Part 8

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Arjun pov 

My heart was shattered to know that my own brother has killed my child and i was so dumb and idiot that i believed them blindly and thrown  my pooja out of my life . Why why why i have done this whyyy . She kept explaining herself that she 's right but i didn't listened to her . I just kept blaming her hating her .

I just hate myself 

I hurted my pooja till no end and because of me she is going to die soon ...I don't deserve to live i wish god could take my life instead of hers . She suffered a lot because of me , " Sorry" will be so understatement after all this 

I want answers from my mother and tejassvi . What is going on ? Why they had done this ? 

I was crying and i was inconsolable now , i kept thinking how pooja has suffered and now she has very less time and i am really much angry to know the fact that my child is killed by samar , my step brother whom i have consider as my real brother and he stoop that much low . I will not leave him . I will kill him , he will not spare by me . My heart is already broken in million of pieces , I am choking in guilt right now . 

" Sir your mother , samar and along with tejassvi has arrived " , said akash and i was waiting for that now i will not leave that samar . i ordered pranav  to pick up them from airport and drop them in my house . 

" Sir i am scared " , aakash said and i was confused 

" Why that so " , i asked 

" Arjun i am scared for pooja because your brother can harm her again and then he will say some lies and then you will trust on him and you would leave pooja helpless again " , he said and my blood boiled in anger i held him by his collar . 

" what the hell you are saying aakash , i love pooja and why will i trust samar if he will harm my pooja i don't trust him anymore " , i said while defending myself 

" Is that so sir but you will trust your mother and how could she can able to digest the fact that her real son is punished by her step son " , he said and i was dumfounded 

" Sir i am trying to say that if samar has killed your child then how could your mother didn't knew about that " , said aakash and i was perplexed by his statement 

" What are you trying to say aakash " , i asked and he was about to say something but he was stopped by my mother in middle . 

" Wow arjun beta you are trusting this employ of yours more than me " , said mom and she stormed inside the house 

" Arjun how could you do this to aunty see she is disheartened , Please mind your words arjun " , said tejassvi while consoling mom . 

" Mom bhai is doing this because that middle class girl pooja has provoked him against us again  " said samar and my blood boiled in anger after seeing him , i walked towards  him and slapped him across his face . And mom and tejassvi's eyes widened in shock 

" You bastard you killed my child , you tried to kill my pooja . I will not leave you " , i said and punched him hard and his nose started bleeding . Mom was stopping me again and again but today i will not stop . He killed our child , he killed our happiness  

" Arjun you are trusting that stupid middle class girl you know she is really pathetic girl she has tried to kill me and she is having so many affairs and because of that girl you are punishing your brother . I will not leave that girl " , my mother said but i will not stop . I beat the shit out of samar 

" Arjun leave my son it must be paining arjun i am begging you please leave my son " she begged . And tried to separate me from him but now i won't listen to anyone 

" Arjun what is this why are you punishing my son see how much he is bleeding . I will never ever forgive you for this " , said mom while crying 

" Mom he has killed my own child he had harmed pooja and because of him pooja is suffering from brain hemorrhage  and you are defending him " , i said and tears brimmed from my eyes 

" Do you know whether that was your child or someone else child . I know these types of girl they just want money and they could stoop very much low and that girl pooja is also like that " , said mom and i was hurted by her words 

" Maa if she wants me then why the hell she has not said yes when i was begging her to come back again with but she said no because she didn't trust me maa . Maa i love pooja not that tejassvi " i said and tejassvi looked at me with anger . 

"Arjun how could you do that to me in this one year i have taken care of yours and i dreamed to your wife then why are you crushing my all dreams " , She said with anger but i don't care about anyone now 

" Maa i need some time to think please give me some time i will tell you after that " , i said and they all agreed . I guess again i was manipulated by them  . 

Pov ends 

" What the heck how did arjun know that samar has tried to kill pooja and he has killed her child " , said tejassvi while sipping her wine . 

" I didn't knew that pooja is pregnant at that time  " , said samar 

" That is good  that you killed her child , if that girl would bear a heir for their company then we would not be  able to take arjun's property " , said yamini with a smirk and all of them cheers 

" Aunty you have to do some melodrama to provoke arjun against pooja otherwise i will expose your truth that you  were lying about everything  , pooja didn't tried to hurt you but you had done this for property  " , said tejassvi and yamini looked at her with a smirk 

" I will not give you that golden opportunity darling  , and if you will try to be more clever then i will also expose you that you loved arjun madly and wants to marry him and you were also involved in this plan " , said yamini with a smirk and tejassvi clench her jaw .

But they didn't know that they were heard by arjun .....

Arjun was heart broken to know the fact that his mother whom he consider her as god has deceived   him. He was heart broken . He remember the day when pooja was begging him that he should believe her but he chose his mother and friend over her . 

He storm inside their room with a thud and they all were scared to hell now . 

" Arjun see what they are doing punish them " , said tejassvi 

" SHHUT UP " , He yell 

He walked towards samar and punched him again 

" How dare you to harm my wife " , said arjun in anger 

" how dare you to kill our fruit of love " again punched him hard that he fainted 

Now he walked towards his so called mother and 

"I consider you as my own mother i loved you unconditionally but you did this to me . Because of you my life has become hell .You all know that i can't live without pooja and you snatched my pooja from me . WHYYYY " , yell furious arjun 

" I have done this for property , yess i want my son to handle raichand enterprise but your father has given you all property that's why i was taking revenge from you arjun  . You can do whatever you want you can punish us " , said yamini 

" I will not punish i want pooja to do that so . And if you all tried to escape then you all would be killed mercilessly  " , said arjun and left and they all gulped hard. . 


guys how was the update 

i hope you all had loved it 

What will happen next .... 

Stay tune ......

2 chapters are left guys . . . .

Arjun is dumb right ... lol

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