44: Out

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Ana's POV

"Hey Joe," I acknowledge the shirtless neighbor and friend of mine as Glory slides the car past him into the compound while he stands holding the gate to prevent it from slamming back in its place.

"He didn't set it to automatic today?" Glory raises a question as she parks the vehicle in the garage.

"Maybe he forgot," I reply, clamping my lids as I inhale and exhale slowly.

Unraveling them, I whirl my neck in her direction to see her do the same instantly. We gaze at each other for a while and funnily enough, we burst out laughing for no just cause.

"Why are you laughing?" she implores, her body vibrating in giggles.

"I was about to ask you the exact thing," I cackle, aiming to pause the bellows of laughter abandoning my throat.

"Okay," she snorts, her chuckles seizing. "Do you know if Oluchi is home?"

"She should be," I respond, changing my position to peer at the entrance of my home as if in hopes of seeing through the wall to confirm my words.

"We forgot to ask Joe," she states wanting to unlock her seatbelt and noting it isn't secured. "Shit!"

"What?" I query.

"We don't have our seatbelts on," she announces and I gawk at my midriff to find she's telling the truth as the belt is left lying at my side.

"Thank God we didn't encounter any accident, if not we would have been dead," I say, bringing back our memory to some minutes ago.

"Again, not a word," she advises.

"Yup," I agree, unlocking my side door and pushing it open, my slipper-clad feet making contact with the ground. Don't judge, I had no strength for heels today as my feet appear to be a bit swollen.

Glory following my footsteps, we walk to the terrace, Joe not in view as he must have retreated to his apartment.

Reaching the door of the flat, I catch sight of Oluchi's sandals discarded close to the foot match, the ends containing dry mud that's scattered on the floor, indicating she had not been around some hours ago.

"She's home," I blurt, shaking my head at the observation.

"I see that," Glory retorts. "And she has a dirty way of showing it."

"She must have come back tired," I excuse the sight and bend the handle to grant us leeway into the interior, my eyes focused on my legs as I get rid of my footwear.

"If you say so," she answers from behind as I enter the living room.

My only response is to shrug while I remove the small white purse that has been on me ever since before we left the office.

"Your assumptions were correct," she asserts as we both look ahead to spot Oluchi whistling, her smooth chocolate legs crossed on the table in front of her as all her attention is channeled on the TV that's displaying a Nollywood movie. The ceiling fan blowing enough air to prevent heat from the blasting sun outside from disturbing anyone within.

She doesn't acknowledge our presence as she throws pieces of groundnut into her mouth, munching vigorously. Her figure is outlined by a bodycon black dress that has ridden up her thigh presumably from her posture.

Exchanging a grin with Glory, we both saunter to her stealthily and soundlessly, our uncovered feet not giving away our actions till we stand in front of her, blocking her connection with the television.

"What?" She questions, seeming unafraid by our sudden appearance. Told you this girl has a dark mind.

"You aren't scared?" Glory interrogates, coming across as stunned at her reaction.

"Nah," she responds. "Now will you two shift from my path? I'm enjoying this film."

"No," Glory counters. "We came here for a proposal."

"You come off as if you are proposing a business deal," Oluchi chuckles but halts as she notes Glory's serious expression. "Oh, that's what you came for?"

"I won't really call it a business deal," I input.

"Well, her body language says otherwise," she murmurs, trying to peek through our physiques to get a glimpse of the movie, pouting afterward as her mission proves futile.

"We need your help," I convey, nibbling the inside of my cheek to prevent a laugh at her expression.

"Yeah, but you will be paid for it," Glory pronounces.

"Ooooh money," she beams, rubbing her palms together in fast friction.

"It's about Emily," I let out, citing her mood change.

"I'm not partaking in that no matter how much you offer me," she grunts.

"No no, it's not what you think," Glory tries to convince but her outlook remains the same.

"Then tell me Glory dear, what am I thinking? And what's the difference with what you are implying?" she investigates.

"What she's striving to tell you is that it has to do with a way for you to get back at Emily," and I add "in a legal way," as I see her orbs turn a dangerous shade, one I've come to love and fear.

"Oh," she voices, sounding sad, rather she brightens an instant later perhaps after concluding that she can make do with whatever option she is offered. "Why didn't you guys say so earlier?"

"You didn't give us a chance to," Glory mocks.

"Glory!" she reprimands playfully. "Go on, tell me everything I have to do, and how much I'm going to be paid per day."

"Per day?" Glory quizzes in disbelief. "You too like money mehn. [You love money a lot]"

"Who doesn't," she defends and I laugh at Glory's dumbfounded mood.

"Remember what I told you the other day of how Emily showed up and left threats?" I refresh her memory.

"I do," she responds, cocking her head to the side as she asks "and remember how I told you not to take her threats likely?"

"Yeah," I sigh in defeat.

"Good, because I know that woman is a whole lot of crazy, not to talk of now that you had the privilege to steal her man," she rasps folding her arms.

"I know and I get your point," I admit.

"Good," she nods. "Now continue with what you were saying."

"Emily happens to be keeping true to her words," Glory answers for me.

"Wait," Oluchi rushes up to me, taking my arms to inspect them. "Did she touch any hair on your head? Because trust me I'll break every bone in her body."

"Awwwwwwn!" Glory squeals as she takes in Oluchi's activity of assessing my skin for bruises. "This is so sweet that I feel like I should have caught it on camera. Can you do that again while I film it?"

"She should be grateful she didn't do you any harm," she mutters, dismissing Glory's words and release my arms, going back to her seat. "So what did she do? I don't get it."

"She didn't hurt her physically but mentally," Glory communicates.

"What? How?" Oluchi interviews, crouching forward in her chair.

"What she did affected her so much that she nearly got us killed," Glory reveals, gasping as I swerve my gaze to her, directing a glare that can cause anything to explode due to the heat it's carrying.

"Slow down, what?" Oluchi asks.

"Aaaah, forget it, let's go back to what we were talking about," I say with the aim to divert her attention from Glory's spill. I knew she would be the one to blurt it out eventually.

"This is what we were talking about," she declares, not taking the bait.

"Fuck," Glory mutters.

"Glory?" Oluchi calls. "Who nearly got who killed?"

"Fine, it was Ana," Glory answers.

"Explain," she pesters. "Because I'm not following."

"Ana was driving and somehow got lost in her thoughts as she recalled Emily's recent jabs. She wasn't paying attention to the road and a truck was coming at us in full speed that I shrieked, capturing her lost mind," Glory begins.

"Luckily she swerved the car to the side just in time to prevent us from getting crushed," she narrates, her head lowered.

"You let Ana drive?" Oluchi inquires in a loud tone.

"She pleaded for me to let her do it," Glory mumbles in defense ogling the tiled flooring

"And you agreed?" Oluchi interrogates. "You should be thankful you two didn't get slammed."

"Of course, what else will I be?" Glory taunts in reply.

"Why did you think we banned her from driving? That's because Ana tends to get consumed by her emotions and thoughts, it's one of her flaws, one she pipes into her writings thus if left to grow can eat her up," Oluchi confides as if I'm not in their midst, but the fact she's stating a truth doesn't allow me to utter a syllable.

"The fact she's pregnant only happens to heighten this theory, she's more unstable than she can ever be. Know this and know peace," she resumes and Glory bobs her head in understanding.

"I realized that today," Glory affirms, peeking at me from below her lids.

"You both know you've drifted from the topic right?" I inquire.

"Yeah," Oluchi shakes her head to rid it of whatever scary thoughts may be running through her brain. "What did Emily do exactly?"

"She hired people to leave dirty and bad comments on Ana's pictures and posts," Glory notifies.

"What type of bad comments?" She investigates as I find the nearest couch to sit my butt down while Glory seems to enjoy standing.

"Comments that are calling me a slut, whore, prostitute, a woman with no manners, one even went to the extent of calling me a killer," I relay, placing a palm below my chin.

"Why would someone call you that?" she doubts.

"It's all a lie duh," I sigh, telling her all that was said in that post.

"And that is not all," Glory speaks. "She also hired people to make posts relating to that, even going to the extent of sponsoring them and maybe paying blogs to carry the gist."

"That's dirty!" Oluchi clamors in surprise. "I knew she was crazy but not to this level."

"Yeah, I didn't know she had it in her to do that. Now everywhere on social media I'm the talk of the moment, added to the one that's been trending on the news for weeks since that picture saga that almost cost Glory and I, our jobs," I exhale.

"So what do you want me to do, as far as it has to do with getting back at her I'm all in," she pronounces, her mood set.

"You haven't even heard the full gist and you already want to tear her apart,' Glory chuckles.

"I've always wanted to tear her apart since the day I set my eyes on her," she grins dangerously.

"So I've been told," Glory asserts, retreating some steps away from her before progressing with her speech. " Emily left really bad reviews on our website together with a few others she hired, and now our rating has dropped from five to three stars on Google."

"Don't worry, she'll get what's coming to her," she sneers. "Go on and tell me of my Job."

"We want you to be our Humanfilter," Glory invites, sitting on the armrest of the chair Oluchi is reclined on as she smirks at her confused outlook.

"What the fuck does that mean?" She polls, baffled.

"It's a job whereby you sensor our website and official media handles for offenders and people who want to drag our media image," Glory explains.

"People like Emily?" Oluchi queries in a smile.

"Yeah, people like her," Glory agrees.

"I'm loving it," she grins. "Tell me more."

"Your duty is to retaliate with those offenders, block their accounts and report them immediately," Glory instructs. "It's going to be easy hence if it's the new accounts Emily created and appointed people for, their accounts will be suspended in no time."

"Chee!" she shouts in delight, her eyes shining.

"Yes," Glory snorts at her retort.

"The key to this Olu," I divert her interest to me and continue when I'm sure she's listening. "The key to this is to report their accounts before they do the same to you, if not we might be the ones getting sanctioned."

"Noted," she concurs. "When do I start?"

"Tomorrow at the latest, or you can start immediately we give you the passwords and links to our account," Glory informs.

"Nice, I'll love to start immediately," she declares.

"Told you she'll agree to it," I beam at Glory.

"Why wouldn't I?" Oluchi inquires, her gaze dancing between Glory and I.

"She just had doubts that's all," I answer.

"So now that's settled, how much is my pay?" she questions, smirking.

"You still on about that?" Glory jeers a brow raised.

"Three thousand naira per day," I relay. "It would have been more but you know the company is struggling."

"I understand, and I wouldn't have asked for any, just that I need to take care of this temple," she says, gesturing to herself.

"You are something else," Glory laughs.

"I'll take half of that if that's okay by you," she winks, smiling as if she hasn't just done me a favor with her words.

"I love you," I admit, standing and walking to where she's seated. "Come on, give your bestfriend a hug."

She titters but obeys, wrapping her arms around my figure, my stomach not allowing us to get too close.


"Holy shit!" I exclaim as I hear loud noises coming from heaven knows where. I open my eyes and note the morning light seeping through the windows.

Observing my surroundings, I realize I'm in the living room, the knocks sounding through the door, meaning I must have dozed off on the makeshift bed Oluchi helped me carry over to help me be comfortable as I watch TV.

I peek at the clock to see it read 8:55 and sit up, groaning as I do this and stretching my arms while yawning.

Massaging my lids to clear whatever remnants of sleep, I trudge slowly to the door, tightening my robe around me before answering whoever it is on the other side.

"Go have your bath and dress up, we are going out," the man I unlock the door for badges in, kissing my forehead and handing me a bouquet of red roses, my mouth agape at his abrupt entry and the tingly sensations his lips left on the spot they touched.

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