19: Hangout

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Ana's POV

Standing on the veranda of my apartment, I patiently await Ike's arrival in my attire of a loose-fitting white t-shirt and ripped jeans, coupled with white Addidas sneakers and a brown satchel.

Ever since that day of the launching of 'Self-Love' a week and a day ago, I finally succumbed to picking up his calls and we've been on speaking terms as he rings to find out how I'm doing.

It's Saturday and we agreed for today to be the day as he clearly stated he would like to go out with me in a friendly manner. I obliged to his whims despite a tiny voice screaming at the back of my brain to refuse.

Checking the time on my gold-plated watch, I discover he's a few minutes late than scheduled. Releasing a sigh and about to swerve back into the apartment I heed a horn coming from the gates.

Joe materializes some seconds later as I make my way towards it. "It's fine, I'm heading out," I inform, meaning he doesn't have to stress himself by unraveling it hence it isn't set to automatic yet.

"Okay, be safe," he instructs while winking at me. "But don't have too much fun if you get me."

"Fuck you!" I flip him the bird and saunter through the tiny door of the gate to where Ike's black Bugatti is parked.

"Hello gorgeous," he beams at me as I tug the door open and hop into the expensive core of the machine. The smirk on his face granting me goosebumps in a good way as his bare chest is visible from the two unhooked buttons of his short-sleeved tie and die shirt.

"You seem to change cars more often," I input, and struggle to hide my blush at his endearment.

"I have them so," he shrugs nonchalantly.

"Yeah, I know that," I scoff, smoothing my brows which I lined with an eye pencil in an arch and perfected with concealer.

"Of course you do," he grins, offering me a smile. "So where to my lady?"

The last two words trigger something in me. Something on the lines of pain and jealousy but I push it away, not wanting to have any negative thoughts for the day as I want to let loose and enjoy myself.

"Ana?" He polls, observing my silence, and waves a palm in my eyesight, snapping me out of my head.

"Oh sorry, I spaced out for a moment," I utter, feeling embarrassed.

"Are you okay?" He asks in worry, concern dancing in his dark black orbs.

"Yeah I'm fine," I nod hastily, trying to reassure him. "What was your question?"

"I asked where you'll like us to go first," he repeats, this time word by word as if I'm a child.

"Let's head to the movies," I say rolling my eyes.

"Okay ma'am," he mocks and starts the ignition. "Hang on tight, it's gonna be a bumpy ride."

"What do you mean by---" I begin but halt as he speeds off, my braids flying in different angles, blocking my face in the process.

He simply chuckles, expertly swerving the car at intervals, to the point of driving close to another vehicle, with little or no space between the two before he accelerates again, a large grin gracing his lips.

"What the fuck Ike!" I scream, grabbing hold of the door handle for support. "Do you want to kill me?"

"You know I wouldn't," He howls in laughter at my scared expression.

"Your actions are proving otherwise," I murmur in fright at his unrelenting rate.

"Well," he beams and grips the steering lightly to turn the car a bit when a truck comes heading at us.

"Fuck it Ike slow down!" I shout, my voice laced in panic.

"I've got this," he guarantees, and luckily for us, he succeeds and we surpass the truck, prompting me to let out a breath in gratitude.

"Oh thank the heavens," I say as we make it to the parking lot of the cinema without a scratch. "Never, do, that, again."

"Deep down I know you loved it," he defends, his breathing high due to exhilaration.

"Um, yeah, rather I---," I aim to argue instead he shushes me by placing a finger on my lips.

"Don't deny it," he smirks and unlocks the doors. "Time to go in."

"Won't I be noticed?" I query in fear of someone spotting us or worse taking a picture.

"Do you see any other car around?" He invites and my gaze roams to see there's not a speck of another vehicle in sight.

"How?" I quiz in confusion.

"This is a new theatre I've been working on, it should be opened to the public in a week or two. I'm still working on the paperwork, but besides it's up and running," he explains, provoking my mouth to fall open which he pushes shut with a finger.

"How much money do you have?" I implore in amazement as I stare out the window.

"To be honest? I don't know," he discloses like it's no big deal.
"Shall we?"

I bob my head wordlessly and shove the passenger door ajar, my feet coming in contact with the concrete floor of the area. I hear him lock the door and circle the object to stand beside me.

"What do you think?" He inquires, gesturing to the wide red brick-walled building that has sunflowers and dandelions growing at its feet. The name inscribed 'The People's Cinema' in neon blue bold letters is seen at the top, just below the roofing.

"It's wonderful," I admit, the serenity of the place welcoming.
"I love how quiet the neighborhood is."

"You are not scared?" He raises a question.

"Why would I? Or do you have evil motives?" I quiz, slanting my head to peep at him.

"Yeah, that I'll rape you and no one will know," he strides closer to pin me on the body of the vehicle, his breath fanning my neck, and instead of me feeling scared as I should be, I end up being aroused.

"I know you won't," I murmur in confidence, shocking the both of us.

"Thank you," he grins, and retreats, offering me a hand. "What would you like to watch?"

"Um, all the latest movies," I laugh, waddling aside his figure into the place. "We've got a whole day to ourselves right?"

"Yes we do," he retorts, leaning close to bestow me a chaste kiss on the cheek as we arrive at the counter. "Nenye, can you tell Ekene to put all the latest Netflix movies ready and also send Chike to get pizza, burger, chips, two plates of fried rice with salad and chicken, fried plantain, goat meat pepper soup, and drinks in a cooler. Here's some cash, keep the change."

"Why all those food?" I interrogate as he rests a wad of 1000 naira notes amounting up to 30,000 Naira on the counter.

"You said all day, so we might as well have food to sustain us while at it." He speaks in defense and guides me into the quiet and empty theatre.

I love you, I say in my head, not having the courage to say it out loud.

We get comfy and not long after the lights for off, signaling the starting of the film. It is at this point a teenager of presumably nineteen years of age comes in with all that Ike requested.

The boy I'm guessing should be Chike, places them carefully on the seats after mine. When he's done, I smile thankfully at him and he leaves after Ike sends him a salute.

Time flows by and before we know it, we are rounding up our 5th movie for the day which is Friends (The Reunion).

"That was a really awesome movie," Ike commends, reaching an arm across me to grab another hand of chips, and to his surprise it proves empty. "What?"

"What," I repeat, perplexed at his query.

"The chips are gone," he informs and I pause in bewilderment.

"What do you mean-- oh shit it's gone," I concur, noting the empty tray and plates of food. "They are all gone."

"Wait, what?" He investigates, and peers at them to see I'm saying the truth. "Fuck!"

"Yeah, how long have we been here?" I quiz, kneading my lids as they seem to be drooping.

"I can't tell, but judging that is our 5th movie and our food cart is empty, I'll say a couple of hours," he grumbles in a rough voice that comes off as sexy.

"It's---" I start, gazing at my watch, shutting up as I spot the time. "Oh shit."

"What's that?" Ike issues, gaping at me.

"It's 7:33 pm," I say, glimpsing at my wrist to be sure I saw it right. "Yep, it's 7:33 oh, 7:34 now."

"We must have lost track of time yeah?" He polls in disbelief.

"Yes, we did," I mutter, hauling my body off the seat, my bones making unattractive noises as I stretch, him following suit.

"I should drive you home," he suggests.

"Yes please, I'm so tired," I yawn, placing a palm on my mouth to quieten the crazy outcry for rest.

We sidestep the seats and exit the cinema, back to the counter where Nenye is still rooted to her spot.

"See you later," Ike calls and we reach outside to see it's raining massively. He smirks at me before taking off towards the car.

I race him to it and rush in, him starting up the engine afterward. "Thank you," I smile gratefully for the fun day we had.

"My pleasure," he utters and we ride in the direction of my residence.

The car begins to slow down despite our already slow movement due to the rain and darkness, more so as it seems like the engine is seizing. "What's that?"

"It appears as if, fuck, we are out of petrol," he speaks as he glances at the fuel gauge. "Fuck fuck fuck! How could I have missed it?"

"God," I moan as I take a glimpse to see we are out of juice. "I think we'll have to pack at the side then."

"And do what?" He asks, bestowing me a helpless stare.

"Call someone maybe, there's nothing we can do. We are a bit far from the closest fuel station and there's no way we can trek there in this rain. Even if we do, we can't guarantee they'll be there at this moment," I voice, trying to make him see reason.

"Okay, let me call the driver." He asserts, producing his phone from his pocket, only to groan in response. "There's no network."

I fish out mine to see it's got only a bar of network left, and it keeps blinking. "Mine is one line and it isn't steady."

"Who can you call?" He muses. "No one can come out in this rain, though I can give you the driver's number, I don't think he'll pick up at this time, seeing it is from someone not in his contact list."

"Yes that's true," I agree, thinking of an idea. "But I can call an Uber."

"Ha!" He exclaims in delight. "You are a genius, look him up."

I do and luckily I spot one available and type in my location. Not more than a minute later he calls.

"Hello?" I answer on the second ring.

"This is Akachi the Uber driver. I'm calling to say it would be a double charge of what the app says. Is that fine?"

"Yeah no problem," I assure, desperate.

"Also you'll have to trek a little distance away from that area thus it is a new street,"

"Okay," I oblige, swallowing the retort I have in mind.

Ike and I seat in silence, and I'm sure he's thankful the area we stopped is secure so his car won't get jacked. After about 20 minutes or so of us absently holding hands, I receive a call that he's arrived and we should hike a bit.

"Let's go," I invite, and he nods. We both rush out of the car and he locks it with the remote control. We race hand in hand to the white Toyota Camry parked ahead.

We reach and Ike knocks to find out if we are at the right car even after I signaled the plate number to him. The driver unwinds and I say hello as he introduces himself.

"Take us to Beautiful Gardens hotel," he directs the man after we get in and he affirms. Shifting his attention back to me he speaks, "we'll spend the night there hence it's close."

"It's fine," I say, though deep down I know this is a bad idea for all the wrong reasons.

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I love y'all and thank you for your support..


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