Part 12 - In office

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A few days later

“Anika right? I'm Rahul, project manager. I was on a leave, so this late introduction” The tall man told extending his hand for a handshake and she shook her hand with a smile.

“I heard you're sir's new PA. Don't take me wrong but are you sure you're up for this task?” Rahul asked and Anika looked confused at him.

“Why sir?” She asked politely.

“Please call me Rahul” He told and she nodded.

“But why did you ask that question?” Anika repeated.

“Sir is very short tempered and I have never seen him with one PA for more than three months. I just told, not that you're not capable” Rahul told softly and Anika smiled.

“Do you follow news?”

“I don't have that habit. Why?”

“Simply! I'll take care. Thank you for informing Rahul” Anika told with a smile.

“And, my cabin just two cabins apart. If you want any help...” He told and she smiled.

“That's so sweet of you. Thank you very much” Anika told with a smile and Rahul smiled before walking out of her cabin.

She smiled and walked to his cabin.

“May I come in sir?” She asked opening the door slightly and knocking.

He raised his head and quickly kept something away before looking at her.

“Come in” He told and she smiled before closing the door and walking to him.


“Nobody is going to hear us inside this cabin. Avoid your formality at least here” He told as he was tired of repeating the same thing for the hundredth time and she chuckled.

“Rules are rules. Mr Sam called and asked to reschedule the meeting as there's some emergency for him. When should I fix the next appointment?” She asked and he thought for sometime.

“Am I free tomorrow?”

“No, tightly packed right from morning” She told and he frowned.

“List it out”

“9 am, you have meeting with Apollo groups. 10:30 with Malhotras. From 12 to 1, it is lunch break and I won't fix any meeting at that time. At 1:30, you have an appointment with Mr. Sameer Maheswari and again at 4, there's a meeting with Reddit groups. 6, duty hours will get over” She told.

“From 12 to 1——”

“Lunch break” She told sternly and he nodded quickly.

“We can have lunch——”

“I told you it's lunch break and I won't fix a meeting at that time? I won't listen anything. If your pressure lowers like last time——”

“Ok ok no meeting. I'll have lunch. What about day after tomorrow?” He told quickly and she thought for sometime.

“After 1, there's no meeting scheduled” She told and he nodded.

“Shall I fix it for day after tomorrow?” She asked and he nodded but then quickly shook his head.

“No no, I want to go home early that day. I have some work at home” He told and she looked confused at him.

“What work?”

“Some paper works. I'll come and pick you up at 6” He told shrugging and she narrowed her eyes at him.

“What paper works?”

“Regarding the new deal” He told looking here and there.

“Ok, so when should I fix the appointment then? Wednesday then? You're fully free”

“NO! I'm not coming to office on Wednesday” He told.

“You tell me a day. I'll fix” She told irritated.

“Next week?” He asked.

“He wants this week itself”

“I can't work according to his convenience” He told with a frown.

“Alright, I'll tell him that you have no interest in meeting him. Is it ok?” She asked with a frown.

“I have no interest in meeting him. That's right but it will be rude to tell him that. So ask him if next week is convenient for him, otherwise tell him to get lost” He told and she looked shocked at him.

“Should I literally say that?” She asked and he nodded.

“Tell him very frankly, Get lost” He told and she sighed.

“Alright, I'll connect him to you. Please talk it out between you both” She told and he chuckled.

“Tell him we'll meet at Obron Cafe after 6:30 tomorrow. I'll drop you home and go” He told and she nodded.

“What if that's not ok for him?” She asked and he sighed.

“Connect him to me” He told and she nodded.

She walked out and he breathed a sigh of relief before quickly taking his mobile and calling someone.

“Yes sweety tell me. She just came in to say something” He told sitting back comfortably on the chair.

“No, I'll come and pick you up at 2, day after tomorrow —— We have 4 hours —— No I'm sending out everyone at home —— It's just you and me” He told with a wide smile.

“She'll not find out about us —— Arre yaar, she won't even understand. She believes whatever I say so it won't be a problem” He told with a smirk.

“Home? I arranged a full day trip for Mom and Dad along with Uncle and Aunty” He told.

“Not in the bedroom! Dumbhead she'll definitely find out if we do it in bedroom —— No yaar, not in the bedroom. I know it'll be comfortable in bedroom but we both sleep there at night and you know right. Guest room is free. We can do whatever we want for four hours —— Don't be scared. She won't find out. I'm there with you right? —— I know it's your first time. It's my first time too —— Ya! Very first time. What did you think? *Chuckle* I just tagged along with Arnav. I never did” He told.

“Ok so everything is set. That I'll buy. Which flavor? Coffe flavor? Is there such a flavored c—— Ok strawberry it is then. Sure right? Ok done! Alright bye” He told and hanged the call with a smile.

Tears brimmed up in her eyes as she heard everything from the landline. Coincidentally they both had forgot to disconnect the phone after she had called him to ask something official.

“What did he even mean by all those?” She thought as tears threatened to fall off her eyes.

“No Anika, don't assume anything before knowing the complete truth. He won't dream of anything like that. But——But——what I heard” She whispered to herself as tears rolled down her cheek.

“God! What should I do now?” She thought as not even one positive scenario ran in her mind.

“What if it's something else?” She asked to herself.

“What else can it be? He always considered me like a sister. It's me, who like a fool started seeing him as my husband. Why is my heart aching so badly? He told in the starting itself that we can divorce if it doesn't work out. Isn't it working?” She asked to herself as her tears turned into slight sobs.

“It's working right? Or is it just from my side? He still considers me the same way” She told keeping her head on the table as she kept her hand on her mouth to control her sobs.

“May be he tried and he couldn't. Why should I force him? Bhabhi and Bhaiyya got happily married so now there's so problem. May be he'll give me divorce papers soon. I should be prepared” She thought as she wiped her tears but she couldn't control her tears.

“No Anika. You shouldn't fall weak. You're strong” She told as she wiped her tears and gulped down a glass of water.

••|To Be Continued|••


On reaching the washroom, her shell broke and she sat on the floor supporting the door as she burst out crying. Muffling her sobs with her palm, she pressed her head hard on the door. That's when she realised, she had a similar experience ten years back and she had cried exactly like this sitting in the washroom. Surprisingly he was the root cause both the times. Then, it was her guilt of feeling something for a person who was supposed to be like her brother and this was a feeling of heartbreak realising that he can never consider her something more.

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