Chapter 8: The Cameras

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Quinn's POV:

I ran out of the kitchen and into the living room where I heard Justin scream. He was looking at a picture and he looked at me terrified. "Quinn someone put cameras in this painting!!!"
"Yeah I know right!!!"
"Let me see the painting. There might be an engraved name or anything pointing to whos it is" he handed me the picture and I looked along the frame. I felt something and then I looked at it in the light to see that the engravement read, "Property of Lainie Jones of the Jones' family" I looked at Justin and he looked back puzzled. "Justin its Lainie's"
"WHAT?! That skanky whore!!!"
"Let me handle it. I am going to fucking kill her"
He ended up driving me to her house like I wanted. It was a giant mansion. I buzzed in. And a woman answered. "Hello this is the Jones residence how may I help you?"
"Hi I'm here to speak with the parents of Lainie Jones. It's an issue that could result in Lainie being thrown in a jail cell."
"Okay well Mrs.Jones has just let me know to let you in. There will be a man waiting at the front doorstep to show you in"
"Thank you so very much. You have an amazing day"
"You too ma'am I hope you get what you need today"
With that, we drove off. Justin said he would rather wait outside and I said okay. I walked up to the man who was tall and slender with a black suit. "Good morning ma'am"
"Just follow me and I will lead you to the front room where the Jones's are waiting" I followed him into a giant house. Then next thing I knew I was sitting on a couch in front of the Jones's. "Hello Mr and Mrs Jones. My name is Quinn Jackson and your daughter planted this picture inside of Justin Greene's house with the intention of watching us together. This painting was recently planted in the house and has your family name engraved on it. Now I have notified my mother and she has a lawyer set up and ready to go. Unless I can get something out of today."
"Ah I see" Mr. Jones said surprised.
"Okay well I will have a talk with her" Mrs. Jones said.
"Thank you both so much. And we will be keeping the painting until we know its safe to give it back" they seemed to have no problem with that. I walked out and jumped into the truck where Justin was waiting. "Hey baby" He said. "Oh shit I meant Quinn im sorry." I smiled at him. "No baby works just fine." I kissed his cheek and we drove off. We made it back to his house and I sat on the couch. He went upstairs and came back down stairs with a gift. He set it in my lap and sat next to me. "Open it" he insisted. I opened it to find a note and a necklace. The note read,
Dear Quinn,
You have changed me in ways I can't describe. Which is such an amazing feat to accomplish in the little time we have known each other. I have come to learn I truly do love you. I need you now more than ever. I am not the best person nor am I the smartest. But I will love you for as long as time goes on. You have made my life a blessing instead of a curse. Before you came along I was close to suicide. I need you Quinn Jackson. I love you. And I hope you love me too.
P.s. I hope you like the necklace I got you to show i love you.

I placed the letter down on the table and picked up the necklace. It had J+Q engraved on a gold heart. I found it was a locket. I opened it to find a picture he took of me when I was laughing and a picture of him smiling. I loved it. "Oh and Quinn? I have one more thing" I turned to him with tears in my eyes. "Quinn Jackson will you be my girlfriend?" I nodded crying and all. I kissed him and he kissed back. "I love you Justin"
"I love you too"
We put on a movie and fell asleep on the couch together. When I woke up I went upstairs and took a shower. I knew he wouldn't mind. I turned my mini speaker on and sang along to some songs. Then I heard a knock at the door. I got out and put a towel on to answer the door. Justin was standing there and I looked at him. "Yes?"
"Just wanted to see if I could join you"
"Sure" I winked.
I took off my towel and he grabbed my waist. "Babygirl you look so good from behind" I laughed a bit but I just kept going. I stepped in the large shower and he was still getting undressed. He walked in and I kissed him. He was already hard. I kissed him and caressed him. He licked my neck and sucked on my tongue. He pushed me down on my knees and made me open my mouth. He went rough so very rough. I got on my hands and knees and he pushed so hard I screamed. He just kept going. I didn't think it would happen but he came. Inside of me and it felt so good.

Justin's POV

We had sex in the shower. I dont even know what came over me. I just walked up there and asked to join her. Then one thing lead to another, and we got down and dirty. I kissed her after I came inside of her and then we both got dressed and went back down stairs. I told her i was going outside to smoke a joint real quick. And she didn't care. I pulled out my phone and dialed Trevor. "Trevor. I want you to stay at your friend's house until tomorrow"
"No can do asshole"
"Why not!?"
"Because I'm around the block dumb fuck"
"Oh hey I see you!"
I ran inside fast as possible and told Quinn to go up into my room. "Why do I need to go to your room?"
"Because I uh uhm"
Then Trevor walks in. Fuck my life. "What up douche bag?" then he looks right at Quinn. "Oh hey its that sexy little emo bitch. Did she come here looking for me?"
"No asshole she is my girlfriend."
"Ha you expect me to believe that? She is a sexy little emo bitch who deserves to be smacked around and then loved."
"No she deserves love you ass."
"Come here girl" he shouted at Quinn. She looked fierce. He grabbed her and she hit him as hard as she could. He picked her up and I knocked him out. I didn't want her to be hurt. And I was so done with Trevor. I picked Quinn up and carried her to my room. Then I called my dad. Who then called my aunt. She picked Trevor up and now he is staying with her until my dad gets home. "Quinn I am so so sorry. Please forgive me" I said it with tears in my eyes and a shaky voice. She hugged me. "Justin I dont blame you. I love you so much and thank you for helping me"
"I would do anything for you Quinn"
"Thank you baby"
"Its not a problem. I love you Quinn"
"I love you too"
And with that I fell asleep. When I woke up Quinn was on the phone. I overheard some of the conversation.
Quinn to person: "Why do I have to testify?"
Person to Quinn: "We know it's a long shot but we hope to find the guys who were with your father"
Quinn: "im sorry Ms. Seymour but I am not going to Texas"
Ms. Seymour: "If we need to we can pay for as many people to come and help you"
Quinn: "I doubt the person I want to help me is going to want to come with me. Im sure he loves me and all but I dont think he would want to come all the way to Texas with me"
Ms. Seymour: "think about it"
Quinn: "I will. Thank you."
I sat up. "I will go with you Quinn." she looked back at me and stared. "You dont have to. Its okay."
"I want to"
"If you really do, then I will call back after I talk to Porshia"
"Okay. Cool"
"I love you"
"I love you more"
She smiled at me. I kissed her and we looked at each other. "So what are we doing tonight Justin?"
"How about we go out to eat and then we can go to a movie and after that lets have a party!"
"Okay how about we go eat and then have the party?"
"Of course my love." She and I laughed. We went to Applebee's and ate dinner. We got back and I put her in charge of ordering alcohol while I go out and buy food. I got pizza, chips, jello, corndogs, and of course a whole bunch of fruit. She came back with a list of the alcohol. It listed:
Tequila (milk and strawberry, creamy mango, and orange vanilla)
Vodka (pineapple, peach, mango, and watermelon)
Rolling Rock
Seagrams Escapes (all 10 flavors)
Hard apple cider
I was happy with the list. We partied until 3 in the morning and then we were stuck with a mess. We cleaned and I dropped her off. We kissed and she went inside.
*<3 To Be Continued <3*

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