Part 8 - Foodie Anika

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I'm very disappointed. Only very few noticed Anika called Shivaay “Shiv” for the first time in last part. I'm very sad nobody saw that or commented on that *pout*


He grabbed her arm and pulled her towards him as she was about to enter the car.

“W-what?” She asked as he held her waist and pulled her towards him.

“What did you call me?” He asked and she blushed as she looked away. Holding her chin, he made her face him.

“Let's go” She told trying to wriggle out of his arms.

“That we will but call me that again. I will leave you then” He told and she widened her eyes.

“What is that?” She asked shocked and he quickly turned leaving her and she giggled before sitting inside the car in the driver's seat.

He looked at her, then shaking his head, he sat inside before turning to her.

“I'll see you at night” He told and she chuckled.

“Key” She told extending her palm and he kept the key in her palm.

“To the the restaurant right?” She asked and he shrugged.

“Say” She told and he shrugged again.

“I don't know” He told and she turned to him with a pout.

“Ok Shiv. Happy now?” She asked and he turned to smiling.

“Very happy. Now drive to the Golden palace restaurent” He told and she hit his arm.

“You call me drama queen. I should call you drama King now” she told and he smiled cheekily.

“Whatever you call. I never thought I'll hear such a word from you. You can't blame me. My wife just called my name” He told and she blushed.

“Will you drive or keep blushing?” He asked and she started the ignition.

“This gown” She told pulling the gown up and he turned to her.

“I'll drive. It'll be difficult with that huge gown” He told and she shook her head.

“I want to drive. I'm in a mood to drive now” She told stubbornly and he sighed.

“Don't hit my car somewhere ok”

“Excuse me, I'm a good driver” She told offended.

“Did I tell you're bad driver? With this gown, driving will be difficult” He clarified and she frowned.

“I will manage” She told and started the car making him sigh in disbelief.

She stopped the car in front of a restaurant and they got down.

“Why is it so silent here?” She whispered to him seeing the empty restaurent.

“Hello sir and madam” The manager wished and Shivaay smiled while Anika looked at him surprised.

“Please be comfortable” The manager told leading them to a table.

“What's this?” She asked with wide eyes looking at him and he shrugged.

“You like surprises right?” He asked and she looked at him with both her hands on her mouth.

“You reserved this place for both of us?” She asked and he nodded.


“Why do you ask so many questions? What do you want to have by the way?” He asked and she sat back comfortably with a sigh.

“You did so much. Now order yourself” She told and he smiled cheekily.

The waiter arrived to take the orders.

“Serve all the dishes you have here, to madam. Let her select whatever she wish” He told and she looked shocked at him.

“All the dishes?” The waiter looked shocked at him.

“Yes. Didn't I make myself clear? Make it fast” Shivaay asked sternly and the waiter nodded before quickly walking away.

“What are you planning to do? Make me a Panda after feeding me so much?” She and and he chuckled.

Minutes later, a few waiters brought about seven trolleys with little of each dish, towards them.

“Shall I serve madam?” The waiter asked and Anika looked at Shivaay with a glare.

“Do one thing. Serve half of each dish for me and half of it for him” She told with a sweet smile and his eyes widened.

“Alright ma'am” The waiter told and started serving the dishes.

The table was full with different plates and still there were some dishes left to serve.

“That's enough. We'll call you if we need anything. Thank you” Anika told with a polite smile and the waiter nodded before walking away.

“Start” She told and he looked at her gulping.


“Start eating. Let's see who finishes this first” She told rubbing her hands excited.

He looked at her and then at the table with wide eyes. God! Where am I stuck?

“Start” She told with a frown and he nodded.

They started having the food and by the tenth dish, Shivaay sat back defeated shaking his head.

“I can't have more” He told and she shrugged.

“Don't have, give me that, that and that” She told pointing at the left out dishes he didn't try and he looked shocked at her.

“What about all these?” he asked pointing at all her left out dishes.

“That I will eat” She told as she continued eating and he sat in front of her gulping his saliva seeing her eating. He so wanted to eat something seeing the way she was eating but if he ate one more spoon, he would vomit. That was his condition.

After she finished everything that is, all her dishes, his left out dishes and the dishes which the waiter did not serve due to lack of space, she sighed and looked at him with a wide smile.

“Where is that waiter? Who will serve the desserts?” She asked with a frown and shivaay so wanted to ask her if she was a magician.

“You still have space there?” He asked pointing at her stomach and she frowned.

“You're saying as if I ate so much” She told with a frown and he looked shocked at her.

The waiter came once she called.

“What do you have here as desserts?” She asked and the waiter told everything they had as desserts there.

“What do you want?” She asked looking at Shivaay.

“Nothing! I'm fine” He told and she nodded.

“Do one thing, serve everything just like you did with the dishes but just bring for me” She told and the waiter nodded before walking away with a surprised as well as shocked face.

People came and cleared the table and within few minutes, the desserts were served. Anika was having everything while Shivaay again looked at her having the sweets.

He was about to take the piece of cake when she swatted his hand with a frown.

“Order again if you want. Don't take mine” She told and he looked shocked at her before taking his hand back slowly.

After finishing the last ice cream and licking the spoon clean, she looked at him with a contended sigh.

“Do you want anything else?” Shivaay still had the audacity to ask that question.

“Ya, a glass of water” She told and he poured the water for her in the glass which she drank.

“I'll go to restroom and come” She told and he nodded.

She walked to the restroom while he sighed and looked at the table.

“Sir, shall I take the bill?” The manager asked and he turned to him. Do you still have doubt man?


She came back a few minutes later after reapplying her lipstick a little as he was waiting for her after paying.

“Let's go?” She asked and he nodded.

He looked at her stomach but it was just as they had entered the restaurant. Where did all the food go? He thought surprised and she raised her eyebrows at him.

He shook his head and sat in the car.

“Anika, one doubt” He asked as he started the car and she turned to him.

“How did you eat so much?” As much as he didn't want to sound curious, he couldn't help it.

“Now before you take me to a restaurent like this and ask them to serve me everything, remember this. In case of food, I'm a magician” She told raising her invisible collars.

“I knew you were a huge foodie but didn't expect this. I will never forget this” He told and she smiled sheepishly.

••|To Be Continued|••

A/N: well well, any foodie friend you have just like Anika?

And ya, I typed this part out of my experience as I had myself seen someone eating like this. Not revealing the name tho 😂😂

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