43: Thoughts

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Ana's POV

Work ends for the day, therefore Glory and I walk to her car after everyone leaves and the security guards for the night shift arrive to assist in keeping the place safe thus a desperate reporter broke into the building in the middle of the night to take pictures.

It was a crazy ordeal hence Glory had to be called by the single guard on duty that night to inform her of the incident. Together they bundled the screaming female out of the environment and forced her to delete all photos relating to the building.

"Can I drive?" I yearn as she crosses to the driver's side.

"Why?" She asks, halting her activity of opening the door of the vehicle.

"Please?" I plead, in hope that she will accept.

"You have to answer my question if you really want to," she smirks, about to slide in.

"Okay wait," I exhale, feeling shy of what I want to say. "I miss being in control."

"What does that even imply," she snorts, chuckling lowly. "You control me and every other person in this establishment, what other control are you referring to?"

"You know what I mean," I scoff at her indifference. "I miss being in control of the wheel. You know that feeling that you can turn to any direction you want."

"You sound and look like a kid who has been deprived of candy for days," she asserts, observing my doe-eyed expression as I confess my needs to her.

"I do," I beam. "So will you? Please?"

"Fine," she concurs. "Rather don't let Oluchi or Joe know about this, or they'll have my head."

"My lips are locked and the keys granted to you," I declare, making a motion of zipping my lips, locking them, and as I uttered, offering It to her.

"You are a vibe I swear," she cackles, stepping back from the car. "You can."

"Thank you!" I squeal, catching the car remote hauled at me before she traverses to where I'm standing and snatches the entrance ajar for her to sweep into the interior.

"What are you doing?" She inquires at my rigid figure. "Get on with it."

Obeying and grinning like a goat roasted alive in a furnace, I amble to the side that's supposed to be for her and get in, shutting the metal as I enjoy the emotions that run through me while I gape at the wheel.

"Have you heard your fill?" She mocks from the passenger side, the only response she gets is the noise of the engine coming to life as I start the machine.

With expertise that is still embedded in my mind, I ride us out of the compound, the gate opened to let us through.

The second we are on the freeway, a wicked smile flattens on my lips as I look ahead pointedly, surprising Glory when I step my right foot on the pedal.

"Fuck!" She exclaims as she shoots back in her seat, breeze blowing at our faces as we conquer meters, zooming past any car in sight. "Slow down!"

Observing we are approaching the busy roads, I follow her command and draw the car to a smooth and steady acceleration, my teeth flashing through my smile as I twist to clash with her angry frown.

"Calm down, I've been driving for years which you know certainly about so don't be scared," I aim to assure, moving the car after making sure the perimeter is clear for me to turn into another road.

"Yeah, you can't expect me to calm down so easily, that was so unexpected," she breathes.

"Yeah, watching Ike drive is giving me bad habits," I blush, shifting my attention to her for a few seconds before returning my focus to the task.

"Anyway, any idea if Oluchi will accept?" She questions, swerving to lend me a glimpse.

"Of course she will," I respond, laughing at the question, hence I know Oluchi will be delighted at the opportunity.

"How sure are you?" She interrogates, seeming unconvinced.

"As you well know, Oluchi hates Emily with every fiber of her being," I explain. "If I must say, Oluchi hates Emily more than I do, and that's saying something hence I'm the one who Emily did wrong and not her."

"Why does she hate her so much?" Glory queries as I pass a stupid driver who abruptly stopped without giving any notice.

"Oluchi saw Emily as a threat from the start the same way she did you," I inform.

"She saw me as a threat?" She doubts, gazing at me in turmoil.

"Yeah, she did, thinking you were going to take her place in my life like Emily did because I also took Emily as a best friend," I tell.

"How was that a problem?" She queries in confusion.

"Oluchi doesn't show it but she's got insecurities. Abandonment issues is the term. She feels everyone she loves will up one morning and leave. Don't ask the reason why hence she has refused to tell me," I decipher.

"Wow," she murmurs.

"That's the truth, why do you think she has never had a steady relationship? I'm her only friend at the moment so that's why she's so overprotective thinking I'll leave her one day or end our bond," I confide, swerving at a corner that leads to the estate my house is located.

"I hope she doesn't see me that way anymore?" She polls.

"Nah," I smile. "After I made it clear to her that no one can take her place in my life."

"Damn, that must have been some serious heart-to-heart talk," she wonders out loud.

"It was," I laugh recalling the ordeal. "So back to Emily, she hated her and somehow noticed her two-timing behavior, she warned me severally but I thought she was only jealous, therefore I didn't take it to heart."

"Go on I'm listening," she prompts.

"She flipped when I came home crying and her being present that day asked what was wrong. The second I opened my mouth to relay what had occurred she was out the door," I blurt, scratching my hair with one hand, the other on the wheel.

"Thirty minutes later Emily was hauled into the house, bruises decorating her facial features and nose oozing blood that was diluted by her tears," I let out. "The darkness I saw in her eyes at that moment she warned Emily to never cross me again still gives me shivers each time I remember that."

"It comes off as Emily has forgotten that, which is why she's got the moral to bug you," she shudders at my intense description. "If it were me I wouldn't come within ten feet of you."

"Yeah, but you ain't Emily," I mumble, not informing her of the fact that Emily has got crazy darkness, one that is more dangerous than the one Oluchi nurtures.

"True," she affirms, and the car goes silent, granting my mind freedom to wander.

Regardless of how I'm striving to take the circumstances lightly, it is anything but as I sense things are going to take a downturn from this.

Seeing that Emily has taken some action in accordance with her words can only be a warning, one I'm not sure if I understand fully. For her to go to this extent to destroy my name shows I'm right in assuming she can be crazy and psychotic.

I know I am wrong, so very wrong for having an affair with her Fiancee. In my defense, it wasn't my fault and I'm in too deep to back down now.

No matter how hard I struggle to kill the emotions I've developed for Ike, it proves stubborn and as it stands now I don't think there's anything I can do. Love has a crooked way of mocking us and I'm certain this is one of them.

If anything it goes to demonstrate that we've got no restraint over our emotions hence I and Ike's love story is one that will either make us or break us.

The only hazard is there's an infant in my belly, one that needs to be nurtured and cared for in a happy and loving home. It shatters me each time I see no radiance ahead for the child I'm to bring into this world.

Sadness clouds me when the realization that I can't have a happy home with the man I have come to love and our unborn baby. Our love story is a forbidden romance, one that was doomed from the beginning.

"Ana!" A scream calls me to reality plus a blaring horn that retreats my mind to my existence.

Coming to terms with what is going on, I observe a big truck barrelling for us at a fast pace, the noise it's producing, enough to destroy our earbuds for life.

Using all my strength and skill in driving, I hastily veer the car to the side, the tires making screechy noises as I do this, and park the car beside the sidewalk seconds before the car reaches where our vehicle was supposed to be.

"Oh my God Ana you nearly killed us!" Glory cries, her eyes bloodshot and voice strained.

I don't answer as I aim to bring my heartbeat to its usual rhythm, my forehead kissing the steering wheel while my palms clutch the sides.

"Thank you, God," I murmur gratefully hence I just saw my life flicker before my eyes.

"Praise be to you Jesus," Glory joins me in giving thanks to our creator as we inhale and exhale puffs of oxygen and carbon dioxide. "Ana, what were you thinking?"

"I'm so sorry Glory, my thoughts appeared to consume me," I ask forgiveness, lifting my head to gape at her.

"And you ask why we concluded not to let you drive," she grumbles at me, striving to steady her own pounding heart. "It's fine."

"I'm sorry," I say again.

"I understand," she gives a small smile squeezing my arm clenching the handle. "Let me drive okay?"

Nodding in approval we switch our positions, the doors still closed as we struggle in the little space with my protruding tummy eating most of it.

We succeed some moments later, sweating and breathing high as we both recollect our sanity. I go ahead to tilt my head on the seat in an attempt to hold in the thankful tears.

"We don't say a word of this to anyone okay?" Glory quizzes her words sounding more like a statement than a question.

"You think I'm in the right state of mind to talk about this? Hell no, I'm slightly worried you'll spill the beans," I jeer, turning my face to her.

"I'll try to keep this a secret," she says with a palm raised in a swearing motion.

"Let's hope you keep to that then," I slur.

"I will," she affirms, starting the ignition and herding the car to the estate gates, both of us silent, the past event replaying in our minds.

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