24: Months

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Ana's POV

"Ana, what are you doing to yourself?" Oluchi implores as she ambles into the living room in short tights and a baggy t-shirt to meet me munching on cookies and cream with bread for breakfast in a robe, a weird combination I know.

"What do you mean?" I ask in confusion, gazing at her as I sniff.

"You are crying," she indicates, coming to where I'm seated.

"I'm not," I croak out, wiping the wetness from my cheeks.

"Ana it has been two months, stop punishing yourself and forgive him already," she advises.

"No, he needs to grovel for it," I speak up.

"I know but it's long overdue, you are not even answering his calls or listening to his pleas," she sighs, leaning an elbow on the headrest to peer at me in concern.

"That's what he deserves," I grumble, taking a bite of bread and filling my mouth with ice cream.

"But it's hurting the both of you for goodness sake, you are a mess and he looked like a mad man the last time I ran into him about a week ago," she informs, rubbing a palm on my lap comfortingly.

"Have you forgotten that Ike is engaged?" I query in shock.

"Yes, to a woman he doesn't want. The guy postponed the wedding for you, what else do you want him to do?" She consults.

"He's still going to get married to her, there are no two ways about it," I grunt, chunks of cream dropping on the robe.

"You are not sure of that," she exhales. "Anyway, I just don't want you to keep looking this way."

"Looking which way?" I poll, lifting a brow.

"Wet bloated cheeks, and fat," she murmurs and I gasp.

"Don't be insulting," I frown.

"I'm not, just letting you in on the truth," she voices, squeezing my leg affectionately. "You look horrible."

"I'm pregnant, my hormones are acting up, how am I supposed to appear, thin and dashing as a model?" I raise a question, shaking my head.

"Less miserable, you happen to be, sad, girl. You've got work to do, a company to run, and you are carrying a child. You told Ike yourself that you are a strong woman so act that way." She compels her words stern.

"It's not easy Olu, my parents don't even know about this yet," I say, gesturing to my now visible bump.

"I know it's not," she admits, shifting close to pull me in an embrace. "But you need to take it a step at a time."

"I'm trying," I whimper into her arms. "But it gets overwhelming."

"It always will, you simply need to learn how to haul yourself together and weave your way out of the situation," she urges lowly, patting my back.

"Thank you, Olu," I murmur.

"That's what I'm here for alright?" She invites and I nod. "Now get up and be ready for your meeting with that new wedding vow client. Oh, how I'm grateful you didn't sleep with this one's fiancee."

"Sometimes I hate you and Glory," I groan while she breaks out in a hearty laugh, her shoulders vibrating as my body does the same due to our position.


Adhering to her words I reach 'Sweeties' a well-known eaterie where I'm meeting up with Chinonye, her fiancee, and Glory who called while I was driving to say she's already here and sitting at their table.

I exit the car in a t-shirt designed kind of gown that stops just right above my knee and granting the slightly protruding belly a little freedom due to its style.

Crossing a nude leader purse on my shoulder which matches my comfy Nike sneakers, I appear simple as my face is framed by black human hair wig strands, the ends coiled in bundles, making my slightly fat cheeks and makeup clad face look cute.

I climb the short steps to the veranda where a butler opens the glass door to let me through. Nodding at him in appreciation, I saunter past and appreciate the noisy but jovial arena, the smell of baked goods in the air, and the smiles on people's faces granting a happy vibe that flows into my being.

"Over here," Someone I presume to be Glory calls and I swerve to the left, seeing her beaming and waving a palm in the air beside Chinonye and a man I haven't met before.

"Must you yell?" I query as I laugh and stride to their location.

"I was waving like a maniac but you didn't notice, so I figured I should make use of my vocals if that'll get your attention," she mocks, relaxing in her seat, the bare fair skin of her shoulders on display as a result of the red off-shoulder blouse she's dressed in that stops above a black high-waist trouser.

"You could have just buzzed me," I roll my eyes and pull out a seat, laying the bag on the red plastic table.

"I didn't think of that," she shrugs, prompting me to snort and shake my head.

"Good day Nonye, and?" I invite, channeling my attention to the two people sitting aside Glory.

"Mr. Chinaemezu Donald," the light-complexioned man responds, reaching out long fingers for a handshake. "But you can call me Mezu, that's if you don't mind."

"Oh I don't," I speak, accepting his palm as I observe the defined jawline of his face, positioned below round cheekbones, a slightly straight nose, and brown orbs that are shaped by long lashes and thick eyebrows.

"Is it just me, or does he look like a human teddy bear?" Glory leans in to ask while I continue to gaze at his muscly frame that molds the chunky build nicely.

"Yeah, it seems he did well for himself, shaping all those fat into this fine structure," I whisper back and spot her nod in acknowledgment.

"You both know we can hear you right?" Chinonye questions, snapping short our low conversations.

"Yeah, I figured from the way you were both staring," Glory shrugs, not fazed at the realization.

"I'm sorry about that," I laugh in apology. "We tend to do this and forget to act professionally most times, I hope it doesn't offend you. If it did I'm so sorry."

"No no," Mezu chuckles. "You both are right actually. I come from a lineage of plump relations, I just decided to work a bit on myself so it's cool."

"We are not discriminating, everyone is beautiful in their own right no matter their body size, so don't take it to heart," Glory inputs.

"It's fine," Chinonye giggles. "To be honest I like how you both work. It comes off as you are very good friends who decided to work together."

"True that," she admits. "We've been friends for seven years now, so when she called me up to be her assistant I couldn't resist, and besides the pay is quite good, so why not."

"She's a pain in the ass but I cope," I tease, sitting up as I get serious. "Mr. Chinaemezu, I'm so grateful you are here today because it really helps a deal to speed up this process and at the same time make it worth it."

"Please, call me Mezu, Chinaemezu is a mouthful even for me." He chastises in a smile.

"I'm gonna repeat what she said, it's a relief to have you here beside your fiancee this day," Glory voices, an underlying meaning in her words that has me snorting and pinching her discreetly.

"So tell me what you think of her," I urge, my eyes on him, and I notice his discomfort the moment I motion towards Nonye. "Imagine she isn't here."

"Okay," he grins, winking in her direction. "Don't get offended babe."

"Now why would I be offended?" She asks in a chuckle.

"Because I hate you," he states to our surprise. "Yes I do, sometimes, other times I love you more than I can explain."

"Awwwn," I sigh, the words touching me deep in my soul.

"I love you more babe," Nonye responds, her cheeks crimson.

"This doesn't mean you don't get on my nerves. Oh yes, you do," he bobs his head as Nonye gasps. "Still, I want to let you know I'll always be here for you."

"Omo these words you just let out can be enough for the wedding vows," Glory notifies, her expression one of amazement as I silently concur, writing down all he had said in the notepad I unknowingly reached out to in the middle of his answer.

"You can say that," I affirm. "Enlighten me, what was the basis of your relationship with her. Were there any obstacles? Struggles, family feud, or you know other vices that seem to destroy your bond?"

"Why are all these questions directed at me and not her?" He questions, coming off as overwhelmed and astonished.

"Oga answer the question," his fiancee Nonye taunts, and Glory and I laugh as he stills and gapes at her in wonder.

"You answer it na," he incites, his stare clashing with hers in pretense anger.

"The issue wasn't directed at me so, I'm free. Besides I'm almost done with my wedding vows," Nonye voices and turns to me. "Isn't that correct?"

"Hey, don't drag me into the middle of your love battle," I reprimand playfully. "Fight among yourselves."

"If you reply to her inquiry will you die?" He jeers.

"Maybe I will, so you'll be forced to wed a dead body in a few weeks," she snorts, folding her arms.

"This is getting scary right?" Glory polls in a whisper.

"Yeah, it is," I murmur, as we share a glance despite the heated argument going on in our faces.

"Should we put an end to it?" She implores and I pause for a second.

"I don't know should we?" I redirect the question back to her.

"It might become bloody soon, I mean, Nonye's eyes are wide and I can see a vein popping in her neck. Chinaemezu at the same time appears to be gripping the plastic hard with his right while the left is clenching at his side," Glory observes.

"I see that, but they are in love, right? It can't get worse," I reason, instead that statement gets thrown in the wind when Nonye slaps a palm on the plastic, her respiration rate high and fast calling the attention of almost everyone in the restaurant.

"See? This is what I was talking about," Mezu utters causing Glory and I to focus on him. I'm about to say something but think better on it as I see a smile threatening to break out on his lips, and I can't help to note that he's enjoying their crazy banter.

'The things love can do to a person,' I ponder and shake my head, partly in appreciation and partly to rid my brain of the sad memories fighting to rush back.

"Guys, calm down," Glory mumbles, reaching an arm to rub lightly on Nonye's arm. "Mezu will you please stop provoking her?"

"Nope," he declines, tongue in cheek. "Unless she takes that question."

"I know why that interrogation was channeled to you," I convey, shunning Nonye who opens her mouth to argue. "Your fiance responded to her own queries without qualm so it's your turn."

"Fine," he concedes. "Only because you used that voice."

"Which voice?" I solicit.

"That stern professional voice," he explains.

"Just get on with it," I cackle as Nonye scoffs.

"Okay, yea, back to what you asked," he exhales, like what he wants to say is going to be painful for him. "She must have told you we met at a zoo right?"

"Yes," I respond, my pen ready and hovering above the paper in anticipation to get down whatever little piece of information he has to convey.

"I was a zoo attendant," he begins. I studied veterinary medicine at the university and that was the only job I could get hence I had no money to start up something for myself. You know how this country's economy is, and I was being paid so little, it wasn't even enough to cover my daily needs but I just kept going so as not to remain idle, half bread they say is better than none."

"I had no car, or a good place to stay, all I just struggled with was to see how to feed myself," he strokes his forehead. "It was one hell of a job until that unexpected day when my life changed its course."

"I had just been called that a lion had stepped on a nail and was bleeding profusely thus the wound was deep. In my haste to attend to the injured animal I ran into this perky lady who crashed into my world," he chuckles.

"As time went on, she became my solid ground, we began to get acquainted and soon it blossomed into a thing of love." He beams.

I keep penning the phrases down, only to look up again and see his face change into one of pain.

"It wasn't easy, Nonye is from a rich family and they hated my guts because they had thought their only child would get hooked to a rich man or even a commissioner or senator for that matter, so imagine their shock the second I was introduced as the guy she wanted to spend the rest of her life with."

"Shit," Glory mutters distinctly.

"Yup, to cut the long story short, I was called all sorts of names and made a mockery of, but I never relented hence the love I had for Nonye was vital. Luckily I had little money saved, and with her help of course we started up a tomatoes storage business, and today, we have the second-largest tomato reserve and store in the nation."

"It took up to 3 years, but look, we made it. Her family finally accepted me though I hate them, sorry babe, we are getting married in no time." He finishes and I can't stop the feelings that swell in my heart, as I can't seem to speak.

"Oh my God, your love story is so beautiful that I want to cry at how amazing your journey has been," Glory's voice tells, sounding distant.

"Yeah, and nothing except God can tear us apart," he asserts.

"Awwww," Glory gushes. "Ana, don't you have anything to say?"

"Ana?" She invites shaking me. "Fuck Ana you are crying."

I'm not able to move a muscle as the tears flow freely, causing my dress to become a bit transparent and the notepad to get soaked.


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