Chapter 11: When You Love Someone

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Quinn's POV

When I thought he cheated my heart had dropped from a 100 story height. Then when I found he had a valid reason for being there, with her, I felt so different. I do not know if I love him as much but I do love him. He is so much to me and I feel like I could never love someone so much. The hugs and kisses never ever compare to the compassion. When I first met him in the airport I had completely let go of that little crush. But then finding he had been going to Warbury High, it felt so different. I felt more than just a crush when he stood up for me and protected me. He offered something I don't think anyone could've offered. I sat on my bed pondering these things. I sat thinking of how much I needed him when all of the sudden I got a said it was my Nana. I answered fast.
"Hello? Nana? What's wrong? Are you okay?"
"Yes dear it's just we miss you down here in Texas and I am fighting for custody of you. I need you to tell them how she abandoned you. And left you to get hurt with your father."
"Nana can I call you back?"
"Yes dear"
I hung up and frantically searched for an old friends number. My old friend Jake should know what to do. I called and he picked up almost immediately.
"Hello? Quinn?"
"Hey I need to talk to you. My Nana wants to take me back to Texas."
"What!?!? That is awesome!! When are you coming back?!"
"I don't want to come back Jake."
"Remember the guy I said I had a crush on? Well we are together and my life here is great."
"Oh..." his voice trailed off in pain.
"Jake I want to get you up here. Your foster parents do not do well with you. I need you here. You are like my brother."
"Quinn that would be great but I have nowhere to go up there."
"I will talk to my mom about letting you stay. Would you like to?"
"Yes I really would. Stephany is just not doing anything but hurting me."
"Okay well I will call you when I have discussed it with my mother."
"Okay thanks Quinn. This means alot. Love you!"
"Love you too bye"
I hung up and ran up the stairs. I went into the living room to find my mother sitting on the couch watching Lord Of The Rings. "Hey mom we need to talk"
She turned towards me and paused the movie. "Sure honey what do you need?"
"Well when you love someone you do anything for them. See i have a friend named Jake. He did anything for me. He even fought dad when things got bad. Jake helped take care of me and now he is somewhere where it's not good for him to be there anymore. The state would pay for a plane ticket and everything he just needs someone to adopt him......"
She looked at me for a second then spoke. "Quinn how much would you do for him?"
"I would do anything for him. I lived for him. I would die for him. I would kill for him. I would just do anything."
"Okay well then he can come. I already have signed up for adoption so there isn't much of a wait. Is he with foster parents or real parents?"
"Ah this should be easy. Get the numbers for me and leave them on my desk. I am going to my office to sort out some paperwork."
"Thank you so much mom."
"Anything for you and the ones who helped you through that time."
I hugged her tight and ran into my room. I dialed Jake and told him the news. He gave me every bit of information about his foster parents. I smiled at the thought of him being here. Then I went to my computer to pull up their records that were free to public eye. I printed it all up and put it on my mothers desk. The next day I woke up and ran up stairs. I went to go brush my teeth. While walking through the kitchen i saw my mother on the phone. So I stood at the top of the stairs listening. She was talking to a court case worker. She sounded calm and happy. When she hung up she said, "Alright great! This is great news. No court, no hassle, just the kid."
I smiled and went into the bathroom. I came down stairs with my mother smiling.
"Well Quinn, your friend Jake is about to be in my legal custody. And he is on the next flight here. Now I don't know when that is or when he will be dropped off here so you will have to wait. And they took his phone so no communication for a bit."
I went downstairs and did some school work. Then I got up off my bed and decided to go for a walk. In my pjs. I don't really care though. I walked around for a bit when my phone began to ring.
"Hello? Who is this?"
"It's Justin. Can you meet me?"
"Ugh fine. I am three blocks from my house. Meet me about six blocks north of it."
"Okay I will be there in a bit"
I get up to six blocks north and there he is. Ugh terrifying. I get in the truck.
"Quinn thank you for meeting me here."
"No problem I guess."
"Listen please forgive me."
"I do. I just don't trust you right now."
Now I get another call.
"Hello? Who is this?"
"Hi this is Stephany. Is this Quinn?"
"Stephany? What do you want?"
"Well I want my son back of course."
"He isn't your son and if you contact me again I will have you arrested for harassment"
Then I hung up.
"Listen Justin I have a lot going on. Call me later so we can talk. I am going to walk home now."
"No I will give you a ride"
"Okay thanks"
"It's not a problem."
He began to drive and we sat in silence for a bit, until we got to my house.
"Alright well thanks again Justin" I said
"Yeah no problem. I'm looking forward to the call"
"Yeah. Bye"
I got out of his truck and walked to the door of my house. He waved but I wasn't really sure what to do so I just went inside and slammed the door behind me. I heard his engine start a few seconds after. I walked into the living room to see that my mother had been watching the entire time. So was my sister! "Guys!" I shouted. "We weren't doing anything.." My sister said as she made a menacing face. I went downstairs and slept. I slept the rest of the day and through the night. I guess my depression was seeping back into my brain. I woke up the next day and decided to take a shower that morning. I cleaned the kitchen and made breakfast for my mother and sister before dressing up in my favorite weekend outfit. I went out on my skateboard to the park. I sat in front of my favorite tree and caught a glimpse of Terry. I decided to keep quiet as i felt like I would be in some sort of trouble with him. I grabbed my skateboard and road towards home. I felt so alone. It was like my life had fallen to pieces. He had made me happy for such a short amount of time but there was so much happiness to be felt. I came home to see a black car leaving. I walked up to my front door and walked in. I put my skateboard down and went upstairs into the bathroom. I played with my hair for a few minutes and did my makeup. The fact that I felt this bored was astonishing. I walked out and ran downstairs to find someone in a hoodie sitting on my couch. "Uh, do we know you?"                                                                                            "I sure hope so" the voice replied. It sounded so familiar.                                                                        "Jake?" I asked frantically.                                                                                                                                                  "Well hey Quinn." he turned to me and I almost cried with joy.                                                                         "Jake!" I ran to him as he stood up and gave him a hug. The boy I grew up with was finally here. He picked me up and spun me around. I haven't felt so happy in a while. Letting go of Justin has had me especially moody but with Jake here, I can talk to someone. We sat down and I told him everything. His face looked sad. I hugged him again and he smiled. "I have missed you! You're my best buddy." 

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