15: Excuses

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Ike/Daniel's POV

"Emily!" I thunder my feet stomping into her apartment.

"Emily!" I holler again as my eyes scan from the flat-screen TV to the white walls and grey cushions. I shiver lightly at the empty feeling the place possesses which mirrors the heart of its owner.

"Emily!" I scream, veins popping in my neck and breath accelerating due to my anger.

"Hey Daniel," A voice croaks, and I whirl to see her materialize from the bedroom door at the end. Her hair is held back in a tight bun bringing out her forehead as she rubs her lids.

I observe the red marks lining the side of her cheek and soreness around her eyes. Her posture coming off as if hurt while standing in a bright pink robe.

"Did you come to see how I'm doing?" She inquires in a smile, slanting her head to gawk at me.

"Why did you induce the fight?" I ask, expelling her question.

"If that's why you came here then I suggest you leave. I'm in no mood for your theatrics," she states, leaning on the wall beside her.

"You haven't answered my question, Emily," I growl, getting mad.

"Same way you didn't respond to mine," she shrugs, lifting a brow.

"Emily!" I roar, getting more furious.

"Daniel!" She reciprocates, standing straight.

"I know you Emily, and I also know Ana," I assert. "It is clear you are the one who stirred up trouble."

"Why do you always take her side?" She interrogates resentment dancing in her orbs.

"Because I love her," I pronounce, my black long-sleeved arm moving to point at her. "Also because I know it's your fault."

"How can you be so sure?" She jeers. "Little miss perfect can mess up too."

"Don't fuck with me," I grunt, my chest heaving as I pace the perimeter.

"Think about it," she taunts, wandering towards me. "She's jealous."

"Why would she?" I quiz my face pinching in a scowl.

"Because she can't have you of course," she smirks, gliding a finger along my abdomen.

"And who says she can't?" I doubt, confronting her gaze.

"Me. You are all mine," she sneers, her tongue sliding on her lower lip in what should be a seductive manner, rather I'm repulsed at the sight as I wonder why I had agreed to this arrangement in the first place.

"I'm not yours Emily," I scoff, clamping her other arm as it makes a motion to go to my crotch. "If anyone should be jealous it should be you, thus she has my heart."

"Did I ever give you a reason to think I want your heart?" She snorts in query, eying me as I plunge her hands at her side.

"No, you didn't," I converse. "You've got ulterior motives."

"Yes, so I don't need your heart. She can have it for all I care as far as I have your name and reputation," she explains not caring how her statement will affect me.

"I'm thankful you are finally showing me your true colors," I announce, taking a step back.

"I never hid it," she speaks admiring her newly manicured nails. "I'm certain you knew that all along."

"Even a month old could tell it was all an act," I grumble striding to place my weight on one of the chairs available.

"I guess I'll need more acting classes then," she muses appearing in thought.

"Yep, because your act is getting old," I mumble offering her a slick grin.

"After all this while, you still don't want to know how I'm fairing after the fight," she murmurs becoming restless when I don't pay her attention.

"After all this, while you still haven't answered my question," I counter, crossing my jean-clothed legs.

"Okay fine, what was the question?" She concedes giving up.

"Why did you start the fight, hence Oluchi can't just attack you like a crazed animal," I declare as she settles down in fatigue.

"The fact you are so confident I caused it marvels me," she argues, avoiding my query.

"Then go ahead, prove me wrong," I urge, bestowing her an inquisitive glance. "Did you or did you not provoke them?"

"I did," she sighs, her head bent in shame.

"Now tell me, that wasn't so hard was it?" I mock, not allowing her a chance to deny.

"It wasn't my fault!" She clamors, flaring up. "Just seeing her sitting there comfortably made my blood boil."

"So you decided to do something stupid!" I bellow hauling my body up from the couch. "You are a sick person Emily. You don't love me, so why do something crazy as fighting her?"

"It wasn't her I fought with!" She defends, arising.

"But it was her you aggravated!" I yell in rage, feeling disgusted at her defense attempt.

"Yes, but I didn't do anything I swear," she confesses, lifting glazed eyes to peer at me.

"Then what happened?" I investigate yearning to discern what occurred the previous day at 'Market Square'

"I- I-" she stutters.

"You what?" I raise a question.

"I said something on the lines of how sluts are always dirty!" she exclaims, tightening her robe.

"Why the fuck would you say that," I rumble, sensing the need to pull on my hair strands.

"I told you the reason!" She shouts, her eyes turning black due to her rage.

"I can't seem to recall," I utter stepping her way. "Refresh my memory."

"I felt irritated spotting her relaxed at pizza jungle after what she had done. She made you postpone our wedding! Our well-planned wedding which we took months to plan for a reason still unknown to me!" She cries as I reach her.

"You still haven't explained clearly what transpired, Emily. You can't just tell me you walked up to her and vomited that nonsense!" I voice gaping down at her figure. "I'm no fool."

"You know me so well," she laughs hollowly. "I spilled coke on her."

"How could you--" I start but go lost for words, "Shit Emily, you are crazy."

"As crazy as crazy itself," she acknowledges.

"Then I would like you to tame that craziness and apologize to Ana," I command, leaving no room for discussion.

"She wasn't the one I slapped," She lets out before palming her lips in realization.

"You slapped Oluchi?" I question in alarm. "No wonder she attacked you."

"She challenged me," she complains, seeking remorse.

"Not everyone cowers at your feet, Emily," I state.

"Still I'm not offering anyone an apology," she insists folding her arms.

"Don't try me," I warn, my tone serious.

"You can't threaten me, Daniel," she mumbles matching my gaze.

"Oh I can," I beam. "I'll cancel the wedding."

"You can't do that," she speaks, aiming to conceal the fear I spot in her eyes.

"You don't know what I'm capable of," I convey, my mouth curving at the corners.

"Is that a threat?" She doubts, her lips set in a thin line.

"Oh darling, it's a fact." I ridicule, "I'll do it if I'm pushed to."

"Why are you doing this?" She consults.

"I don't get your drift," I say in confusion.

"Why are you going after her? What does she have that I don't?" She issues scrunching up her nose.

"Ha!" I laugh, "everything? Or do you want a list?"

"I'll love to hear it," she mumbles.

"Um, first, she's beautiful? She's not shallow-minded, she's got a heart, she's hardworking, also she understands me more than anyone else," I explain in reply to her question. "Should I go on?"

"No that's enough," she grunts, her expression changing to that of jealousy.

"Good, because I could go on and on about it," I snicker, joy in my eyes as I think of her. "As I said, the difference is clear."

"I said enough!" She shuns, her body shaking visibly in resentment.

"So are you going to apologize or not?" I invite.

"Why are you so adamant about this!" She yells fisting her fingers.

"Because you need to accept that what you did is wrong and plead for forgiveness," I grumble, getting fed up with her attitude.

"I'm the governor's daughter, I shouldn't plead to anyone!" She disagrees in a loud tone.

"Being the governor's daughter doesn't stop you from making mistakes and asking to be pardoned," I utter, appalled at her mode of justification.

"Well it stops me from doing so," she declares.

"Then it appears you don't want this wedding to hold," I converse, and turn to exit.

"I know you are just searching for an excuse to call off the wedding," she mutters from behind me. "I know you don't want this."

"You don't either so why don't I do us both a favor?" I implore, changing my position so I'm facing her.

"I want this," she whimpers. "Don't do it."

"You do, but for the wrong purposes," I assert, squaring my jaw. "You want Ken but he doesn't have the money so I'm to be your official atm."

"Yes, and she can be your mistress," she beams as if she's just said something tangible. "Happily ever after, case closed."

"The only difference is I don't want it that way, I want to marry the woman I love and not someone whom I hate and despise," I spit, my teeth gritting in clear rage.

"Sucks to be you then," she snorts. "Because we are getting married whether you or anybody wants it or not."

"You know I can end this engagement right?" I taunt, lending her an intense glimpse. "I have the right."

"I won't let that happen," she winks and retreats to her room. "Shut the door behind you, will you? Also, I'll apologize to her tomorrow, and you have to be there with me, to you know, seal the deal."

"That won't be a problem," I announce in a nod and depart, doing as she said, the wood making a banging sound after me.


Swerving my before black but now red painted Acura into the three-story apartment complex owned by Emily, I shut the engine and leave the radio on as Holy by Justin Bieber begins playing.

Grabbing my phone, I scroll through the contacts for her number and tap the call sign, not in the mood to take the steps up to her flat thus that would be a waste of time.

"Hey babe," she answers in an overly sweet tone that has me cringing.

"I'm here Emily," I inform, staring at the car roof.

"Where?" She questions with a giggle.

Feeling the urge to smash my phone, I suck in a breathe and let it out slowly as I reply. "I'm downstairs.

"Oh," she says and I hear shuffling through the line. "I see you now."

"Yeah, can you come down?" I propose.

"I'll be there in a minute," she notifies and I cut the call, resting the device on my lap as I get dragged into my head.

The situation I'm in seems to be a very sticky one, the thoughts whirling around in my head enough to drive any man crazy.

Most times I feel like abducting Ana and running for the heels but that can't happen in real life, besides she hates me anyway. The question is who wouldn't? I've called her a whore more times than I can remember. I've made my own assumptions without giving her a listening ear or the benefit of the doubt.

I laugh at myself whenever I think about the way I insulted her the day I found out she had an affair with Joe, her gateman, now apartment neighbor. I did all these while being engaged to a she-devil.

To top that, I knew all along who she was, I wasn't made to fall in love in the first place. I needed an escape, a refuge from the turmoil called my life, a steady ground different from the shaky one I've been stuck on for a while but the angels decided to bless me, telling me I could love again, that I have a chance at happiness.

This was where the fear set in. I wanted to explain it to her many times but I guess it was cowardice, or the devil wanting me to fail. Somehow I did, because I lost her, I broke her, and gave her the worst betrayal a human could ever receive.

Still, I'm grateful for the miracle God has sent to redeem me, my child, and I promise this time, I'm going to give it my all. I'm going to fight for my woman and my unborn baby, come what may.

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