Chapter 9: A Misunderstanding

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Quinn's POV:
After I got home I realized that today I get to go shop for clothes. You see Porshia had bought me jewelry and things like that previously, but she needed me here in order to shop because she had no clue where to go or what to buy. There was a store a lot like Hot Topic and Spencer's but so much less expensive and without all of the extra things in the store. There were hats, shirts, jeans, hoodies, goth dresses, tights, leggings, shoes, jewelry, things for your phone (chargers, speakers, etc.), "emo hair care products", perfume and cologne. The store was called EKR. I was glad to find that they had a couple here in Seattle. There was one that was really close to us so I decided I wanted to go to that one. I got dressed and brushed my hair and teeth and I was ready to go. I didn't really drink much last night so I didn't have a hangover. I was just really tired. But hey! Im used to it. "Hey! Im ready to go if you are!" I shouted up the stairs. "Yup just one moment sweetie and I will be right down!" Porshia shouted back. After a couple of minutes, she came running down the stairs. "Okay honey so where are we going?" She asked with a bright toothy smile on her face. "Well I was thinking of going to EKR. There is one not too far from here." She looked at me confused then smiled again. "Well then lead the way!" We got in the car and I gave her the directions as she drove. For once I was excited to go somewhere with Porshia. She stopped the car at a red light and I could see the store ahead. It had a big black sign with white writing on it. It read, EKR and below it said, "For all of your alternative needs"
By alternative they meant anything other than country, rap, old school hip hop, jazz, Latin, or oldies worshipers. We pulled into the parking lot and there weren't that many cars there. We walked in and it was like a fairytale land. I was excited. "So, this is where you wanted to go eh? Pretty cool" I smiled and laughed at her. "So um mom do you think you would want to try on some cool stuff with me for fun?" She smiled. "Of course! Let's go have some fun!"

Porshia's POV

After a couple of minutes of her looking for clothes, she walked around the clothing rack and into the dressing room. I figured I should try some stuff after her. I want to see what she is doing. She walks out in a black dress with chains on it, a black hat with one tiny chain on it, silver leggings, and black boots with chains. "Did that come as an outfit or did you do that?" I asked her. "I did it. I like to match up clothes to make them look cool. I was thinking this would be one of my fashion designs. I want to design clothes and outfits for alternative kids." she replied cheerily. The store manager was walking around and saw Quinn. "Oh my! We never ordered those in a set but we really should've! That looks amazing. Say, do you think you would want to work here? Im sure you have other radical ideas in that head of yours!" the lady said. She had piercings and she has bright blue hair that was cut short. She wore the standard uniform for the store and some chain bracelets. Quinn looked shocked. "I have wanted to work here since I was younger. I would love to take the job offer!" Quinn said. "Sick! Let me get you an application and also, how old are you and what is your name?"
"I am 16 and my name is Quinn Jackson."
"Alright sweet! Well good news! You are old enough to work here and you have an awesome name. So I will be back in a bit with the application. If you need any help then just call me." she handed Quinn a peice of paper with a number on it. Quinn thanked her and then picked out my outfit to try on. She grabbed some bright pink and blue sparkle combat boots, a blue and pink swirl tank top that shows the sides of your bra, a blue bra, some bubble gum pink pants, a glitter belt, and a pink and blue beanie. I went in and put everything on and when I walked out I couldn't help but to laugh and smile. Quinn did too. By this time the manager had come back. "See! I knew you had some sick skills!" she smiled. Then she handed Quinn a packet. "Get it in to me whenever you can. Just try to be quick. Im excited to show you the ropes." she walked off cheerily. After changing out of my "designer" outfit Quinn had picked out some clothes and we were ready to check out. I purchased the outfits and we left.

Quinn's POV

I am so excited to work at EKR. That is, if they accept me. Which I hope they do. EKR has been my dream job for years. After shopping there we got into the car and we drove to get something to eat. We saw a dinner up the road and decided to pull in. When we got there, the lady greeted us and sat us at a booth. While looking at my menu, I noticed the back of someone's looked familiar....IT WAS JUSTIN'S! I was so excited to see my baby when, I see his exes face. She is sitting right across from him! That cheating asshole! I got up and told my mom we had to leave. "Why honey?"
"Justin is over there eating with his ex"
"Oh what the hell!?"
She smiled at me witty like. And told me to sit down. So I did. I figured she had a plan. She ordered a large soda and some pancakes. She poured a lot of syrup on them and cut the pancakes into bits. She then poured more syrup and got up. She picked up the soda and the pancakes and handed me the soda. We walked over to him and I suddenly realized what we were doing. She dumped the pancakes right on his head and I threw the soda all over him. "YOU CHEATING BASTARD!' I screamed.
"Quinn! No that's not what this is! Please sit down and let me explain"
"Explain how you are cheating on me! No thanks! How about you go fuck yourself?!?"
"Quinn baby please" he tried to pull me down to sit.
"Do not fucking touch me! Just leave me alone!" I cried.
"Quinn please let me explain. Please baby you know I wouldn't ever cheat on you"
"That's what I thought before you did it!" I buried my face in Porshia's arm. And cried. She walked me out. "Mom I don't understand how he could do this to me!" I yelled with tears in my eyes. "I don't either babygirl. Its going to be okay though. I promise baby." I hugged her tight as we drove off. When we got home I sat on the couch next to Becca and I cried on her. "What's wrong?! WAS IT JUSTIN?"
"H-he ch-cheated on m-me"
"Oh my god! He is so DEAD"
"I-it h-hurts Bec"
"I bet. I'm so sorry Quinn" she held me tight. My mom ordered pizza and she brought out the ice cream. "Mom can I please be home schooled? I can't handle this. I do not want to go through it again either."
"Of course honey. We will get everything set up, and do you want to as well Becca?"
"No it's okay"
I was happy she decided to stay in public school.

Becka's POV

Well the next day at school was so different. It was weird without Quinn but I knew she would be okay. When I got to school Justin ran up to me asking where Quinn was. "How about you fuck off before I stick my foot so far up your ass that you cough up shoe laces?" I said.
"Please Beck!"
"Fuck off. You hurt her you asshole!"
At this point people were all staring.
"YOU CHEATED ON MY SISTER! You can not expect me to give you information about her! So fuck off you dumb ass!"
"Becka please! I love her so much! I did not cheat on her!"
"You took a slut out to eat! You probably said you loved her! You are sick and you do not deserve my sister. I can't even believe you would do some shit like this when you know damn well that she has been through so much! You are such and insensitive prick! I hope Trevor beats your ass! You Dick!!!!" I walked away after that and he just sat there. At lunch Trevor came up to me. "Hey, I uh I wanted to say I am sorry for what I did to your sister....peer pressure is a bitch. But I have these flowers for her. I also heard about what Justin did to sorry."
"It means a lot that you apologized. I'm sure she would love to hear it from you in person. If you want you can come with me after school."
"Sounds great. Hey I kinda have something else I want to tell her."
"What's that?"
"I like her...."
"You didn't let me finish! I like her sister."
"Oh! I uh er um"
"And I want to treat her like a queen. And make her laugh and smile everyday. I want to be the guy she runs to and hugs."
"Oh I-I um I dont know what to say"
"Just say you will give me a chance to get to know you"
"So can I sit here or no?"
We spent the rest of the lunch period talking. And our last three periods we have together. So we sat together and partnered up. Then when it was time to leave, he pulled his truck around front and we jumped in.

***To Be Continued***

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