coffee
Jake: yes

I glance down at my feet as I walk back to my room to put my pj's into my laundry basket. My light blue converse were still fresh and clean since I'd only unwrapped them a couple hours prior.
"Lana!" My mother calls, just as I enter my room.
"Yeah?" I call back.
"Pie time!"
I glance down at my mostly white outfit, "just a minute!"
I rumage through my drawers and find a large t-shirt to put on over my clothes then head to the kitchen.
My mother looks me up and down, one eyebrow raised, "I grabbed an apron for you-?"
"Epic," I take off the shirt and rush it back to my room.

As I take the last of the three pies out of the oven, I hear a knock at the door. I glance up to my mother on the opposite side of the oven door supervising me.
"I'll get it," she says, then rushes away quickly untying her apron and setting it on the counter.
After a moment I hear the door open and a man's voice greets my mother.
"Hello," he says.
"Come on in Dr. Weston!" My mother says.
I remembered the name vaguely. My parents had mentioned him when telling the twins and I about their neight at the charity ball last week.
I set the pie down on the cooling rack and Persia closes the oven, then we both aim ourselves toward the hallway, seemingly both waiting to see if our mother would lead our guest into the kitchen to meet us.
After a moment of polite chatter, I hear footsteps headed towards the kitchen.
"This is our eldest daughter, Persia," My mother motions to my sister, "and our second eldest daughter, Lana."
"Dr. Baxter M. Weston," the man dips his head briefly and stretches out his hand for me to shake it.
I take his hand hesitantly with a glance at my mother, "nice to meet you."
He shakes hands with Persia as well then looks to my mother expectantly.
"Jeffery should be in the living room," my mother motions to the doorway that leads to the living room.
Dr. Weston nods and allows her to lead the way.
My mother comes back after a moment and instructs me to start on the fruit salad since the rest of the guests should be here soon.
I mix the fruit salad silently as I listen in on the conversation in the living room.
"Our car crash patient from last week was discharged today," Dr. Weston tells my father.
"Thats good, I know her daughter's been worried not being able to be there with her all the time at the hospital," My father says.

The next man to arrive sparked a much warmer welcome from my mother. He looked like he couldn't be much older than 30, but he acted much more like a man in his late twenties.
"Dr. Quinton Sanderson," the man winks, "you can call me Quinton."
My chest flutters at the wink and I shake his outstretched hand much more willingly than the first man's. He's got to be at least ten years older than me- I tell myself, shaking away the feeling in my stomach.

Eventually, the final guests arrived; Dr. Emily Kline and her daughter Sandra, who's in the same class as the twins at school.
The twins excitedly lead Sandra to their room as they wait for the ham to be ready.

By the end of the dinner, my stomach had eased and I could finally assure myself it was just admiration I was feeling towards the young Cardio Surgeon. Though, he definitely wasn't bad looking, I definitely preferred Zack. Zack- I shake away the thought.
"I believe she's right," Quinton looks at me approvingly.
I can feel my face get hot and he continues speaking.
"You've got a talent for medical knowledge," Quinton points out, "you should consider coming back here to work at the hospital someday."
The redness in my face only grows as I avoid eye contact with my parents, both of which had been hoping I'd go to college for anything, though they had never mentioned the possibility of me being a doctor.
I'd love to-

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