Chapter Thirty Nine: Spring Break

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"Ok class, I'm not going to be checking my email during break so don't try emailing me about your grades. Relax and have fun!" Mr. Sharp calls as the bell rings.
It's only the end of first period so far, but he likely won't be seeing any of us again until we get back from break in ten days.
"What's your family doing for spring break?" I ask Clyde as we walk through the hallway.
"Not much," Clyde shrugs, "we're going to go visit my grandparents on my mom's side for a few days but other than that we've got nothing planned."
"Cool," I nod.
"What about you?" Clyde asks.
I shrug, "pretty much nothing."
"We'll have to hang out," Clyde smiles.
"For sur-" I'm cut off by the bell ringing, just in time since we'd just sat in our seats.

"I'm going to Florida for spring break," Rider brags between bites of his pizza.
"Nice!" I say.
A couple of the others nod and Parker says "cool".
"We're going to stay in a hotel by the beach and swim a lot," Rider nods.
"That sounds fun!" Ashley nods slightly.
"It better be, it'll be me and my cousin alone at the beach most of the time since my parents will probably be at the bars," Rider laughs.

I get off the bus and wave to Clyde as we part ways. I pick up the pace and run towards my front door, eager to get inside. Once I'm there, it takes a moment to unlock the door.
When I finally open the door I head straight to my room to put my stuff down and then back towards the kitchen for a snack.
With my parents at work and the twins at their friends house, I'm home alone until my parents get off work.

Me: Hey, I'm home alone, you wanna call?
Ash: Oooo sure!
Me: sweet!
Ash: omg wait
Me: hm?
Ash: we should ask the boys if they want to join us!!
Me: that'd be cool!!

Ash messages our group chat and asks if the boys want to join us on call.

Jake: busy
Ash: oop sorry
Jake: bye bye
Ash: I-
Zack: sorry I'm babysitting right now
Me: aw
Ash: you guys are no fun
Zack: 🤷‍♂️
Ash: >:/
Me: have fun
Zack: we're watching Dora
Me: rip
Zack: yup
Me: tell Genevieve I say hi

After a moment Zack finally messages back.

Zack: she got very excited and waved at my phone she says hi
Me: epic
Me: kk, Me and Ash are gonna go call now
Ash: ye!
Zack: have fun

I hit the call button and call Ash.
"Hey!" She waves as the camera loads.
I smile wide and wave back, "hey!"

Jake: you guys still on call?
Me: yeah
Ash: mhm!
Jake: am I still allowed to join?

"What do you think?" I ask.
"Let him join!" Ash exclaims.
I can tell she's excited, she's wiggling around and repositioning herself on the floor of her room.

Me: yeah! Just a sec

I hit the add person button on the call menu and find Jake's name.

"Hey," he waves once.
"Hey!" Ash waves rapidly, a big smile on her face.
"Hey! What's up?" I ask.
"I was getting coffee with Seanna- well, I got tea- but still," Jake says.
"You were on a date?" I watch Ash's eyes go wide.
I'm surprised too, but she looks hurt. How could she not know this was happening? She goes to school with him.
"It wasn't a date. We were just hanging out," Jake shakes his head.
"Are you going out with her?" I ask.
"We've hung out a couple times, it's no big deal," Jake shrugs.
I hear Jake's mom yell something in the background.
"Apparently I have to go," Jake waves, "bye."
He hangs up and I immediately hear Ash whimper.
I tilt my head, "You ok? What's u-"
"I think I was starting to like him- like- like like him-" Ash breaks off and I can see tears coming down her face and redness in her eyes, even with the low camera quality.
"Oh Ash-" I break off sympathetically, "he says they're not dating, maybe hes right."
"They're always around each other, she hugs him all the time, ugh," Ash burrys her face in her hands, "I'm sorry. This is dumb-"
"Its not dumb, it's your feelings," I shake my head, "I wish I could give you a hug."
"Me too," Ash sighs.
I hear Ash's dad call her name and she sniffles.
"I guess I have to go," she sniffles again and wipes her tears.
"If you're done with whatever you're doing before eight you can call me again," I offer.
"Ok," Ash nods.
"I love you," I smile.
"I love you too," Ash hangs up the call before I can even wave.
I can't believe I'm here when all this is happening back home. This is so dumb. I sigh, my breath quivering slightly as I try not to cry.

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