29: Date

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Ana's POV

"Why babe?" He asks in anguish as I feel the pain rush through him.

"I don't want to get hurt again Ike," I say, heaving in anguish, the tears becoming heavy while I clutch onto his arm as if for the last time.

"I promise you won't sweetheart, not by me, I merely need a chance, to prove I can be worthy of your love. The past few months have been messed up but I'm giving you my word that things are going to change for good," he tries to assure me, instead, my will refuses to crumble as I shake my head in denial.

"Ana please stop punishing us this way, we need each other and you of all people should be able to acknowledge that," he argues, getting impatient at my stubbornness.

"I don't need you," I reprimand, every alphabet formed in a white lie.

"You need me and I do the same, Ana. To be frank I need you more than I think you do me. You are the only steady ground in sight for me. Everything relating to me is so crazy, too crazy that I can't understand," he explains, his forefinger hooking below my jaw to raise my damp face to his.

"Look at me," he coaxes. "I want you, I need you, I yearn for you, not because of that child in your womb though it's an amazing development or the fact that you are one of the best humans I've come across, rather it's because I've grown to love you, every inch of you," he tells, his dark piercing eyes indicating every syllable is true.

"So please babe, for my sake, your sake, and the sake of our unborn child, will you let this pass? I understand it's hard but will you try?" He invites. "All this emotional stress is in no way good for your health or the baby."

"Someone appears to be speaking with my gynecologist," I utter playfully, a smile touching my lips.

"I don't think you own her seeing as she works for me," he claims, breathing a sigh as he observes my expression shifting.

"Well, I'm her patient so," I counter, and lift a brow that has him chuckling.

"So do you forgive me?" He inquires fearfully, peeking at me through one eye as the other is closed in uncertainty.

"I don't know," I pretend to be uninterested. "I'm doing fine without you."

"Fine isn't enough," A voice presumed to belong to Oluchi murmurs, startling Ike and me.

"How did you?" I quiz in alarm, sitting upright and climbing from Ike's lap.

"You need to be happy," she speaks, expelling my query.

"Joe, how did you?" I channel my gaze to him this time and he responds by dangling the keys in his palm.

"Why didn't we hear you enter?" Ike who has been mute, questions, adjusting his fly which I just notice with a short glimpse in his path, eliciting a blush that I'm grateful isn't noticeable due to my chocolate complexion.

"You were lost in your world, it isn't a surprise you didn't acknowledge our presence," he answers. "Also I agree with Oluchi, being fine isn't enough Ana, you heard Helena the other day, you need to be physically, mentally, and emotionally fit."

"Wait who is Helena?" Oluchi asks in confusion.

"Her doctor," Ike responds, pointing at me.

"So you are on a first-name basis with her doctor now?" Oluchi interrogates in what comes off as a tad of jealousy. "You know what? Never mind."

Sighing Joe turns to me as I bite the inside of my cheek to prevent a grin from breaking out at their little love battle.

"Despite him always screwing up the situation, I strongly think you should give him a chance," he advises. "But if he fucks up one last time, I'm gonna kick his butt all the way to China."

"Understood," Ike nods. "I'm sorry guys, I'll never fail you this time."

"You better not," Joe growls an intimidating look on his features.

"Good, now time to hug it out," Oluchi instructs, motioning Ike and me to rise.

"You serious?" Ike asks in amazement at her suggestion.

"Do you see me pulling on my hair and screaming bloody murder?" She investigates, squinting her eyes to peer at him.

"No," he affirms.

"So when I say hug it out, I mean it," she states and we oblige her, Ike yanking me in for a heartwarming embrace where he squeezes me tightly in reasonable affection.

I hug him back with equal fervor, beaming into his shoulder as I inhale the enticing cologne.


Hands on hips I gawk at the wardrobe, outfits of different colors, styles, and lengths hanging at different angles as I contemplate on which to adorn on my fat female curves.

"Aaaah," I groan, running a palm along my chin, thinking hard as if about to solve a puzzle.

I hear a phone ring, breaking my train of thoughts. Pausing in my quest I whirl around, aiming to discern the location it's coming from.

I walk to the bed where it must be and crouch atop the soft mattress, fumbling through the thick bed sheets. I discover it lurking unceremoniously, screen blinking as 'Summertime' by Benjackson Troy my new ringtone reverberates from the tiny speakers.

I snatch it up, wishing to take the call and halt the sound of the music when the line cuts, having rung enough. Huffing and puffing I throw my weight completely on the coating, the natural strands splaying around my face and contrasting with the white flower-designed covers.

In frustration at the current predicament, I unlock the device and aim to discern who had called. Gliding my fingers to the call log section, it begins ringing, and I acknowledge the caller as Ike.

"Oh Christ," I exclaim as it dawns on me he's phoning to remind me of our date, one which I haven't discovered the right outfit for.

Eyes glancing at the wall clock briefly I note it's half past 11 in the morning predicting I have not more than thirty minutes to get ready.

"Hello?" I answer, one hand playing with the gold-tinted elastic curls on my scalp.

"Good Morning love," he greets, coming off as elated, from the excitement I sense in his voice.

"Morning Ike," I say gruffly due to my position on the bed.

"You sound different," he observes perhaps noting how thick I sound.

"Yeah, I'm lying face up on the bed," I inform, staring at the PVC ceilings.

"Oh, okay," he responds. "You must be ready then."

"Ready for what?" I question, baffled.

"For our date Ana, our date," he blurts in amazement as I'm confident he comprehends I am in no way prepared. "Do you mean to tell me you forgot?"

"Ptttf," I scoff in retort. "Hell no, I'm just stuck on what to wear."

"You'll look good in anything," he encourages meaningfully.

"That's easy for you to say," I chastise, rolling my eyes though he can't see me. "You are a guy, you'll look good in anything."

"What does this have to do with me?" He asks.

"I don't know," I sigh. "It's not easy being pregnant and fat, all my clothes are now half my size."

"Just shut up and find anything to wear," he asserts. "I'll pick you up in a few minutes."

"Don't tell me what to do," I reprimand, pouting.

"I love you, bye," he says rapidly and ends the call, unknowingly pulling on my heart threads with that confession.

From that phone call, it's obvious Ike and I have a planned date, or to put it simply he planned it. After he showed up at my house and begged, he's been pleading for us to have a day to ourselves as we did before.

I was adamant to succumb thus I needed to be emotionally and mentally ready to dive back into somewhat of a relationship with him.

What made me change my mind is the fact that no matter how I deny it, he's still the baby's daddy so whether I like it or not, I need him. It's as he said, for the baby's sake.

Understanding it's time to get on, with the preparations, I strive to sit up before slowly hauling myself from the mattress, my feet planted on the ground to help me stand firmly.

"Calm down child," I speak to the human in my womb as I feel he/she kick at my insides. Its movements becoming stronger and more pronounced as the days go past. When it first began some months back I didn't believe it was real until it came to be frequent.

Wandering back to the closet, I fiddle through the dresses, pantsuits, skirts, t-shirts, jumpsuits, and blouses till I spot what I'm looking for, a bodycon grey satin gown that reaches my toes, the sides split to allow free motion.

Unhooking it from the plastic hanger where it resides, I skim my fingers along the soft material, evaluating if I am making the right choice.

Time is not on my side as I've got only ten minutes to spare. I throw it on the bed, tugging off my attire of a baggy hoodie that stops at my thighs and cover my body with the said dress, and stroll to the mirror.

Gawking at my reflection I grimace at how the front pushes out to slope just below my abdomen. "Don't worry babe, mom's got you," I whisper as I caress my midsection.

Not having the energy to tame the strands I produce a black scarf from a nail hooked on the wall and tie it in a bow above my head. Pushing the material back a bit, I rest the front curls with edge control in cute curves that give me a babe-like outlook.

Feeling pleased with my appearance, I brush the thick brows, thankful I trimmed it into an arch not long ago, and apply lip gloss, making the patched lips come off as succulent.

Exactly as I smoothen my mouth the doorbell chimes, indicating Ike's presence I'm certain. I had told Joe ahead of time to let him through when I woke up. Him making funny snide remarks on the side of course.

Giving myself a once over I shuffle my hair to make it come off as sturdy to the next eye and pick up a stray black purse along the way, slipping my toes into black rubber criss-cross slippers as I reach the door.

Exiting, I close it behind me and amble through the entertainment area to unlatch the entrance doors to see him positioned, a bouquet of daffodils clasped in his palms.

Raising his jaw from where it was positioned on the floor, his blue-black orbs meet my dark ones as I take in the day-old stubble that crafts his chin.

"Shit!" He clamors, his expression displaying surprise as he observes me.

I don't speak, rather I admire how the black long-sleeved shirt hugs his upper half like a second skin, portraying the chiseled build of his arms and midriff.
The kaleidoscope trousers he's donning making his legs look defined and longer as he stations tall in his six feet five physique.

"I know I look unattractive," I utter, finding my voice, right fingers rubbing my left hand in a nervous habit.

"Whoever says that deserves to be jailed for life," he contends, coming to hold my arms fidgeting at my sides.

"I said so," I frown, gazing at my pink painted toenails.

"Then you should be jailed for life in my home then," he winks, pecking my cheek lightly. "You look, beautiful hun."

"Don't lie," I chastise, flushing.

"You know I'm not," he denies, leaning in to whisper in my ear. "The fact you are carrying my child does something shocking to my system. To put it mildly, I'm nursing a hard-on."

"Just know I won't have sex with you this time," I chuckle pushing him away.

"We'll see," he snorts, taking my palm in his and signals to the gates. "Let's proceed."

What do you think? Can Ana stick to her words?🌚🚶😂

In Ike's words.. "We'll see"

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