Chapter 5: Betrayed

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Jay's P.O.V.:

I watched as she jumped into the canal. She sank to the bottom and I waited to see if came back up, but she didn't. My job was done. I had taught her a lesson. That will be the last time anyone calls me pathetic.

I thought taking care of her would be my answer. Why did I feel pain in my heart? She never loved me in the first place, how can I possibly feel bad? She got what she deserved. Now it's time for Cole to get what's coming to him.

Nadakhan has told me where my former friends were being kept. First stop was the abandoned warehouse where Kai and Cole were. Time for Cole to see who the pathetic one is.

Kai's P.O.V.:

It had been a a full day. Cole and I were getting so bored and worried that no one would find us, and we were even more worried that we would. We were also getting hungry and Cole was not a nice a person when he doesn't get his food.

"Ugh! We've been sitting here doing nothing for hours!" Cole complained.

"I know Cole, but it's not like we can do anything." I frowned. "If we so much as jump this whole place will blow."

"I know, It's just I'm so hungry. This is the longest I've ever gone without eating in my life!" He yelled.

"I'm hungry too but it's not like there's anything to eat." I sighed and set on the floor of the cage. "Yep we're gonna die here one way or another."

"I didn't see Nya or Jay when he took all of us. Maybe one of them will come save us?"

"I hope not." I looked at the blastzap all over the room.

Just then we heard someone barge in through the back. It looked like Jay, but he looked different and he seemed like his wrists and ankles had been bleeding.

"Jay!" We both yelled.

He didn't say anything. He just kind of stared at us, mainly at Cole. Almost in a creepy way.

"Jay? You ok buddy?" Cole asked him, noticing that he looked hurt.

"Don't call me buddy!" He snapped. He started charging up his powers.

"Jay stop!" I yelled. "If you light up that blastzap the whole place will blow!"

"Don't you think I know that?" He looked straight at us and smirked.

Cole and I looked at each other. We weren't sure what to think.

"Jay! Listen to me! This isn't you!" Cole tried to get through to him.

"Look at you both trapped in that cage. How pathetic, just like I used to be." Jay laughed and crossed his arms.

I looked at Cole and he was just as confused as I was. What had gotten into Jay?

Jay took a ninja star out of his pocket and threw it so it cut our cage down from the ceiling. We both screamed as it fell to the ground and braced ourselves for the worst, but luckily it didn't set off the blastzap.

The drop left the door to the cage damaged and we finally got it open.

"Jay you saved us! I knew it was all an act." Cole hugged him, but he didn't hug back or even react. That wasn't like him at all.

"Where's Nya? Is she ok?" I asked him.

"Don't know, don't care." Jay shrugged. "She can go drown herself for all I care."

"You better take that back before I punch you in the face." I grew angry.

"Make me, hothead!" He taunted.

I was about to punch him when Cole stopped me.

"Kai wait. If you throw down in here, that blastzap could blow. I'm sure that this is all just a big misundersta..."

Before Cole could finish his sentence, Jay punched me in the face and grabbed a hold of Cole. He pushed his arm behind his back and he dropped to his knees.

"Jay, let him go." I approached him calmly.

"Give me one good reason why I should." He yelled and raised his lightning fingers at the blastzap on the wall. Now I knew he wasn't fooling around.

"Jay please listen to me, this isn't you. Please you have to snap out of it!" I yelled.

"This is me Kai, it's always been me!" He smirked as he pulled Cole's arm back farther and he groaned in pain again.

"Jay you're hurting your friend!" I yelled.

"He's not my friend anymore."

Jay looked me right in the eyes and then he looked at the blastzap behind me.

"Jay, please don't." I begged.

He used his powers and aimed right at it. Before I knew what happened I saw I big flash of light and then everything went dark...

Nya's P.O.V.:

Skylor and I were running to the warehouse as fast as we could, but when we got there we were too late. The place was completely destroyed.

"Nya!" My mother ran up to me, tears in her eyes.

"Mom!" I ran to her. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah but your brother and Cole, they were in there." She said in between breathes.

"We have to find them!" I said to Skylor.

"We also have to stop Jay before he hurts anyone else." She said.

As we were searching through what remained of the warehouse, I saw some slight movement coming from underneath the rubble. It was a person and he was trapped.

"Skylor, over here!" I yelled.

She came to help and we lifted the rubble off of my brother. Kai was coughing and gasping for air.

"C-Cole." He struggled and coughed as he tried to sit up.

"Hey bro, take it easy." I said as Skylor and I were helping him up.

"Jay! H-He took Cole!" Kai coughed again.

He seemed really weak and he could barely move. Never in a million years would I think that Jay would be capable of something like this, especially knowing his best friends would get hurt.

My mom saw us and ran over, almost immediately kneeling down in front of Kai. Kai looked up her and he seemed confused and dizzy, yet happy when he realized who she was.

"Mom?" Kai questioned.

"Easy son, don't move." Mom said and Kai nodded the best he could.

Kai wasn't looking good at all. He was weak, bleeding in a few places, and he had burns all over his body, way more than the little ones he used to. I was so worried about him, but at the same time I couldn't stop thinking about where Jay had taken Cole and if Cole was even ok.

"Your mom and I will get Kai to a hospital, you go find Jay and see if you can find out where he took Cole." Skylor said.

I nodded and started looking around for any signs of Jay or Cole. I didn't want to leave my brother, but I knew he'd be in good hands with Skylor and my mother.

As I was searching for clues, I noticed a trail of footprints leading away from the damaged warehouse. It wasn't just any footprints, they were bloody footprints, meaning that the blast must have injured Jay too.

I was so worried about him. What has Nadakhan done? What kind of magic did he use that made him do all this? Or was even under a spell at all? Either way, he's putting a lot of people in danger and, no matter how hard it was, I had to put a stop to it.

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