14: Fight

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Ana's POV

They nod as I say this, and we both exit the Lexus and saunter to the mall establishment, Glory at my side and Oluchi walking behind, our feet meeting the concrete floor.

"Where do we go from here?" Glory asks and I shrug, leaving the question for Oluchi to respond.

"How about the babies' department?" Oluchi suggests, and I gape at her dumbfounded.

"Why the babies' department?" Glory queries, voicing my thoughts.

"Why so surprised, she's expecting," Oluchi responds. "There's no harm in being prepared."

"But people will suspect," I intercede not getting her drift.

"Look around you," she urges and we obey. "No one will notice, they are all going about their different business, so you've got nothing to worry about."

"I know, but you can never tell who is watching," I insist, still not accepting her idea.

"Stop acting so paranoid!" She shuns and clenches our waists.

"I see her point though," Glory speaks much to my dissatisfaction. "We can get a few stuff for the baby."

"That's absurd," I argue, my feet moving forward as Oluchi steers us to the section of the mall written BABIES CLOSET in bold colorful letters. "I don't even know the gender of the baby yet. Heck, my bump is not even out."

"Which is the more reason you should start now," she beams. "Take a look, isn't this cute?"

"It is but--" I give up at how charming and colorful the place is. Various toys of different shades are seen scattered almost everywhere, clothes that can fit from day-olds till five years of age are hanged in numerous sizes and designs on the walls. What pulls on my heartstrings is the six-month-old boy crawling to us with tiny chubby arms, his fair complexion going well with the curly black baby hair atop his head.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry," a young lady of probably thirty years rushes out from behind a large banner lined with the thirty-six letters of the alphabet and numbers 1-10. "I didn't know I had customers."

"It's fine," I tell as Oluchi scoops up the little boy in her arms murmuring intangible words to him as he giggles adorably.

"So how can I be of assistance?" The lady questions. "Anything catch your fancy?"

"Aaah," I murmur, not sure why but I can't seem to come up with a reply.

"Nope, we were just looking around," Glory retorts, saving the day. "I'll be back some other time to pick up a few things."

"That will be great!" The woman squeals. "How gone are you?"

"Um, sorry?" Glory quizzes in confusion and I hold in my laugh while Oluchi snorts.

"I meant to say how old is your pregnancy. There's no lump yet so I'm guessing in the first trimester?" She doubts, her stare drifting from Glory's face to her belly.

"Oh, oh," Glory understands, her cheeks flushing as she places me a strong gaze. "It's for my friend, she's about three months pregnant."

"Okay then," the fair lady smiles. "Feel free to come back anytime."

"I'll bear that in mind," Glory communicates and signals to the child. "You've got a charming son by the way."

"Thank you. I hope he wasn't too much trouble?" She channels this question to Oluchi who is engrossed in blowing on the toddler's tummy bringing about a giggle now and then.

"Hell no!" Oluchi exclaims. "I wish I can keep him."

"I wish too," she snickers, taking him from Oluchi's arms. "I guess you are the expectant one?"

"Me? No," Oluchi declines. "She was referring to my best friend, not me. I just love kids."

"I apologize then. Tell her to be strong," she advises cradling her baby.

"I'm sure she'll hear of that," Oluchi taunts, lending me a subtle smirk which I ignore.

"You have a nice store ma. See you around," I inform and guide our steps out of the shop, the others doing the same.

"That went well," Oluchi muses and I scoff.

"Yeah, I'm happy you got a share of the embarrassment," Glory conveys grinning. "It was good to see you blush."

"Don't mention that again!" Oluchi commands eliciting a laugh from me and Glory.

"Yes boss," I titter. "All these baby vibes are making me hungry."

"You just had breakfast," Oluchi voices bestowing me a questioning look.

"Did you forget I now eat for two people?" I poll, my face squeezed in a playful frown.

"We are in trouble," Oluchi voices looking a bit fearful, her orbs shifting to the bare line of my navel.

"Yep," Glory concurs. "I just pray he/she wouldn't be a food monger as the mother."

"I pray so too because that would be scary," Oluchi lets out, trudging onward as we exit the mall and head for the Pizza Jungle eatrie.

"Yep, because she'll become a huge balloon," Glory continues while I don't respond and walk in after sanitizing my palm at the entrance.

"I don't think so," Oluchi counters, finding us a table near the window. "Ana never gets fat no matter what she eats."

"You never know, pregnancy can change a lot," Glory informs, settling in the seat on the other side of the table as I throw my body in the other.

"Okay guys, I think that's enough," I chuckle, removing my bag to place in front of me. "Quite talking as if I'm not here,"

"Still doesn't make a difference," Oluchi shrugs, sitting close to Glory.

"We should have the chicken special toppings right?" I propose peering at the menu, my mouth watering in anticipation.

"I agree, and it should be large," Glory says, dropping hers to gauge our feedback.

"Y'all know I've had bad experiences with pizza, I simply pray this should be different," Oluchi murmurs rubbing her temples.

Oluchi is a sort of a picky eater, she rarely tries new delicacies and instead prefers to stick with the one she knows. The first time she tasted pizza had her running to the ladies' room to rinse her mouth with water. I don't blame her hence that pizza was really bad, even for Glory who comes of as addicted to it.

Ever since then her taste buds don't appear to welcome any of the sorts thus her face scrunches up when her tongue meets even a crumb. She's heard great reviews from this pizza place and hopes for our sakes this time works out well.

"Amen," I dub. "Here's some cash, Glory you order the pizza and Olu, you get the drinks, I'll take coke. You know that new long can right? Yeah, that one."

"Why paying? I dragged us out, so it's my treat." Oluchi voices, refusing the naira notes I'm handing to her.

"Good for me," I beam, hastily placing the money back in my purse before she changes her mind.

"Hold up, you are just going to seat here while we run errands for you?" Glory raises a question.

"I'm carrying a human duh, I don't need to be stressed," I retort, winking as she and Oluchi leave to go purchase our drinks, probably forgetting to ask Glory what she wants.

Some minutes after I'm sitting alone and glancing through my phone to reply to important emails I hear a hiss, prompting me to raise my head for the source.

My eyes move around till they halt at a table in the far corner containing Emily who glares at me in jean bum shorts and a red crochet blouse that stops just below her breasts.

I pretend not to notice her disgusted expression and turn my attention back to my device till Glory and Oluchi return.

The scent of hot cheesy aroma enchants me and I look up to see Glory position the carton of pizza in my vision, Oluchi following closely behind her with a tray holding two long cans of coke and a sprite.

Not wasting a second, I unfold the box and grab a slice. Blowing little air on it I place it on my taste buds, moaning in delight as I enjoy the amazing flavor that is called pizza.

"Now this is what I've been waiting for," Oluchi utters after munching and swallowing half a slice.

"Do you like it?" I inquire, needing confirmation.

"What part of my sentence don't you understand?" She mocks. "I fucking love it."

"Thank God," Glory sighs, I was afraid you'll vomit this time."

"Me too," I mumble, and we stay silent after that, our concentration on the food. Feeling I've had sufficient, I belch unashamedly and press my back to the seat, letting out a satisfied breathe.

"I'm gonna come here every chance I get," Oluchi confesses, wiping her lips with the tissue present.

"Welcome to the pizza addiction baby," Glory gleams her teeth glinting in a smile.

"Can we go? I'm feeling sleepy," I confide, yawning, my eyes droopy.

"And I'm exhausted," Glory supports, sipping on her drink.

"Okay lazy bones, up we go." Oluchi consents and Glory offers me the keys which I intertwine in my finger and rise, totally forgetting about Emily's behavior from earlier.

My focus on inputting my phone in my bag as I stroll out, I don't see much of the area as I bump into someone, causing the half drank can of Coca-Cola to spill on my attire.

Stunned, I gasp and gaze up to observe it's Emily who doesn't show signs of guilt as she stands there like she didn't do anything wrong.

Having no strength for her drama I make a move to stride past, unshed tears burning my eyes as giggles surround me, Oluchi and Glory's frozen in shock.

I snatch two steps forward but halt when Emily mutters something on the lines of "Sluts always get themselves dirty."

Embarrassment overrides my being as I gape in bewilderment and hurt as Emily hisses and stirs to exit when Oluchi blocks her path and asks, "where do you think you are going?"

"Can you excuse me? I've got no energy for the likes of you," Emily instructs in a sour tone, having no idea who she's up against.

"Can you repeat?" Oluchi invites as Emily aims to weave her route away from her.

"I said I've got no energy for the likes of you," Emily responds. "Can I go now?"

"Not that, the previous one," Oluchi denies, waggling her index finger in the air.

"I can't recall," Emily mutters, appearing irritated.

"I forgot how dumb you can be Emily," Oluchi facepalms and tsks. "You said something about sluts, I want to hear it."

"Oh!" She clamors. "I said sluts are always dirty."

"And who were you referring to in that statement?" Oluchi investigates, her voice laced with fury.

"You know who it applies to, so don't waste my time," she sneers, her grey eyes in my location.
"Besides, you don't have a man so you won't understand."

"Ha!" Oluchi screams in laughter. "I'd rather not have a man than one who despises me," Oluchi grins, cocking her head to the left to gawk at her, "isn't that correct?"

"You should know your place!" Emily shouts in anger and bestows Oluchi a slap.

Oluchi recoils in impact her palm going to the spot that was just hit. Before anyone can comprehend what's going on, she retaliates and shoves Emily, effecting a fall that has her knocking down two seats and a table.

Emily is not allowed to collect herself as Oluchi bounces on her to give her the beating of her life as she throws punches every two seconds. Luckily Glory takes action in time and abandons her aim of helping to clean me up and struggles to pull her off Emily.

Oluchi doesn't budge as she claws on her face, inciting a few customers to join and help Glory in her task. Finally, they succeed while the rest are out with their phones, filming the whole situation.

I am surprised at Oluchi's reaction, at the same time proud, though frightened of the scene she created.

"Let's go," Glory orders, pushing a reluctant and still furious Oluchi out. I pick up her bag from where she dropped it and proceed after them, the burning gaze of Emily piercing my back.

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