003. repeat after me

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The next morning, Remedy woke up oddly cold. However, once she turned her head to look at the sleeping Pietro beside her, she realized why.

It wasn't an uncommon occurrence that during the middle of the night, Pietro would steal most of the blankets. But that didn't mean it annoyed her any less.

To put it lightly, it was very early in the morning. Which meant that Remedy was only half awake.

Turning over to try and take the stolen blankets back, she accidentally turned the wrong way. Which then resulted in her falling off the bed.

There was a loud thud soon followed by a groan of pain. "Ouch." Remedy complained aloud.

Remedy could hear Pietro shuffle around from his side of the bed. She guessed he had heard the loud noise of her body hitting the floor.

"Edy? Are you alright?" Pietro asked, voice full of concern. After a while of no response, he got up and walked across the moonlit room.

He could see Remedy sprawled out on their bedroom floor.

Her cheek was pressed up against the wood and the rest of her limbs were all spread out so that she would make a sort of starfish shape.

Pietro crouched down and tried rubbing her back for comfort.

"Mmm, my head hurts." Remedy said drowsily, finally responding to his question.

"I bet. You hit the floor pretty hard." Pietro stated.

Remedy picked up her head off the floor to look at Pietro. He could tell that her head really did hurt considering how she fell. Because of this, he decided to pick her up and place her back onto the bed. After doing so, he too returned to his half of the mattress.

Time passed and even though Pietro went back to sleep with no problem, Remedy couldn't help but stay up. Her mind was racing.

She thought it could be the nerves from the upcoming bake sale later in the day. But no matter how hard she tried to push her intrusive thoughts away, she still had a nagging feeling that something was a little off.

Remedy closed her eyes to try and get some rest, with no such luck. In all honesty, she really wasn't that tired. Maybe that's why she felt her next decision was justified. It had been about an hour and a half from when she initially woke up.

Remedy sat up in bed and looked out of the conveniently placed window. Still dark. Her guess was that it was around 6 in the morning.

Flipping the covers off of herself, she made her way downstairs. Remedy figured that she could get a head start on baking for that day.

Her and Pietro would show up with treats while Wanda and Vision would be performing their own little magic display. It was all 'for the children'.

She walked into the kitchen and flipped the switch that turned on the light.

Nonchalantly, she gathered all of the ingredients she needed. Flour, eggs, milk and everything else that was necessary for what she was planning on baking.

During this particular event, Remedy would be making her town famous cupcakes. After all, how could you go wrong with something that everyone loved?

She mixed the ingredients, took out the pan, filled each crater with a cupcake liner and set them in the oven to cook.

In the meantime, she started creating the icing. Remedy mixed the butter, cream and eggs for the buttercream, then added the diverse colors to make them look more appealing. Different shades pink, green and yellow filled the bowls.

Time passed quickly. It came to the point that Remedy hadn't known exactly how long she had been down in the kitchen for.

All she did know was that when she woke up it was dark outside and when she looked out the window a while later, it was now light outside.

Remedy was decorating her third batch when she heard the stairs creak and a figure enter the lit kitchen.

"It's 7:30 in the morning, amor. How long have you been down here?" Pietro asked.

Remedy put down the piping bag and raised her hand to her head. "About... an hour and a half. Since 6, I would say." She guessed, not even being aware of how long she had truly been down there.

Pietro didn't answer. Instead, he walked over to the finished cupcakes and grabbed one.

As he took a bite of it, Remedy began reprimanding him. "Those aren't for you, speedy." Remedy said.

Pietro looked down at the bitten cupcake in his hand and then back up to Remedy. He had a slight smirk and a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Remedy took that as her queue to run. But unfortunately, Pietro was the fast one in the relationship.

He grabbed her waist and held her so that they were face to face. Before she could even try to bargain with him, he pressed the cupcake up to her face.

He smashed it into the tip of her nose, making sure the icing was covering themajority of the middle of her face. Her mouth was open in shock, until it was soon twisted into a wicked smile.

Remedy reached her right hand into the big bowl of icing next to her and grabbed a big handful of the sugary topping.

With a wide grin she rubbed her hand all over his left cheek. The look on his face was absolutely priceless.

Remedy couldn't help it, she burst into a fit of laughter at the simple sight.

Pietro then took the opportunity to lean down and kissed her. All signs of tension between the two melted away.

Once they broke apart, Remedy spoke. "You did that just to shut me up, didn't you?"

"Maybe." Pietro responded, dragging out the e with a mischievous smirk displayed on his face.

Remedy scoffed. After which, Pietro moved his arms so that she could go.

When he did this, she immediately turned her attention back to the unfinished cupcakes left abandoned on the counter. After washing the remaining icing off both their faces of course.

The couple went about like a normal day.

However, Remedy knew that she would eventually have to leave Pietro's loving company. She had promised Wanda that she would accompany her to Dottie's meeting that she would be attending soon.

She put all of her goodies away and finally left her house.

Remedy stood upon the porch and soon recognized Agnes and Wanda chatting it up in front of Wanda's home.

In no time at all, Remedy was standing with them, joining in on whatever conversation they were having before.

"So, are you two ready to meet Queen Cul de Sac and her Merry Homemakers?" Agnes questioned.

Wanda chuckled saying, "Oh come on Agnes, Dottie can't possibly be as bad as you say."

"Hmm, well, you'll notice her roses bloom under penalty of death." Agnes said.

"I think Wanda's right. We haven't even met her yet." Remedy reasoned with the two.

As they continued walking, Agnes turned around, stopping the two women behind her.

"Wanda. Remedy." The woman in purple spoke, turning to look at each as she said their names. "Can I give you guys a bit of friendly advice?" Agnes continued her initial sentence.

"Is it about the way I'm dressed?" Wanda asked, concerned in her appearance.

"Oh yes, but it's too late for that."

Wanda looked a bit taken aback.

"Dottie is the key to everything in this town. Country club memberships, parties, school admissions..." Agnes went on.

"Well - let's not get ahead of ourselves, Agnes." Remedy corrected.

"The point is, you get in with Dottie and it'll be smooth sailing from here on out. Just mind your P's and Q's and you're gonna do just fine." Agnes told the both of them.

"Or maybe we could just.. be ourselves? More or less?" Remedy heard Wanda ask.

Agnes only chuckled. "Oh Wanda, that's good."

Remedy and Wanda shared a nervous laugh.

Agnes, Wanda and Remedy watched as they saw Dottie leaving her house, leading some other people out while saying something to them.

"Hiya, Dottie! Your roses are divine." Agnes yelled to Dottie.

"Well, thank you." Dottie said.

The three then walked over and joined the large group that Dottie had accumulated.

Their next destination was a tent set up beside a pool. Everyone was surely talking although Remedy must have zoned out since she hadn't heard a thing that was being said.

That was until a tray of cookies was being passed over to Wanda beside her.

"Say, those pants are peachy keen." Said a woman that Remedy had never met before.

"Do you really think so? The other ladies are in skirts. I was worried." Wanda asked skeptically.

Remedy was lost in her own thoughts staring down at the floor.

When dottie had noticed Remedy and Wanda not paying attention she took the initiative to walk over to the two women.

"We only have a few hours until show time, so a little less cross chatter and a little more focus." She looked towards Wanda.

"Okay." Wanda agreed.

Dottie turned herself to face Remedy, who was sat next to Wanda. She snapped her fingers in front of the woman and Remedy jumped at the sudden noise.

Dottie merely rolled her eyes, heading back to her previous position in front of the group.

After their all but friendly altercation, Remedy was forced to rip her eyes away from the stone floor to focus her conscience on Dottie's current rant.

"Those little boys and girls are counting on us. All of this is for the children."

"For the children." Everyone else recited.

Dottie cleared her throat before she continued speaking again. "So, I want you all to give yourselves a big hand..."

Wanda began clapping her hands, misunderstanding what Dottie had just asked.

"At the appropriate time, of course." Dottie said while side-eying Wanda. "But first let's review event etiquette. Dress code is upscale garden party..." Dottie went on.

Geraldine turned towards Wanda and began talking as quietly as she could. "The only reason I didn't clap is because I'm afraid to move."

Remedy looked over at the woman and let out a silent chuckle.

"Yeah." Wanda responded while Remedy just nodded her head.

"I actually don't know what I'm doing here." Geraldine confessed.

"I'm starting to feel that way myself." Spoke Wanda.

"I'm Wanda." She introduced herself while holding out her hand for Geraldine to shake which she did happily.

"This is my sister-in-law, Remedy." Wanda looked over to Remedy. Remedy could only wave and smile at the person sitting next to Wanda.

"I'm, uh... Geraldine." She said, finally revealing her name.

Dottie huffed loudly, making sure that the three women could hear her annoyance. "And I'm irritated. Tickets for tonight are completely sold out."

Everyone looked at her wide eyed, afraid that they would do or say something that would set her off even more.

"Now you can clap." Dottie reassured. Everyone in the group began clapping, having Dottie's approval to do so.

"And stop." Came Dottie's next order for them. They all stopped.

"Really, how is anybody doing this sober?" Agnes asked no one in particular.

The meeting had ended after Dottie had dismissed them all like school children. However, Remedy and Wanda stayed after to help Dottie clean up what was left.

This was their last attempt at trying to get on Dottie's good side.

Wanda was wiping down the furniture alongside Dottie who was collecting the leftover dishes forgotten by the others, while Remedy was tasked with storing the extra food into their respective tupperware.

A radio was set up on a small table so that the three weren't working in constant silence. It was mostly turned down, so it didn't cancel out the sound of Wanda's stomach rumbling in hunger.

"This is why you never do a seating chart on an empty stomach." Dottie suggested, not looking up from the glass cup in her hand.

"Golly, you're a whiz at all this committee stuff Dottie." Wanda praised.

"Thank you for choosing Remedy and I to help you clean up today. We feel so lucky." Wanda continued, deciding to speak for not only herself but for Remedy as well.

"You are." Dottie clarified what Wanda had previously said.

Remedy turned around just as Wanda had her back turned to Dottie. Seeing the redhead stick her tongue out at the blonde behind her.

"I can't help but wonder if we haven't gotten off on the wrong foot, Dottie. And I would like to correct that if I can." Wanda verbalized her thoughts.

"And how would you do that?" Dottie asked quite sarcastically.

Wanda laughed awkwardly, not knowing what to say next. This caused Dottie to get up from her sitting poison and walk over to Wanda.

"I've heard things about you. You and your family." Dottie looked at Wanda then glanced over to the standing figure of Remedy who was now facing the two.

Remedy noticed Wanda's baffled expression and quickly walked over to join the conversation. She had grabbed Wanda's hand and squeezed it so that she knew Remedy was on her side.

"I don't know what you've heard nor what people have been telling you, but I assure you that we're just a normal family living a normal life." Remedy paused and turned her gaze to Wanda.

"We don't mean any harm." Remedy continued with her statement, trying to reason with Dottie.

"I don't believe you." Dottie said with a vicious glare.

The radio that was playing softly beside them began to crackle. Instead of the song that was supposed to be playing, there was a voice interrupting. A voice that most definitely wasn't supposed to be there, belonging to a man.

"Wanda. Remedy. Can you two read me, over? Wanda."

The voice was faint but loud enough for the three to hear.

"Who is that?" Dottie was now looking down at the radio with fear.

The mysterious man repeated Wanda's name once more as Dottie frantically looked at the two people who were being called by the voice.

"Who are you?" Dottie seemed more freaked out than before, clutching the glass in her hand tighter than she originally was.

"Wanda? Wanda. Who is doing this to you? Remedy? Wanda? Rem..." The voice continued on, trying to get their attention.

Remedy squealed a bit as the small gadget blew a fuse and started smoking aggressively. As soon as the radio gave out, the glass in Dottie's hand shattered.

Dottie looked down in surprise, not knowing truly how tight she was clutching the cup. Both Wanda and Remedy could see the crimson blood layered upon the skin of Dottie's inner palm.

"Dottie!" Wanda spoke as Remedy went to go retrieve a towel and some bandages for the injury.

Once she returned, she pressed down firmly on the cut with the towel to ensure the bleeding would stop.

"Pop quiz, Remedy. How does a housewife get a bloodstain out of white linen?" Remedy glanced up confused.

"By doing it herself." Dottie answered her own question. Taking the towel out of Remedy's hand and walking out with it still against her hand.

Following the events that unfolded after the meeting, Remedy and Wanda went back to their respective houses to get ready for the afternoon portion of the day.

Remedy needed to get ready for the overall event and Wanda needed to help Vision practice the tricks for their magic show.

Strolling up the stone paved path to her porch, Remedy opened the front door of her house to let herself in. She was simultaneously greeted by the kind eyes of her husband.

Kicking off the heels that she had been wearing she made her way over to join Pietro on the comforting couch. She let her head rest on his shoulders while her eyes closed in exhaustion.

He smiled down at her as he saw how peaceful she looked snuggling up against him. "How did it go?" Pietro asked.

He let out a slight chuckle when all he heard in response was a mixture of a groan and a scoff.

"I'm going to take a guess and say that it wasn't particularly enjoyable." He answered for Remedy.

"Not at all." Remedy spoke up. "It's like we were all being called into the principal's office for doing something bad." She added.

"And then something weird happened." Remedy paused and opened her eyes to look at Pietro.

"Well... What was it?" Pietro asked curiously, wanting to try and help relieve some of her pent up stress.

Looking down at the watch wrapped around his wrist, Remedy straightened out her body to be in a proper sitting position.

"Oh no. We only have 20 minutes to get to the town square." Remedy worried.

She looked Pietro up and down, noticing that he was already dressed in what he would be wearing.

Looking down at her own outfit she decided that she had to change.

"You." She started, making direct eye contact with Pietro.

"You have to get the cupcakes ready while I change." Remedy instructed.

As Remedy was rushing up the stairs Pietro yelled up to her.

"What's wrong with what you're wearing?" He questioned. She was halfway up the stairs when she stopped dead in her tracks to look down at him.

"No." She said with a blank expression. Remedy then simply continued her path to her bedroom.

Once she was ready in her yellow sundress and favorite pair of heels, she joined Pietro downstairs.

He was patiently waiting for her with his arms holding multiple packages containing cupcakes stacked upon one another. 

Now they were completely prepared for the show they were so willingly walking into. 

𝑨𝒖𝒅𝒓𝒆𝒚 𝑺𝒑𝒆𝒂𝒌𝒔!

Chapter three? done and done. About three moree to go. Halfway basically. Oof this is time consuming and I am tired asf. BUT I WILL PUSH THROUGH, IT'S NOT EVEN SEVEN YET. Wish me luck guys, lord knows i'll need it. But nonetheless, I hope you guys will enjoy this, and as always, i love you all so much. Thank you for choosing my book to read <3

( 𝘀𝗶𝗴𝗻𝗼𝗳𝗳 𝗴𝗶𝗳 𝗯𝘆 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗮𝗺𝗮𝘇𝗶𝗻𝗴 dorkiest_nerd )

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