part 9

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" Actually i will not give you punishment of your deeds i will give this opportunity to pooja whom you all have  mentally  tortured till no end , your son has snatched our child , Because of you my pooja is suffering from brain hemorrhage " , said arjun and glare them . 

Arjun called pooja and pooja cut the call he tried to call her many times but every time she cut his call . He sighed sadly  

" Do you hate me this much pooja " , he said and sighed sadly 

" But i will give your justice to you because you deserves this , even i deserve a punishment " , he said and drove his car to her house . 

He again called her but this time pooja was frustrated by him so she picked up the call 

" What is your problem why are you calling me again and again " , she said 

" Come in your balcony " , he said and she come outside and she was shocked to see here at this time . She come downstairs and his eyes softened for her . Mixed emotions can be depicted from looking his face , but she can't decipher  . 

" Why did you come here at this time and how did you get my address " , she said in anger tone and he looked at her intensely and tears streamed from his eyes and pooja was shocked to see him like that . He hugged her . She was shocked by this action of his  

" I am sorry pooja at that time  i didn't trust you and maa and tejassvi were lieing that you had tried to  killed them and i was an idiot  that at that time i trusted  them but pooja i didn't knew about their realities and my brother whom i have consider more than a real brother he killed my child own  pooja and because of me you are suffering from brain hemorrhage  and believe me pooja i didn't know about their plan even today i am also broken to know about their realities . Pooja please forgive me " , said arjun with a sob and pooja's eyes also filled with tears to see him like that . He was still hugging her 

" Arjun , I'm glad that you now know their realities . They were just using you all this time and behind your back they tried to own your 10% of shares . When I got to know this they knew that I'll be a hinderance in their lives that's why they all planned this " 

"Arjun  i am forgiving you even i also want to apologize that i had also blamed you for all this but you were also innocent if i were at your place i would also very much broken . And it was your child too , you must be equally shattered by knowing this  " , said pooja and her eyes brimmed with tears . They both cried , they hugged like their was no tomorrow . 

It was their fate , they were meant like this . But in all this time they loved each other deep down . 

" But you forgot to say something " , said pooja and he looked at her with confusion . 

" I LOVE YOU " , said pooja and laughed and he was happy to see her laughing he again hugged her and twirl her around in the air and she giggled . He kneeled down 

" I love you soo much pooja , I don't know how to apologize for everything I have done before . But Pooja I'll repent everything what i have done  said arjun 

" Loving you is painful Arjun , But i still love you very much " 

" Everything is perfect now maybe  " said pooja and kept her head on his chest .

" yess pooja but one thing is left that is you have to punish yamini , tejassvi and samar " ,  said arjun 

 " Arjun leave them , I have already less time . Why to keep grudges from others , everyone can't be good as you and me  . Leave them " , arjun's heart was churned deep down he was broken beyond repair that pooja has very less time to live .

" Pooja if you are ready we can marry for second time also " , said arjun and pooja looked at him distressed . 

" But arjun you know that i am suffering from brain hemorrhage and i would not live more than 2 months " , said pooja and arjun smiled 

" It doesn't matter pooja i just want to make your last moments special you had suffered so much pain but in these 2 months i will make very very special for you . I again wanted to make you mine completely . We have missed so much in this year  " , said arjun and arjun kept his forehead on hers . 

" Arjun I have fallen in love with you again " , whisper pooja and their lips locked in a sync . 

" Pooja I was already in love with you " 

" But one thing is missing still now " said arjun and took out the their engagement ring from his pocket which pooja left that day . He kneeled in front of her 

" Pooja I know I hurted you so many times , You suffered so much because of me . But Pooja give me one more chance to love you again . Please marry me again , so that i can make you happy once again . You deserve all the love and happiness please give me a chance so i can give you all of this . I promise I'll give you double of what you ask ...And pooja I'll always choose you every time . 

" Marry me pooja " he confessed pooja's eyes were filled with tears she sat on his knee and kissed his forehead affectionately 

" Make me yours again arjun , Love me again " she said 

" Tomorrow will be a new beginning " , both said in unison  

*  * * * * *  * * * * * * * * * *  * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Guys how was the update 

I hope you all loved it 

Guys now i want to show some arpoo moments now 

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