Chapter 10: Let Him In

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Quinn's POV

How do I even live with myself anymore? I can't sleep. I can't breath right. I feel like I am dying. Why did he do this? Why did he hurt me so bad?! As I sat on my bed pondering, I heard a knock on my door. My room was trashed, tissues filled my garbage can, my bed was messed up with a laptop, clothes and books. I was in a black tank top with silver stars, black sweat pants, and slippers. My hair was in a messy bun and I had no makeup on. The only sign of makeup on my face was the black under my eyes from the mascara of yesterdays incident. I haven't even showered since then. But regardless, I yell. "Come in I  guess!"
"Okay!" from the tone of voice I knew it was Beck. I had my blanket covering me and I was still laying down. She came down but I heard heavier foot steps following. I stayed down until she got down the stairs. "Who is with you?" I asked
"A special guest"
"If it is Justin tell him to get the fuck out"
"It isn't Justin"
"Oh okay then who is it?"
"Why don't you look?"
"My face is buried in a pillow and I prefer it stays that way. I look terrible."
"It's Trevor..." She trailed off a bit. I looked up in anger and shock. "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS BITCH DOING HERE?!" I jumped up and took a knife to his throat. "Give me one good reason as to why I shouldn't beat the living shit out of you." I said sternly. "Listen I am sorry. My friends pressured me into it. And I realized I was wrong so I wanted to say sorry."
"Fine. I accept your apology."
"Now can you please get off of me?"
"Yea sure"
I got off and put the knife back. We all sat down and talked for a while.
"So he then goes and laughs so hard that his food comes flying out of his mouth and when he tried to get water, it came out of his nose!!!" I said laughing. Trevor had begun a conversation about funny things Justin has done. I miss him so much. I wish he didn't do what he did. "Hey Quinn I may not like Justin, but I do not think he cheated on you. I think it was a huge mix up....but that's just me."
"I don't even just hurts....."
He hugged me and so did Beck. "Thanks guys."
"Of course!" They said in unison. They would be such a cute couple. As we were talking...Beck had to use the restroom. So she left and Trevor said he needed to say something to me. "Quinn I really like your sister. She is one of the main reasons I's so crazy..."
"I knew it!"
After talking about her and giving him my blessings to date her, she comes back. We pretend as if we had said nothing. Then I pinched him to signal him. "So uh Beck?"
"Yes Trevor?"
"I talked with your sister, and she gave me her blessing to ask you something."
"Oh is that right? What do you have in mind?"
"Will you go out with me? You have changed me for the better in so many ways and I think I am in love."
They smiled and I sat there forcing myself to smile and not cry. I missed Justin so much but I was not about to let him in. Then I go grab my phone and turn it on. I have 42 missed calls, 124 messages, and 14 voice mails. All from Justin. Ugh leave me alone!!! Beck looked at me and my phone and frowned. She took Trevor upstairs to say goodbye and bid me goodnight. Then I texted Justin.
Justin: Quinn please talk to me!!!!
Me: OK what the hell do u want?
Justin: 4 u to listen
Me: U hurt me so bad....
Justin: baby it was not like that....I love you with all of my heart I wasnt cheatin
Me: im listening. Explain this to me
Justin: can we meet up tomorrow?
Me: no
Justin: why not?
Me: Bc I do not wanna see ur face until I figure out what's going on
Justin: baby please let me in again
Me: I do not fucking trust u right now
Justin: fine. Can I at least call you?
Me: fine. What ever. Go ahead.
Justin: Okay thank you
Me: Mhm
Then my phone begins to ring. It says, Justin is calling.....Justin is calling......Justin is calling.... Then I answer.
"Hello? Quinn?"
"Make this fast. I still have crying to do."
"Quinn I did not cheat on you."
"Keep going. You are explaining yourself. Remember?"
"Okay. Here it is. She is just a big part as to knowing where my real father is. I don't know him and her family does. She has met him a couple of times and I wanted her to tell him I was looking for him."
"Why the hell wouldn't you tell me this?!?!"
"I didn't want to stress you out or anything. Or for you to freak out."
"What the fuck is your problem!? Since when do I ever do that?" I sat there crying. I can't believe him. I wish he would just understand that I love to know what's going on with him. It hurts me so much when he doesn't tell me things. He is the love of my life. Why would I not want to know? So he kept talking.
"Quinn I was not thinking about it. I love you more than I have ever loved anyone. You are my sun my moon and my stars. You are the very air I breathe. I breathe you in knowing that without you I wouldn't be able to live. Knowing that I wouldn't be able to breathe in anything else. Knowing that I need you for everything. I can not live with any substitute."
"...." I was crying. I couldn't stop.
"Quinn stop crying love, please?"
"I just can not believe this. I love you. And I am so so sorry"
"Quinn baby I love you more. And it isn't your fault. It was my own. Now please will you meet up with me tomorrow??"
"I don't know......."
"Quinn sleep on it. Im going to let you go. I love you baby and I miss you. Please tell me you will see me. Bye."
The phone had hung up.
I do not know what to do.
***To Be Continued***

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