A Dino-Mighty Fusion

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In the fusion dimension a boy who looks like Dakota is sitting in his room going over his deck

F Dakota: Man where's Yuri and Serena? Yuri and I were supposed to duel with Serena being the referee

(F Dakota stands for fusion Dakota)

Just then a girl who looked like Yuya with pink and purple hair and pink eyes walked in his room

F Dakota: Oh! Hey, Yuri I thought you forgot about our duel


F Dakota: Yuri you okay

Yuri: Dakota do I... act like a sadistic bitch

F Dakota was caught of guard by this then realized what was going on

F Dakota: Who?

Yuri: Huh?

F Dakota: Who said it?

Yuri: It was just some Obelisk

F Dakota silently left which got Yuri's attention and he was then faced with a girl who looked like Yuzu

???: Umm hey Dakota ready for the duel?

F Dakota: Not now Serena someone needs to get carded by me

This caused both Yuri and Serena to be shocked since he never carded anyone before not even during the invasion

They were soon following him with a cyan hair colored boy walked up

???: Hey Dakota want to duel

F Dakota: Sorry, Sora, but someone needs to die today

Sora: What now?!

Yuri: My darling is going to card someone

Sora: Why?

Serena: Cause they hurt Yuri's feelings

Sora: That's rare

Timeskip brought to you by F Dakota having a scary aura

F Dakota finally found the duelist who called Yuri a sadistic bitch after doing some violent interrogations

F Dakota: Oi! Fuckwit!

Obelisk blue: Huh?! You talking to me?

F Dakota: No shit Sherlock. I heard you called Yuri a sadistic bitch, so apologize or else

Obelisk blue: Why should I. I only spoke the truth

F Dakota was now totally pissed and a fiery orange aura surrounded him

F Dakota:

F Dakota: Okay then let's duel!

Obelisk blue: Fine by me

Sora, Serena, and Yuri just got to to where Dakota and the Obelisk blue was

Both: DUEL!

Obelisk blue: 8000 LP
F Dakota: 8000 LP

Obelisk blue: I'll start by playing Polymerization to fuse three Ancient Gear Hunting Hounds. Mechanical hounds who carry on the ancient spirit! Flock together and become one with a new power! I Fusion Summon! Come forth! Level 7! ANCIENT GEAR TRIPLE HUNTING HOUND!!!

F Dakota stood there and laughed

F Dakota:

F Dakota: You really expect me to be scared of your mechanical flea bag

Obelisk blue: What do you mean

F Dakota: I mean you're nothing but a caged dog thinking you got stronger from the puppy chow you were given. It's just hilarious

Blue: Why you!...

F Dakota: I draw! I activate Polymerization to fuse my Ultimate Tyranno, Super Conductor Tyranno, and Ultimate Conductor Tyranno. Three mighty, tyrannical beasts fuse together, and become an unstoppable force! Rise up, and show everyone your the true supreme ruler. I Fusion Summon! Rise up! Level 12! Terrifying, tyrannical, terror! ABSOLUTE CONDUCTOR TYRANNO!!!!!!

A cybernetic Tyrannosaur appeared roaring as flames came out of its engines

Blue: What... is... that?

F Dakota: This is the last thing people see before I card them! Now, Tyranno's ability activates where he gains my three Tyranno's original attack points. Meaning my Tyranno gains 9800 attack points. Making his attack power 13,800!

Sora was amazed, while Serena was worried, and Yuri was amazed and happy seeing Dakota go this far just for her

F Dakota: Now, Tyranno attack that mechanical mutt. Oh, and when Absolute Tyranno attacks a monster he gains the attacked monster's attack points

Blue: Nani?!

F Dakota: Absolute Conductor Tyranno attack with ABSOLUTE INCINERATION!

Obelisk blue: 0 LP

All boosters aimed at the mechanical hound as a roaring, blazing inferno was released burning the monster and Dakota's opponents life points to zero

Dakota simply carded him and then ripped the card in half shocking the crowd that formed during his duel

F Dakota: Let this be a lesson if anyone here messes with Yuri or Serena this will be you. Got it!

Everyone nodded their head understating that if they mess with them they'll get a one way ticket to death

F Dakota: Good

F Dakota then took Yuri to his room and comforted her the rest of the day while Serena and Sora watched

Sora: Well I'm off on my mission now that the fun's over

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Timeskip brought to you by a chibi F Dakota setting a box trap for Sora with a lollipop as bait

Dakota and Yuya are both standing across from each other breathing heavily as they've been trying to perfect their Pendulum and Link technique all night

Yuya: Here we go. I use scale with scale 1 Stargazer Magician and scale 8 Timegazer Magician to set the pendulum scale. Swing far pendulum, carve the arc of victory! My monsters are ready to swing into action! Snap to it, WHIP SNAKE! Slice and dice SWORD FISH! Turn up the heat ODD-EYES PENDULUM DRAGON!

Dakota: I draw! I set scale 0 Fire Opal Head and scale 8 Odd-Eyes Mirage Dragon! Swing, pendulum of destiny! Mark the torrent of time traveling between past and future! I Pendulum summon! Clobber them Dinowrestler MARTIAL ANKYLO! Slash our foes Dinowrestler VALEONYX! Rise from the dead ODD-EYES PHANTOM DRAGON! Now it's time to crank my circuit! Arrowheads confirmed! This Dinowrestler requires 2 or more monsters. I set Dinowrestler Martial Ankylo and Dinowrestler Valeonyx in the link markers! With they're combination comes a great and mighty champion! I Link Summon! Now step into the ring! Link 3! Dinowrestler KING T WREXTLE

They both smiled as Gong pulled them into a hug congratulating them on perfecting their summoning styles

Timeskip brought to you by a chibi Dakota and Yuya in a sleep pile

After school the kids congratulated Yuya and Dakota for Pendulum and Link summoning again until three darts hit Yuya

Yuzu: Triple bullseye

???: Impressed? I assure you that was mere child's play. I could've done that blindfolded

The one who threw the darts was named Shingo Sawatari and invited them to the Leo Institute so Dakota and Yuya could show their summoning techniques

At the Leo Institute

Shingo was giving Dakota and the others a tour of LDS while Yuya was surprised by the classes they teach

Yuya: Man look at this. They teach Synchro summoning, Xyz summoning, and even Fusion summoning

Dakota: You know I could teach how to do that myself Yuya?

While they were talking Sora looked back seeing the standard dimension version of his Dakota and Yuri, but continued to walk

Shingo then took Yuya's cards and challenged Dakota to duel him and his friends were held captive which made him more pissed then he already was

Dakota: Alright, Shingo if it's a duel you want then it's a duel you'll get!

Both: Let's duel!

Shingo: 8000 LP
Dakota: 8000 LP

Dakota: First, I summon Dinowrestler Martial Ankylo in attack mode. Next I activate the spell Double Summon which allows me to summon Dinowrestler Valeonyx. Now, I use my two Dinowrestlers to Link summon Dinowrestler King T Wrextle! I also play the field spell Jurassic World giving my dinosaurs 300 extra attack points. I now activate Card of Demise which lets me draw 5 cards, but on my fifth standby phase I discard my hand. I end my turn

Everyone was surprised to see Dakota use his full hand and already has a new one

Shingo: I summon my Lightning Hoverboard in attack mode and end my turn

Dakota: My move, I draw! I activate the spell Polymerization to fuse my King T Wrextle and Capaptera. T Wrextle merge your DNA with Capaptera and become an unstoppable wrestler! I Fusion Summon! Wreck the arena with your might! Level 8! DINOWRESTLER CHIMERA T WREXTLE!!!

A Tyrannosaur like dinosaur covered in bones appeared on Dakota's field and let out a mighty roar

Dakota: Now I use the spell Odd-Eyes Accel which allows me to special summon an Odd-Eyes monster without tributing this turn. I summon Odd-Eyes Phantom Dragon! I'll use the equip spell Dragon Nails and equip it to my Odd-Eyes giving him 600 extra attack points and I also equip Body Heat to my T Wrextle giving him another extra 300 attack points. I end my turn

Shingo: My move! First, I'll sacrifice my Hoverboard to activate the spell Tribute Trade since I sacrificed Lightning Hoverboard I can draw a monster that's one level higher. Now, I set the pendulum scale with scale 1 Stargazer Magician and scale 8 Timegazer Magician! I Pendulum Summon! Monsters emerge! Power Dart Striker, Rocket Dart Striker, and Ultimate Dart Striker. With that I end my turn

Dakota: My move, I draw! This duel is finished Shingo! I activate Card of Sanctity which lets both of us draw until we have six cards in our hand. First, I activate the spell Raigeki which destroys your Dart Striker's. Next, by discarding one card from my hand I can summon Dinowrestler Iguanodraka! Now, Iguanodraka attack Shingo directly!

Shingo: 5700 LP

Dakota: Now, Chimera T Wrextle it's your turn!

Shingo: 1600 LP

Dakota: Alright, Odd-Eyes finish him off with Phantom Flame Strike

Shingo: 0 LP

After the duel and saving his friends Yuya got her cards back, but Shingo still wanted them until his goons were knocked out and Dakota punched him in the gut knocking the wind out of him

Sora: Let that be a lesson Dakota rules and bullies drool

After Sora introduced himself he asked Yuya if she could be his coach

Hello everyone sorry if this one seemed like it was rushed I'm just running a little low on the creativity until then guys, gals, and non-binary pals cya

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