Part 11 - Moments

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Her fingers involuntarily made patterns on his chest as she thought of diffrent ways to get up from the bed without waking him up. Pushing him would result in him to fall off the bed and she didn't want to hurt him more. Though he didn't show, she saw him few times stretching due to pain in his hip. She tried to take his hand off her waist but he made himself more comfortable by holding her even more tightly.

Very technically, she was trying to take each of his finger off her waist when he turned and hugged her literally, nuzzling his face in the crook of her neck. She closed her eyes tightly as she held her breath feeling his lips on her neck. May be he'll kill her one day with his tortures she thought.

She slowly pulled his hair thinking he'll wake up but he was in deep sleep to feel that. Sighing, she pulled it a little more harshly and he nuzzled his face more in her neck as a sign of irritation making her hold onto his kurta in a tight grip. All her ways were backfiring and she decided to try one last way.

“SHIVAAY” she shouted and he pushed her off him before sitting on the bed startled.

“what happened? Did you fall somewhere? Did you get hurt?” He asked frantically and she shook her head.

He breathed a sigh of relief and looked confused at her.

“Why did you call me then?”

“Did I call you? When did I call you?” She asked acting confused and he looked more confused at her.

“You didn't call me? Then who called me? Ah! Leave it” He told and got down the bed.

“I want to take my car from my home” She told and he turned to her.

“Why? Aren't you coming with me?” He asked confused.

“Nah! If I come with you, everyone will know about us right?”

“Who are you? My secret girlfriend? Girl, you're my legally wedded wife about whom anyone and everyone who follows news knows about” Shivaay told with a shrug.

“That's the problem. Everyone will look at me as if I'm an alien who came from Mars” She told with a frown and he chuckled.

“Do one thing, wear a burkha and change your name to some Anisa begum. Nobody will recognize you” He told.

“Ya next I'll have to do that to hide from everyone's prying eyes. I have to keep a board in front of me “Dear people, both my families are famous. Along with that, my brother and husband are amongst the top business men of India but please leave me alone. I'm none of the above but a normal human being” She told and he burst out laughing.

“You'll need it” He told and she frowned.

“What did I do to have all these limelight? I seriously don't like this. I managed to hide till our marriage but after that, I got more popularity. Besides being Arnav Singh Raizada's sister, Shivaay Singh Oberoi's wife” She told and he sat beside her.

“You may be Arnav Singh Raizada's sister and Shivaay Singh Oberoi's wife for the whole world but for me, you're just Anika who is unique in her own way, imperfectly perfect, and my very naughty cute kiddo” He told pulling her cheeks at the end with a smile and tears brimmed up in her eyes.

She kept her head on his chest and hugged him holding his waist while still sitting.

“Forget about limelight. Neither me, nor Arnav can help it. Do you think I like all these limelights? I seriously don't” He told and she nodded.

“Will you listen to me if I say something?” He asked and she nodded.

“There might be many rumors and talks saying I was biased towards you. Don't listen to all those and come crying to me please——”

“I'm not a cry baby” She told with a frown and he chuckled.

“You're not but I know you. You'll either angrily say you don't want the job or cry saying you don't want the job. Either way, you'll resign and I can't stop you from doing that. If you hear anything like that, remember how me and Arnav took your interview. If you performed bad, we would have rejected you then and there. Never have a misconception on how you performed. If I could, I would have appointed as the manager but then that post requires certain years of experience which you don't have. Your answers and behaviour were that perfect. You understand right?” He asked and she hummed.

“Did you sleep?” He asked confused and there was no answer from her side.

“God Anika! I was saying such an important matter and how can you sleep like this?” He asked shaking her and she frowned before hugging him properly and sleeping on his chest.


Shut up” She muttered and slept peacefully hearing his heartbeat.


“5 minutes. Just five minutes” She muttered sleepily and he sighed.

He smiled and caressed her hair making her smile faintly. Somehow she couldn't sleep.

“Why did you change your cologne?” She asked and he looked confused at her.


“After you started going to office. From University you had another one right?” She asked raising her head and he thought for sometime.

“Oh ya! I was getting bored of that” He told and she nodded before keeping her head back comfortably.

“Why did you ask?” He asked confused..

“I didn't like this and didn't get a chance to tell you. Now I told” She told causally and he nodded.

“Five minutes are over. Do you want to get late on the first day of office?” He asked and she raised her startled.

“Oh my god ya, let me go and bath” She told before getting down the bed and rushing to the washroom making him chuckle.

“Unpredictable” He told chuckling before going to the guest room to fresh up as it was already getting late.


She was brushing her hair when he walked in. Walking to his wardrobe, he was about to take his usual cologne when he smiled and took the other bottle and sprayed it on him.

He stood behind her and snatched the brush from her making her shocked.

“What? I want to brush” She told and he shrugged as he set his hair.

“You do after I do” He told and she snatched it from him.

“You go and take another one”

“This is mine”

“Haven't you heard, Jo tera hai wo mera or jo mera hai wo tera?” She asked with a smirk.

“Nonsence” He told and was about to snatch it from her when she held it up above with her hand. Chuckling, he was about to reach it when she pulled her hand and moved back showing her tongue at him.

“Anika” He told in a warning tone and was about to reach her when she got on the bed chuckling. He rushed to catch her but she got down the bed and ran up on the couch chuckling.

He stood there with arms crossed against his chest.

“You will get down that couch right?” He asked with a smirk.

“Aww Shivaay Singh Oberoi gave up so soon. I didn't expect this” She told in a fake sad tone and he nodded.

“That won't work. Come down” He told and she bit her tongue.

“Ok, five minutes me, five minutes you. Deal?” She asked.

“First me”

“When you came, the brush was with me. You snatched it from me remember?” She asked with a frown and he shrugged.

“I'm the elder one here”

“You should give everything to the young ones. Haven't you learnt in lower classes?” She asked with a sheepish smile.

He checked his watch and sighed.

“Fine! Come down. We're getting late”

“Good boy!” She told and got the couch before walking to the mirror.

“Don't tie” He shouted and she turned to him startled.


“Leave it open. Don't tie” He told gesturing towards her hair as she was about to tie ponytail.

“Ok?” She told confused and left her the hair open and brushed it once again before giving the brush to him.

She completed getting ready and turned to see him still setting his hair.

“I'm ready”

“ya 2 minutes” He told carefully setting his hair and she nodded before sitting on the couch.

Even after five minutes, he wasn't ready and she mentally thanked herself for not giving him the brush first or else she wouldn't have ever got it back. Men and their obsession to hair!

“We're getting late” She told loudly.

“2 minutes”

“No 2 minutes. That's enough” She told and snatched the brush from him making him frown.

“I'm not done”

“You look very handsome. Now come” She told and he shook his head stubbornly.

“God!” She told and held his jaw before brushing it in her way and kept the brush back.

“Perfect. Let's go” She told and he turned to the mirror and was about to protest when she glared at him.

“Ya let's go” He told softly and she nodded before walking out.

He was about to take the brush when——

“Don't you dare touch it” She told in a warning tone and he took his hand back before rushing out.

••|To Be Continued|••


“No Sweety, I'll come and pick you up at 2, day after tomorrow —— We have 4 hours —— No I'm sending out everyone at home —— It's just you and me” He told with a wide smile.

“Anika will not find out about us —— Arre yaar, she won't even understand. She believes whatever I say so it won't be a problem” He told with a smirk.

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