Chapter 14

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Just letting you guys know that ily so much :)

Jet Lag- Gavin Haley


The walk back to the house was bathed in awkward silence, only broken by the sound of our footsteps.

Once we had made it to the front porch, we both sat down, and August made sure to keep a distance from me.

We sat in an extremely uncomfortable silence, the unsureness and questions lying thick in the air.

Neither of us were willing to begin the conversation that we both knew had to happen.

I knew that it was childish thinking, but I was desperately hoping that if I completely avoided the conversation, it would go away and everything would go back to the way it was before.

But it wouldn't, and I needed answers.

"So you're like, a real werewolf?" I blurted out, completely unsure of how to even begin talking in this situation.

"No," August drew out the word humorously, obviously trying the break the tension "I'm a fake werewolf."

I gave him my best death glare, to which wiped the smile right off his face ."Cut the sarcasm, August. I'm still freaking out a little here."

"Sorry," he responded, his face now completely serious, "I just don't really know how to handle this situation. I've never had a human find out about our secret before."

"Well, why am I the first?" I asked, curious, "Why would you let me live in your house, making it almost inevitable for your secret to be exposed?"

August shifted uncomfortably in his seat, his eyes shifting to me, before darting back to the ground.

He seemed hesitant to answer my question, and I was becoming more interested as each moment passed.

"Because you're my mate."

"What the hell is a mate?" I questioned, even more confused, and getting irritable with the questions that kept piling up.

August shifted uncomfortably, seeming to find the words to explain.

"They're like the werewolf version of a soulmate," August spoke quietly. My eyes widened at his words as he continued to speak, "The first time a werewolf makes eye contact with their mate, they just know that they're the one for them."

"So... I-I'm your mate?" I ask, nervous for what this meant.

I'm his soulmate? Is that even a real thing?

"Yes," August nearly whispered, keeping his eyes on the ground.

"B-but that's not how it works," I stuttered, "You can't just lock eyes with someone and just know that you're soulmates."

August simply shrugged, a sad smile flitting across his perfect lips.

"I understand," he responded, his voice melancholy. "This isn't how it usually works for humans. It's built into your DNA that you get to choose your lovers. But that just isn't how it is for werewolves. We get one mate, the person perfectly designed for us."

"You don't get a say?" I question,horrified. "You don't get to choose who you love?"

He smiled at this; a true, genuine smile.

"It isn't like that." he grins, his soft amber eyes scanning me, "It doesn't feel forced. It's simply like humans searching for their soulmates, except it's so much easier for us."

"Oh," I whisper softly, a blush crawling onto my cheeks as I felt his heated gaze on me.

Suddenly, the warmth and happiness once again faded from August's eyes, once again replaced with a reserved sadness.

"But, I understand if you don't choose me," he said, making my head snap up to his face at his words, "You're human. The bond isn't as strong for you as it is for me. You can still get a say in who you end up with."

Even after all I've discovered, being thrown recklessly into a supernatural world that I've never even dreamed about, and being absolutely terrified out of my mind, the thought of leaving August sent an unpleasant feeling to my stomach.

August continued to speak, his words sounding so defeated. "I get it if you leave. Because even if you're the one for me, I might not be the one for you."

His words rang quietly in the air, shrouding us in a strange cloud of uncertainty.

I took the moment to think, my mind racing as I thought of everything I've learned. I stared at the ground so intently, as if it would give me the decision I was searching for.

The silence stretched on, and I finally looked up to face August, only to see him hunched over in his seat, his face held in his hands.

I made my way over to where August was sitting, placing myself on his armrest.

"Well," I started to speak, gently grabbing one of August's wrists, making him look up at me, "Every other aspect of my life has been difficult. I suppose I should be thankful that finding my soulmate was easier than normal."

I offered a soft smile after my statement, lifting one of my hands to run my fingers along August's perfectly defined face.

After hearing my words, August's face slowly morphed from agonizing sadness into a breathtaking smile, one that showed off his faint dimples.

He leaned in almost hesitantly, as if I would change my mind any minute and push him away.

His arms circle around my waist, pulling me even closer to him.

August brings up one of his hands, cupping my face.

"Can I kiss you?" He asks, his voice still sounding unsure.

The heart melting question, and the fact that he cared enough to ask for my consent had already decided my answer.

"Yes," I whisper back, our faces so close that his warm breath fanned over me.

And with one swift movement, our lips connected.

August was slow and gentle, as if he was afraid that I would break at the slightest touch.

As his warm lips continued against mine, he drew me closer, pressing me against him until I was seated on his lap.

His hand continued to stroke my cheek, sending electricity through my whole body.

Soon, the kiss ended as we both drew apart for air.

I pulled away, just far enough to look into his eyes as I caught my breath.

August's heated gaze never left my face, and I swear I could see each emotion passing through his eyes.

Both of his arms encircled around me once again, refusing to let me escape my seat on his lap.

Leaning down to my ear, August whispered, "You're perfect."

His raspy voice sent shivers up my spine.

I had to bite my lip to keep myself from attacking his face with my lips again.

Instead, I simply placed both my hands on the side of his perfectly chiseled face, and leaned in to kiss his cheek.

He smiled at that, pulling me in to rest his face near where my neck and shoulder meet.

No matter how happy I felt with August sitting so close to me, I couldn't help the bitter thoughts leaking their way into my mind.

I'm far from perfect, I thought bitterly, And he'll think of me differently once he realizes how broken I am.

As the thoughts continued to swirl around me, I subconsciously began to rub my knuckles, itching to punch something; to beat something up until my hands are bloody again; until I can release all of the thoughts.

I swallow down the urge, instead focusing on counting each of August's heartbeats echoing against my chest.


The urge was still there.


The thoughts are starting to go away.


My own heartbeat begins to steady.


My knuckles unfurl.

Instead, I'm now entirely focused on the man hugging me close to his chest.

I smiled, feeling his breath tickle against my neck.

Who knew he'd be the key to healing me.

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