002. not what it seems

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Oh boy, was Remedy wrong. The steak was definitely not going to cut it.

"Oh no no no. What are we supposed to do now?" Wanda inquired worriedly.

Remedy rubbed Wanda's arms, trying to sooth her, when she had the most perfect idea. "Why don't we make breakfast for dinner?" She said, vocalizing her proposition.

Wanda thought for only a moment, eventually coming to the realization that Remedy's idea was their last hope.

While the two women were in the kitchen, Vision and Pietro stayed in the living room, trying their best to  distract the Hart's. Vision had even pulled out a ukulele to start playing one of his catchy tunes.

Thankfully, before the guests got too impatient, dinner was ready. The meals were laid out on the already set table as everyone began taking their seats.

"Breakfast for dinner, how very..." Mr. Hart started.

"European." Mrs. Hart finished.

"Well please, eat before it gets cold." Wanda stated.

At Wanda's words everyone then sat and began eating their prepared meals.

Everything was truly going well until Mrs. Hart turned to the four young adults. "So, where did you four move from? What brought you here? How long have you been married? And why don't you have children yet?" The woman had asked quite quizzically.

Remedy looked down, deep in thought. She couldn't really remember anything from before she moved there. "Well.." Remedy began but then stopped herself.

She looked towards Pietro for the answers but he looked like he didn't know either.

"I think.." Pietro tried to answer their questions.

"We were married..." Wanda cut into their thoughts with her own voice of confusion.

"Yes, yes, we were married in..." Vision repeated Wanda's statement.

"Well? Moved from where? Married when?" Mr. Hart asked frustratedly.

"Now, patience, Arthur. They're setting up their story. Let them tell it." Mrs. Hart tried to calm her husband with no use.

"We... Our story..." Pietro recited while Vision chuckled nervously.

"Yes, what exactly is your story?" Mr. Hart asked, trying to get the answers out of the four.

"Oh, just leave the poor kids alone." Mrs. Hart tried again.

"No, really, I mean, I think it's a perfectly simple question. Honestly. Why did you come here? Why? Damn it, why? Why did you.."

In the middle of his slight tangent, Mr. Hart began choking.

"Oh Arthur. Stop it. Stop it." Mrs. Hart said. Although, her commands didn't put a stop to anything. Not even a damper on things.

"Stop it." Mrs. Hart said again playfully, waving her hand. That was when the man fell off of his chair, clutching his throat in terror.

"Stop it. Stop it." Mrs. Hart smiled.

His face was tinted a light purple shade as a result of his airways being blocked off.

"Stop it. Stop it. Stop it." She continued as she giggled. It was like she was on repeat. Almost as if she couldn't say any other words besides the repetitive ones slipping out from her wide grin.

Aside from Mrs. Hart, the table was silent. The two couples kept glancing at each other then to Mr. Hart on the floor.

Wanda was looking at Vision, silently pleading with him to do something. "Vision, help him." Wanda told Vision.

At her words, Vision stood up and crouched over the man. He reached his hand through the man's neck and grabbed the piece of food that was lodged in his throat.

Mr. Hart gasped for air while Vision helped him up.

"Well, would you look at the time?" Mrs. Heart said.

"Yes. We'd better be going." Mr. Hart agreed with his wife.

Remedy turned to Pietro, searching his eyes for the same worry and confusion present in her own. What would have happened if Vision didn't help him? She thought to herself.

No. She couldn't think like that. Everything was fine. Mr. Hart was fine. There was absolutely nothing to be concerned over.

Before the Hart's left, Mrs. Hart turned to the four. "We had an excellent time. Thank you for having us over." She waved before heading out the door.

"Thank you for coming." Wanda laughed.

Mr. Hart stayed behind a little longer to converse about some sort of promotion regarding Vision.

And then they were gone. Just as quickly as they had arrived, the couple left the four others alone in the seemingly dreary house.

Remedy and Pietro had mutually agreed that it was getting late and that they too wanted to get back home. They said their goodbyes and walked the short distance back to their house.

As soon as Remedy stepped through the entryway she basked in the familiar scent. Both walked upstairs and got ready for bed.

Once they were each settled into their shared bed, they began making small talk.

Remedy was cuddled up next to Pietro, her head on his chest as he traced circles on her thighs absentmindedly.

"Tonight was...odd." Remedy said, trying to start a conversation.

"To say the least." Pietro added to her previous statement.

"Don't you think it's peculiar how we don't have an anniversary or anything of the sort?" She asked while moving her head to look up at her partner.

"I'm sure it's just a trick of the mind, Edy." He reassured her.

"Hmm, maybe. But I swear I can't remember anything before moving here." Remedy responded.

"Sleep, mi amor. You'll feel better in the morning, I promise." Pietro said, then kissed her to calm her mind a bit.

"I love you, Piet." Remedy mumbled.

"I love you too." Pietro stated to her.

Remedy hadn't even realized she was tired until she fell asleep, still in Pietro's arms.

𝑨𝒖𝒅𝒓𝒆𝒚 𝑺𝒑𝒆𝒂𝒌𝒔!

Chapter two is now officially completed. Only a LOT more to go *silently sobs because I wrote so much for this book and yet it's still not even close to being completed*. anyways, this is literally just a continuation of the last chapter so there's not much for me to talk about. I mean, Remedy slowly catching on.. perhaps some family drama is about to come to light between Wanda and Edy. Idk idk, maybe you'll just have to read and find out... BUT I really hope you guys enjoyed this and are ready to read some more <3

( 𝘀𝗶𝗴𝗻𝗼𝗳𝗳 𝗴𝗶𝗳 𝗯𝘆 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗮𝗺𝗮𝘇𝗶𝗻𝗴 dorkiest_nerd )

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