Carve The Arc Of Destiny

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A city is seen in total destruction with two giant dragons are seen above the destruction as fire and smoke rise

Dragon1: Finally everyone will learn what they created and we will rule this world together! My king~

Dragon2: Indeed we will my empress however I do wonder if this will be a appropriate place for our children

Dragon1: Don't worry darling we will find somewhere for them. After all we're the strongest beings to exist no one can stop us!

???: Except me!

Both: Huh?!

???: Zarc, Acnologia this has to stop! Look what you have done!

Acnologia: What we've done?! Hahahahahaha! Ray your so oblivious! We didn't cause this, it was the audience who craved more brutal and violent duels!

Zarc: He's right Ray all we did was give what the crowd wanted

Ray: Well I'm here to stop the both of you!

Ray then used four spells cards to separate Zarc, Acnologia, herself, and her world into four separate parts as everything went black a boy then shot up from his bed

???: Ugh, that dream again. Every time I have it the more real it feels

???2: Hey, Dakota come on mom made pancakes

Dakota: Coming, Yuya

Yuya: That's what he said

Dakota: Screw off!

Dakota then got dresses for the day and slid down a pole and walked through the kitchen and saw Yuya and her mom eating breakfast

Yuya: Morning, Dakota ready for today

Dakota: Hell yeah! Of course I'm ready to bash anyone's skull in who picks on you or Yuzu

Yuya's mom: Dakota I appreciate you looking out for my daughter, but please keep the violence at a minimum

Dakota: No promises Yoko

Both Yuya and Dakota left the house as Yoko could only sigh at his answer

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Dakota carrying a blushing chibi yuya bridal style

???: Look at that Yuya isn't late

Dakota: Hey, Yuzu that's because I ran while carrying her

Yuzu: Well let's head to class then

Dakota: Right

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Dakota slamming someone bullying Yuya into a wall

Somewhere else there's a ancient Japanese area with two giant armored warriors with someone there

Man: It's time for Gong's two sword swinging samurai to say buh-bye and hit the road. Now, Gong can bring out the biggest, baddest samurai of them all Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei! Alright, Yuya enough riding around it's time to take center stage and show Gong what you're made of

Just then Yuya showed up on a roof while riding a pink hippo

Yuya: It's show time! Ladies, Gentlemen, and Gong how bout I kick off this duel with some carnival craving hippos! Get hopping hippos

Three hippos appeared and started to dance as well as Yuya whilst irritating Gong

Gong: Hey what's with all that shaking?! We're not dancing we're dueling

In an observation room Dakota and Yuzu are also watching the duel while Yuzu is also somewhat annoyed with Yuya's antics Dakota is busy watching a certain part of Yuya dancing

Dakota: Hmm nice ass

Yuzu: Ugh, quit goofing around Yuya!

Yuzu slammed her hands on the control panel causing sparks to fly and smoke to explode from it while her father Shuzo appeared Dakota was still staring at Yuya's ass

(A/n: Shuzo is the Japanese name for Skip)

Shuzo:  What's going on Yuzu

Yuzu: Oh I just had a wee mishap

Shuzo: I told you to treat this equipment with TLC our duel school depends on this ARC system

As the ARC system shut down the solid holographic field disappeared causing Yuya to fall and Dakota to snap out of his trance

Dakota: Who da what now? Oh, You good Yuya

Yuya: *weakly holds thumb up* Yup

Yuzu: Yuya what do you have to say for yourself


Yuzu: Figures

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

It's a peaceful afternoon and everyone is going about their day until Shuzo shouts in distress

Shuzo: OUR DUEL SCHOOL IS GOING DOWN THE TUBES! We can't teach action dueling without our ARC system soon all our You Show students will turn into no shows. At times like this I wish I were principal of a cooking school

Yuya: *sigh* I was just getting to my most duel-taining moves when the system shut down

Yuzu: Your duel-taining distracted me you should take life more seriously

Yuya moved out of the way from Yuzu's slap letting Dakota get hit

Dakota: Ow. Please tell me it's not that time of the month Yuzu... OW!

Dakota was on the floor while Yuzu was holding her paper fan and blushing while Yuya bumped into Gong

Yuya: Is that you gong or did someone put a boulder in here

Gong: Why do you have to turn everything into a joke Yuya

Yuya: Well there's nothing wrong with giving the fans a good laugh

Dakota: Along with showing pain

Gong: When fans watch your duels they're not laughing with you, they're all laughing at you! When your daddy took the stage he had all the fans smiling, he made duel-taining entertaining. Your duels are usually just embarrassing.

Dakota: *fake innocent smile* Careful what you say Gong or else

Yuya: Well if you ask me my dad's last duel was pretty embarrassing too

Gong/Yuzu: YUYA!!!

Dakota: Let me just get some water for that self burn

Yuya: Relax

Just then a man wearing a yellow and black striped suit walked in

???: Afternoon all I do hope I'm not intruding

Shuzo: Who are you

Nico: I'm Nico Smiley, dueling manager and promoter. Currently I represent the reigning Action Duel Champion the Sledgehammer

Yuya: Not THE Sledgehammer

Dakota: Hmm?

Nico: The Sledgehammer is hosting a fan appreciation day at the Leo Institute and as part of the festivities he issued a one-on-one duel with Yuya and Dakota

Yuya: Your inviting us to duel the Sledgehammer

Nico: I'm not inviting you to duel his grandma. Seriously though this is your chance to make up for your father's disappearing act. You do remember what happened don't you?

Dakota: Wait. I understand why he'd want to duel Yuya, but why me?

Nico: Well he sees you as a rival especially since his true rival was your mother

Dakota: Hmm what's in it for the rest of us

Nico: Free publicity for the dueling school and the Leo Corp will be donating their newest Augmented Reality Combat system to the school for no charge. As in free

Dakota: Well what do you say Yuya

Yuya: I'm in!

Nico: Splendid and you Dakota Claw

Dakota: Tell the Sledgehammer he's the one who will be getting nailed

Nico: Wonderful

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Yuya holding back Chibi Dakota from attacking someone

During Yuya's duel with the Sledgehammer Dakota found himself staring at two giant monsters

???: Hello human

???2: I would say partner actually

Dakota: Whoa! Who... what are you

AP: Call me Arc Phantom Dragon

King T: I'm King T Wrextle and we're...

Both: Your partners

Dakota: Partners huh? Alright I accept

With that Dakota was snapped back to reality to see Yuya win

Nico: What an incredible duel, but don't go anywhere just yet folks because now we have the Sledgehammer VS Dakota Claw!

Everyone seemed to be shocked hearing the son of Sarah Claw was about to be seen dueling

Dakota: Well cya guys I got a duel to win

Yuya: Go get him Dakota!

Dakota gives Yuya a flirty wink before heading to the field and leaving a blushing Yuya

Dakota: Let's get this over with

Sledgehammer: You about to get slammed down

Dakota: I don't think so

Both: Duel!

Sledgehammer: 8000 LP
Dakota: 8000 LP

Sledgehammer: First I activate the spell Wild Feast LV 5 which lets me summon my Swamp Battleguard and Lava Battleguard and then I end my turn

Dakota: That's all? Fine by me. My move, I draw! I set the pendulum scale with scale 0 Fire Opal Head and scale 8 Odd-Eyes Mirage Dragon!

Sledgehammer: No! There's no way! I don't believe it!

Dakota: Better believe it and when there's a will there's always a way!

Everyone went speechless as Dakota started pendulum summoning

Dakota: Now I can summon monsters levels 1 through 7 at the same time! Swing, pendulum of destiny! Mark the torrent of time traveling between past and future! I Pendulum Summon! Dinowrestler Pankratops, Dinowrestler Martial Ankylo, and Dinowrestler Valeonyx!

Everyone shouted in cheers as Dakota pendulum summoned

Dakota: That's not all. I activate the spell card, Card of Sanctity this lets both of us draw until we have six cards in our hand. Now it's time to crank my circuit! Arrowheads confirmed. This Dinowrestler requires 2 monsters. So I put Dinowrestler Martial Ankylo and Dinowrestler Valeonyx to the link circuit! Now Link this system! And with their combination comes the champion who dominates the arena! I Link Summon! Now step into the ring! Link 3! DINOWRESTLER KING T WREXTLE!!!

At Leo Corp

Scientist: President, we detected a strong summoning style it seems to be stronger than pendulum

The president was none other than Reiji Akaba

Reiji: What is it

Scientist: It seems to be something called Link energy

Reiji: Can we get a visual on the duel

Scientist2: Yes sir

They all saw the duel between Dakota and the Sledgehammer

Reiji: What do we know about this boy dueling the Sledgehammer

Scientist2: His name is Dakota Claw sir. He attends You Show duel school. He's also the son of Sarah Claw and has a duel score of 85%

Reiji: *thought* So he's powerful, but not unbeatable? I wonder how you will fair against me

Back at the duel

Dakota: Now I activate the quick play spell Dragon Call! This allows me to summon up to 5 dragon, but I have to pay 1000 life points for each one and I summon 2 dragons

Dakota: 6000 LP

Dakota: I summon Odd-Eyes Phantom Dragon and Odd-Eyes Arc Phantom Dragon. Now I play the spell Raigeki which destroys all your monsters

A lightning bolt struck the Sledgehammer's field destroying his Battleguard's

Dakota: Now T Wrextle attack him directly!

Sledgehammer: 5000 LP

Dakota: Now, Odd-Eyes Phantom Dragon attack him directly again

Sledgehammer: 2500

Dakota: Now, Arc Phantom Dragon finish him off with Dichromatic Phantom Strike

Sledgehammer: 0 LP

With that the duel ended with Dakota being the winner as everyone erupted into cheers and applause

At the Sakaki House

Yuya: You were awesome Dakota!

Dakota: You've been saying that ever since I won the duel Yuya

Yuya: Well it's true your Dinowrestler's are so strong and you even have three odd-eyes dragons too

Dakota: Well you weren't to bad yourself Yuya

Yuya: *blushes* Thanks

Dakota: *yawn* Well I'm going to get some sleep. Night Yuya

Yuya: Night

As Dakota left all Yuya could think about was how she could tell him how she truly felt

Hi everyone I hope you liked this chapter and yes I added Acnologia mostly because I think he was a great villain in Fairy Tail and thinking of him meeting a female Zarc chaos can really unravel. Until then guys, gals, and non-binary pals cya

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