Chapter 13

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It honestly makes my day to read the comments from you guys :)

Call Out My Name- The Weekend


I couldn't help but to let a small, strangled gasp escape my lips at the scene before me.

It was impossible.

Completely and utterly impossible.

My brain seemed to be unable to process what I had just witnessed, and resided to completely shut down in my moment of panic, removing all rational thoughts from my mind.

I simply stared blankly in front of me, my body unwilling to cooperate as shock courses through my body in waves.

While I had been staying with August, I had picked up on hints, like constantly hearing the words 'pack' and 'alpha', along with the strange, almost animalistic sounds that August sometimes let out. But when I decided to follow August, I had mostly done it to humor myself. I didn't truly believe that this is what I would find. While the signs had all pointed to him being a... a werewolf... I had simply laughed off the thought, residing to believe that there had to be another, more realistic explanation.

But I had been wrong.

Even if my eyes refused to believe what they had just seen, I knew in my mind that it was true.

The unnaturally large, pitch black wolf was standing a mere few yards from my hiding spot, where August was standing just moments before.

August is a werewolf.

The revelation sounded so utterly insane passing through my mind, that I couldn't help but to let out another muffled sound.

As soon as the sound escaped my lips, the creature's ears perked, indicating that it had heard me, and knew that I was nearby.

The large wolf turned its head sharply over to where I was hiding.

I sucked another gasp as I saw it's face.

It eyes; the same vibrant amber shade as August's, pierced through me.

As the creature noticed me, it's eyes widened, showing nearly-human emotions.

It took a hesitant step towards me, seeming nervous.

I couldn't help but to stumble backwards, falling onto my butt.

"S-stay back." I stuttered out, my voice sounding weak and scared.

The monstrous wolf let out a long whine, it's human eyes looking sad. It took another step forward, causing me to stumble to my feet clumsily.

I continued to back up, as the wolf progressed towards me.

"Get a-away from m-me." I managed to utter.

Then I did the only rational thing.

I ran.

The sound of thundering steps behind me indicated that the large creature was following closely behind me.

I ran through the surrounding woods, knowing that I was never going to be able to outrun it.

The only way to escape would be to lose it.

I twisted through shrubs, over logs, and under branches, but it kept coming.

My legs were beginning to give out; I was going to collapse.

All of the sudden, I noticed that the chasing sound was no longer following me.

I paused my running for a moment, my legs nearly giving out beneath me as I stood.

I looked around, wary that the creature would appear at any moment. The fear and adrenaline coursing through my veins kept me sharp and alert as I searched for the threatening creature.

Deciding that I was finally safe for the moment, I flopped to the ground, resting myself against the trunk of a fallen tree.

I closed my eyes, leaning my head back as I processed all that's happened.

My brain was slowly starting to come to terms with what I had seen, although it was difficult to accept.

Werewolves are real, I thought to myself repeatedly, drilling it into my brain.

A faint rustling sound made me snap my head up, my eyes scouring the surrounding forest.

August emerged from behind the trees, covered only in a pair of grey sweatpants hanging off of his hips.

My eyes instinctually drew to his bare chest, meeting the view of a defined six pack.

Snap out of it, Heaven! I scolded myself. He's a friggin' werewolf!

August continued to approach me, his hands held up in surrender.

"Please just let me explain," August begged, his eyes holding a desperate expression.

I stayed crouched down on the forest floor, backing up in a panic.

"Nothing that I just saw is possible," I think I was trying to convince myself more than him, "None of that can be possible. Werewolves aren't real. They're creatures from a fairytale book."

"Please Heaven," August pleaded, reaching down to gently grasp my shoulder, "Please, just hear me out."

His touch sent an electric shock up my body, momentarily bringing me out of my panicking state.

I stilled my attempts to back away from August, instead staring at him as if he was an alien (or a monster, in this case).

He crouched down in front of me, slowly as if I would run at any sudden movements.

His other hand came to rest on my shoulder, softly holding me in place.

"Heaven, please come back to the house with me," August begged, his voice strained and pleading, "I'll explain everything. And if you still want to get away from me, I won't try to stop you. I'd never force you to do something against your will."

I contemplated his words for a moment.

I had to admit, even after all of the utterly unbelievable and strange things that I had witnessed, my curiosity to know more was pushing me to make my decision.

And no matter how much I hated to admit it to myself, I still wanted to get to know August.

But that didn't mean that I wasn't wary. I had just found out that werewolves existed, for God's sake.

Looking up at August's mesmerizing gaze, I slowly nodded my head, still unsure of being around him.

At my small movement, it seemed almost like he would begin crying out of pure relief.

"Thank you," he said, standing up and reaching out a hand to help me.

I avoided his hand, ignoring his hurt look, and pulled myself to my feet.

"Lead the way," I muttered, "You have a lot of explaining to do."

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