30: Newsflash

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Ana's POV

He drives me to an expensive restaurant and packs in the empty driveway, the one-story glass-walled building dominating the vacant space at its feet.

Stepping out of the car, him doing the same, I shut the passenger door and fix the bag I'm carrying while admiring the beautiful and different set of flowers that add beauty and a nice scent to the surroundings.

"Why is the place empty?" I ask as an eerie feeling sets in, though I'm not sure why as I should feel safe in his company.

"I told the manager to clear the customers' list for today," he retorts, smiling at me.

"Does that line make sense?" I ask in confusion and humor. "I'm certain there's another way to put that."

"Okay my English teacher, pray tell, which other form can I put it?" He smirks mockingly, knowing I have no answer to that

"I simply know you didn't get that statement correct, I can't think of anything, but mark it today in history that I Ana, Ogechi, Alex, informed you of an incorrect sentence formation," I decree, chin up as if making a pronouncement to a swam of dignitaries.

"That's just your manner of refusing defeat, accept it and shame the devil," he jeers, amusement dancing in his eyes.

"Let's just let bygones be bygones," I assert, feeling embarrassed.

"Aww, little miss Ana appears flushed," he taunts.

"Shut up," I scold and he raises his palms in surrender, quiet chuckles leaving his throat. "To be honest though, I never thought a place like this existed in this country."

"It does, you just need money to find it," he responds, his hand resting just above my waist, slow music drifting to my ears from the transparent doors that show what amazing fittings lie inside.

"Yeah, keep rubbing your riches in my face," I scoff, hissing playfully.

"Not my fault," he states, gazing at me pointedly.

"Like it's anybody's fault," I laugh.

"True," he nods. "If you look hard and can't seem to find it with your money, then you can try to create it with your money."

"No way!" I gasp, lids going wide in surprise.

"My mantra," he shrugs.

"Do you mean to say you built this place?" I query in awe.

"Not single-handedly," he counters, acting like this establishment is not worth fifty million naira, citing how everything I can observe happens to be displaying elegance and class.

"You know what I mean," I say, stunned at his admittance. "You own this place?"

"Yeah," he answers, dipping his hands into his slacks pockets.

"Again I ask, how much money do you possess?" I inquire, my lower lip about to kiss the German flooring under me.

"Can we switch the topic please?" He invites.

"Okay," I agree, shock still evident on my outlook as I mutter lowly, "no wonder Emily doesn't wanna let you go."

"Did you say something?" He implores having gotten a hint of what I quietly uttered.

"Just a murmur, don't pay any attention," I brush it away, my expression not revealing a thing.

"I asked the staff to put up the 'Closed' sign from yesterday," he motions at the said placard hanging boldly on the door handle as we walk towards it.

"Typical Ike," I beam. "Wanting to get into my pants again?"

"No," he declines. "I mean yes. Oh, what are you doing Ana? Stop playing with my head."

I giggle in mischief as he comes up flustered, pausing abruptly as I swear I almost saw a shadow rush past.

"Anything the matter?" He implores, noting my actions.

"I think I saw a shadow," I mumble, glancing around the perimeter.

"Maybe it's your's or mine, no need to get antsy," he tells.

"No not that," I contest. "I know what I saw, besides I have this crazy feeling that someone is watching us."

"Babe, look around you, it's a walled building." He instructs. "You noted how the gateman opened and locked up after we drove past, and as you can see, there's no car or anyone anywhere. The rest of the staff are at the back or kitchen so I don't think there's a need to worry."

"My instincts are hardly wrong, there's this prickly sensation on my skin that gives me goosebumps," I inform, not feeling comfortable as it comes off as if someone is lurking in a corner.

"I brought us here because it's secure and somehow private, not most people know of it, so don't think much on the matter," he compels, the hand on my back urging me to go inside. "Let's have something to eat, I'm confident you'll forget about that in no time."

"Alright," I oblige, as he pushes the door open into the gold decorated space. When I say gold I mean it as the rims of the wooden chairs are made of the substance, giving as I said an elegant appearance to the interior as it blends with the white walls that have artificial but colorful flowers nailed to them.


It's been days since our date and I'm still not allowed to leave the house alone, heck I wasn't even allowed to go to work today. It was agreed once again by the three people I call my friends that I should rest for the day. I'm beginning to think it's high time I tell them to stop making decisions for me. I feel their concern but I am not a day-old chick.

This is why today being Friday, I'm sprawled on the couch watching TV instead of sitting in my office at the company and attending to some work. Glory whom I thought would complain because of the many chores jumped at the opportunity to handle the job, I'm still confused as to feel happy or sad at the development.

"Pass me the bowl of popcorn," Oluchi orders, her brown orbs trained on the screen and arm making grabbing signals in my direction absently. Yes, she's here with me.

"If you like don't look where your arm is," I taunt, my words laced with sarcasm as I do as she says, her arm almost hitting down the plate if I didn't shift it away from her blind actions.

"Where is it na?" She whines after a moment as she seems to be grabbing thin air.

"It appears you don't understand the use of sarcasm," I snort, holding it away from her reach.

"What do you mean?" She asks, not providing me a glimpse as she is lost in the lives of the Kardashians being portrayed on the gadget.

"I meant you should look this way dummy," I mock, chuckling as she swerves to me, a severe stare in my path, and snatches the food from my palm.

"Never call me a dummy again," she speaks, word by word in an attempt to sound stern.

"I'm your bestfriend so I can call you whatever name I want," I smirk, grinning as she scowls in retort.

"Why are you even here in the first place?" She questions in irritation.

"Because some group of friends made decisions on my behalf without bothering to listen to my opinion," I state sweetly, anger flashing in my eyes.

"Oh yeah," she blurts, chewing on a popcorn piece. "You deserve it, the only downside is that it's in your own best interest."

"I know," I pout, taking a handful from the dish as she rests it on the table and directs her attention back to what she is watching.

"Only it's not in my best interest thus you are not allowing me to watch reality television in peace!" She clamors, leaning her spine on the edge of the furniture as she gawks from her position on the tiled floor.

"Keep lying to yourself you might believe it," I snort, obviously discerning her lie.

"And who says I'm lying?" She quizzes over her shoulder.

"Like you don't enjoy my company," I retort, throwing hard crumbs at her behind.

"Why would I? When you let this episode go by without me understanding a thing all because of your constant banter," she disagrees, pointing at the TV where the current episode seems to have ended.

"It's not my problem," I contest. "You just couldn't concentrate."

"Yeah, like it's easy to do that when someone is talking your ear off," She answers, snatching the remote from her right to change the channel hence it would take some moments before the next episode begins.

As she mutters nonsense under her breath in foreseeable outrage and frustration, I pick up my phone from my lap and choose to check up Instagram.

"Oh, My God!" Oluchi shouts, snapping her fingers in my location.

"What is it Olu?" I poll, not removing my focus from the device in my palm as I think nothing of her motions and noticeable surprise.

"Ana you need to see this," she states, increasing the volume of the TV, maybe to capture my attention, rather I don't budge as I once again not take her behavior crucial.

"Ana!" She yells this time, shaking my resolve.

"What?" I start, turning to glare at her but gasp as I sight what is playing out on the screen, I hear the newsman as he bellows 'Famous Tycoon and son of a sitting senator caught on camera with well-known writer and manager of Steph Cures a renowned pharmaceutical company in a cozy stance at the compound of one of his newest restaurants in our state. Am I the only one who sees that slight baby bump? What does this mean?'

Under any other situation, I might disregard the usual gossip but the fact that the two persons in question being displayed on the screen are no other than Ike and me as he seems to whisper something in my ear in the short video.

His palm around my waist as I appear to be smiling, my curved abdomen visible from the angle of whoever was recording the video, the thin iron rails flashing now and then predicting it was taken from outside the compound the day of our date.

"I told Ike I had a bad feeling but he didn't believe," I murmur absently, panic setting in as I rub my palms on my thighs, my stomach twisting and chest pounding, my vision happening to be getting foggy from the realization that I'm doomed.

"What are you saying, Ana?" Oluchi who sounds distant rushes to me but I don't acknowledge her proximity, the warmth seeping from her palm into minr the only indication that someone is close.

"I told Ike my instincts are never wrong," I mumble, my body vibrating in fright as I shake my head, a hysterical laugh breaking out. "He didn't believe me, he told me not to worry."

"Calm down Ana don't let the shock ruin you," she advises aiming to pull me close but I resist.

"Can't you see?" I giggle, eyes wide. "I'm already ruined."

"I know, but just calm down," she calmly orders, her sense of control over the situation triggering something in me.

"Don't you fucking tell me to calm down!" I scream, making her jump off the couch to stand gaping at me in shock and sadness.

Things are beginning to spin..

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