23: Rejection

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Ana's POV

Gazing at the mirror, I smooth the edges of the floral print gown, my braids styled backward and falling on my shoulders to make my oval face stand out with the full-on makeup of thick arched brows, nude eyeshadow, long-lined mascara, and bright purple lipstick I'm wearing.

Hence we are talking about lipstick, today is hopefully the last day of sample testing of the end product of the lipstick we've been working on at the company.

This is the third time we are testing them and as I said hopefully the last, seeing as the previous times resulted in side effects of lip rash and swollen lips of two of our employees.

I'm volunteering myself as the scapegoat today which is one of the reasons I'm praying for it to go well.

The other reason is the fact that much resources and capital have been put into this, some going wasted due to the numerous failed attempts.
I have an inkling today is going to be the day so help me God.

Peering at my reflection one last time, I exit in a pair of black glass-heeled stilettoes and pick up the bag that I dropped earlier from the living room couch.

Locking the front door behind me I saunter to the car, appearing elegant and calm as I wander to tug the driver's door open which is a total opposite to the turmoil and anything but calm resolve within.

Getting in and starting the engine, I position the red handbag in the passenger seat and steer the car towards the gates.

I don't spot Joe as the metal automatically opens to let me pass, probably because he set it sometime early this morning thus I informed him I'll be leaving at dawn to work during our heart-to-heart fit yesterday.

Driving along the concrete roads after the gate slams the moment my car goes through, I presume he must be sleeping after setting it hence it's currently 8:15 am and he works from home so he can get up whenever he wants to.

"Siri, help me phone Glory," I speak into the earpod while I swerve at a corner.

"Sorry I didn't find any phone with that name on the internet, maybe you meant Gionee? It's available in several models and sizes, just inform me of the kind that you would like to purchase so I can look into the details and ram space, pixel size, internet speed, and the rest for you," the robotic voice from my phone responds in my ear as I groan in irritation.

"Not that Siri," I sigh. "Call my friend Glory."

"I can't seem to find a contact with that name in your phone list," It retorts.

Suppressing the urge to scream, I inhale and mutter, "call 'Hypewoman."

"Did you mean Hypewoman [heart]?" It requests and I clench the steering wheel tightly to prevent ramming my car into a wall or pole seeing as my frustration is on the high rise.

"Yes, Siri, what the fuck did you think I meant?" I query in exhaustion. "Call Hypewoman[heart]."

"Sorry, I did not hear you clearly, did you mean hype?" It questions in reply.

"Fuck you, Siri!" I yell, any ounce of restraint gone.

"Fuck is an expression that can be----" I withdraw the pod from my ear, shutting off the unwanted explanation as I retrieve the device from the side pocket of the satchel and proceed to dial Glory myself.


After I frustratingly succeeded in giving Glory a call, I arrive at the company premises and shut the vehicle system. About to alight, I snatch the red bag from beside me and climb out of the car, banging the door locked as I amble to the entrance to my office.

"Are you ready?" Glory beams from her seat as she spots me.

"As ready as I'll ever be," I speak, walking past her to my confinement where I rest what I'm carrying on the desk, only to turn around and see her stride in with black leather pants and a plain white short blouse which she couples with brown boots.

"Someone is looking dapper today," I tease, staring her up and down as I wink.

"Just shut up and answer my question," she rolls her eyes.

"What was your question again?" I invite, leaning my weight on the wooden furniture.

"If you are sure you are ready," she repeats.

"Of course, why won't I?" I inquire.

"I heard what happened yesterday," she divulges, lending me a sorry look.

"From who exactly?" I quiz, despite knowing from whom.

"Oluchi, who else," she chuckles before asking in a serious look, "you didn't want me to know?"

"I wanted to tell you myself that's all, though now I'm glad, thus I'm not ready to break down for the third time in three days."

"Third time in three days isn't so bad," she jeers, causing me to snatch up a stray pen from the table and fling at her. "Hey, stop the violence! It never solves anything!"

"If it makes you shut up, that's a problem solved," I scoff, standing straight and making a move towards the door. "Come on, we've got work to do."

"You sound excited, but are you truly prepped up for this?" She implores following in my footsteps as I stroll to the main building.

"I am," I reply, throwing my head back to offer her a simple glimpse as we pave our way to the factory part of the company.

"Are you prepared to offer yourself in sacrifice to the samples?" She investigates and I groan.

"Why did you have to remind me?" I wail in query. "I was able to forget that part for a few minutes, and you just had to draw my attention back to it."

"It's my job to remind you of what you are getting yourself into." She retorts and pushes the door of the industry open. "Because I don't think any of these people you see here are ready to take up that task, I included."

"So you are not willing to fill in for your beloved boss, hype woman, and friend?" I poll.

"Nope, I've filled in for you enough," she voices in rejection as we have come to the noise and bustle of the environment.

"Just one more time please?" I plead.

"Some other time my love, I'm not keen to subject myself as a lab rat after those two occurrences, I love my lips so much," she responds, guiding me where everyone is packed staring at the end product which is just being brought out of the refrigerator.

"What time did they get here?" I ask Glory discreetly.

"Joe was here by 4 am," she answers in a whisper.

"How did you know that?" I interrogate, channeling a suspicious glance her way.

"Stop staring at me like that," she hushes. "He called me when he got here. The rest must have joined him by 5 am or so, you know the factory workers are always early."

"Yep, which is why their pay is higher," I murmur and speak in a loud tone. "Morning guys."

"Morning boss," they say in response.

"If this works out y'all are getting a week's vacation from today to resume on Monday next week alright?" I urge in a wary smile as I peep at the sample in John's palm.

"Hopefully," John mumbles while the others nod their heads in affirmation and smile.

"Eager for me to get side effects I suppose?" I quiz, sarcasm clear in my statement as I cock my head to the side while receiving it from him.

"Sure, I can't suffer alone," He communicates, arms folded on his shirt-clad self. Did I forget to mention he was among those who got their side effects? Yep, his was swollen lips which hopefully is gone now after a paid treatment by the company, it was one scary sight I tell you.

"You are not alone, Dike got it too," I argue.

"Yeah, it's funny how girls who love lipstick like a second skin didn't oblige themselves for the testing." he conveys, appearing in thought.

"They didn't want their boyfriends or husbands to get scared of them, their children especially," I defend and inhale a strong breath, staring at the lipstick in my palm in fear. "Let's get on with it."

"On the count of three," John smirks, as the rest clap their hands in anticipation. "One, two, three!"

I clamp my lids as Glory giggles at my side and apply the cosmetic on my lips, holding my breath as the moisture and emollients align on my lips and seep into the skin.

"The texture and every other thing seem good," I utter, flashing my eyes open to see everyone gawking at me.

"Yeah, but we have to wait and see if there's any reaction," Glory blurts.

"I know that," I scowl at her. "How long do we wait for that exactly?"

"Five minutes, though mine must have taken place in two," Joe informs.

"Set a timer then," I tell, nodding at him which he does after producing his phone from his back pocket. Everywhere is silent as we all wait, and in exactly five minutes the phone makes a shrill sound, prompting me to break out in a grin.

"Yass!" I shout in delight, jumping on my heels as I'm officially lip rash and swelling-free.

"Don't rejoice yet," John advises and I roll my eyes.

"Be simply happy for me will you? It won't cost you a thing I swear," I scoff and he chuckles in retort. "Work closes now everyone! Let's all go home and rest while y'all should get ready for your vacation at Palm suite's hotel, all-expense paid."

"Yay!" They yell in appreciation.

"You all deserve it for making my lips reaction-free." I grin as Glory and I are about to depart. "See you all in a week."

"We go home then?" Glory queries as we reach the compound.

"Yeah, but first let's speak to the gateman." I communicate and preside to where Tony is seated under a makeshift shade. "What's up Tony."

"Hey boss, I'm good, you?" He implores, rising to greet me.

"No, seat," I smile. "I'm here to inform you that work is closed for today so lock up after everyone leaves okay?" I propose.

"No wahala," he declares in a salute and I wave, whirling to go back to the office and in surprise that Glory isn't close. "She's gone back to that small building ma."

"Thank you," I voice in gratitude at the info and walk in to see her parking up her properties in preparation to leave. "You couldn't wait a second could you?"

"No I couldn't," she winks. "Are you leaving now?"

"Sure, just let me get my bag," I say and hurry to the room and yank the said object from the desk as I return to meet her patiently waiting. "After you."

She makes a mimicking motion that has me giggling as I shove her out the door lightly, and latching it after.

"Bye," I call as we both get to our cars, to go our separate ways.

"Be good, I'll see you tomorrow," she pronounces as she drives past me in her vehicle as Tony holds the gate open for us while I follow in the direction of my home.

After shaking my booty to some tunes on the radio, I reach my residence only to see a blue Ferrari parked at the entrance, Ike leaning on it in a long-sleeved tight fitting wine shirt and black slacks covering his long legs that are crossed before him, his feet covered in polished black shoes.

"What are you doing here?" I charge, stepping out of my car and banging the door lightly to catch his focus as I trudge to him, the feeling of hurt tucked at the back of my mind all day returning.

"Ana I'm sorry," he speaks, standing straight to meet me halfway. "Joe didn't let me in, if not I was planning to wait for you inside."

"It's a good thing he did," I grit in anger, my right feet tapping impatiently on the estate roads.
"What are you doing here?"

"I came to ask for forgiveness," he explains.

"Oh no no, you don't get to do that," I shake my head, laughing wittily.

"Ana, after you left I saw I had a missed call with the name 'Love' flashing on the screen and I figured it was the reason for your hasty departure," he confesses, taking a stride my way.

"It doesn't matter, you can't undo what happened," I inhale, blinking.

"Allow me to explain," he begs. "That call was from my Mom, it's how I saved her contact.

"That's total bullshit Ike, I'm no kid," I cackle. "And let's assume it was your mom, why didn't you call to explain?"

"I figured you needed space," he sighs. "It's a long story."

"Oh give me a break Ike," I rasp. "Explain it now then, I've got time."

"Because now is not the right time," he mutters, rubbing his nose.

"It's no use anyway," I grunt, massaging my temples.

"What does that mean?" He interrogates.

"Because my darling it can't reverse the hurtful things you said. Ever since that ordeal with Nancy, Joe's ex, and my dad a few months ago you always jump at the opportunity to call me a slut, regardless of the fact this is coming from someone who is soon to be married!" I clamor, all the pent-up anger and anguish pouring out like a tornado.

"Which is why I'm here Ana, hence I've realized my wrong," he acknowledges.

"So what if you hadn't seen that missed call and observed the purpose for me leaving, you would have gone on thinking me like a whore right?" I issue, ogling him, and get frustrated by his silence. "Answer me!"

"I called you a slut not a whore," he retorts, bowing his head in shame.

"And what difference does it make?" I implore, my emotions rising to the surface as my voice comes out shaky. "Ike I think you should leave."

"But babe I love you, you don't have to---" he speaks up, instead I raise a hand in the air cutting him off.

"Listen here Ike," I call for his attention. "The fact you love me and think I love you back doesn't give you any right to trample on my emotions and mess me up, calling me hurtful and degrading names at your whim only because you think I can forgive you easily."

"I don't see--" I cut him off again.

"I'm not done," I announce in a stern tone. "I'm a human with feelings, and atop that, I'm a strong woman, I'm the queen of my castle and a soon to be mother, so if you or any other man think you can walk over me you've got a strong thing coming, and this time if you truly want to be forgiven? You have to work for it."

"I understand," he accepts. "I promise I'll never give up on trying, no matter how long it takes or how hard you push me away I'll be here pleading."

"Your choice," I raise my chin. "You can leave my residence now."

He obeys with one last look in my location and enters his vehicle, driving off an instant later. All my energy sapped, I sag on the bonnet of my car and attempt to compose myself as my body shakes in sobs.

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