45: Eyes

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Ana's POV

"Ike," I call in surprise, turning to face him after shutting the door.

"What'sup babe," he grins at me, his eyes roaming from my head to my toes, a hungry sign in his dark as night orbs.

"Uhm," I flush, clearing my throat. "What are you doing at my house so early in the morning?"

"I told you, I'm here to take you out, on a date," he repeats, his eyes meeting mine, allowing me to notice the lust breathing in them.

"Why?" I ask in bafflement.

"Is it so bad to want to take my hot mistress out on a date?" He solicits, gradually striding to me in blue slacks, a step at a time till his hot minty breath is fanning my face.

"Hmm," I utter, incapable of creating a tangible reply as the suit he's donning stretches on his bulgy arms when he flexes them a tad before circling my waist.

"I asked a question babe, and I demand an answer," he speaks, crouching to whisper in my ears, my vision sighting his long neck that goes down to his chest, made visible by the half-buttoned white shirt underneath his blue jacket.

"No," I answer but repeat as my voice comes off inaudible. "No, it's not."

"I'm glad you said that," he murmurs in my cheek, nipping the full flesh.

"Yeah, can I go freshen up now?" I request the sexual tension in the room playing with my hormones as I feel my lower lips quiver in want.

"As you please," he smiles, withdrawing to his normal posture and slanting a palm in the path leading to my room. "I'll have the pleasure of waiting."

Nodding in retort, I don't let out a letter as I amble in the direction he gestured to. Feeling the need to give him a last glance I whirl my neck, only to see him gawking at me intently, a mixture of love and sadness on his face.

Grateful he didn't notice my action, I cross the living room space and attain the door of my compartment shoving it open without as much as a second glimpse in his location.

Closing the door as I enter my room, I rest on it for a moment to regain my lost breathe, shedding my bonnet in the corner and running fingers in the space between the weaves while I ration my thoughts.

Sensing calmness in my being, I retreat from my position and saunter on the red hairy carpet, past the made bed of white sheets, matching red rose duvet, and two white material covered pillows sitting at the headboard.

Reaching my destination, which is the wardrobe that is stationed beside the floor-length mirror on the milk walls splattered with blue marks, to add radiance to the area.

I push the wood apart and peer at the hanger of dresses, skirts, trousers, palazzos, slacks, corporate shirts, shorts, blouses, singlets, undies, and all other garments.

A hand goes to my chin as I access the outfits on what to wear on my thick curves, another problem is what to feel comfortable on my skin and not disturb my bump or anything of the sort.

While contemplating this, my gaze lands on a nude thin rein dress, its back styled in a criss-cross manner and front designed to show cleavage. Plucking it, I amble to the mirror, setting it on my body as I hold it in place to see how it looks.

Convinced at what I'm observing, I lay it on the bed behind me and return to the closet, staring at its foot where my heels, sneakers, sandals, flats, and flip-flops are lined.

Wanting to appear sexy for once in a little while, I retrieve a pair of my black four-inch stilettos, thus anything higher than that length may be unbearable for me to walk in.

Picking up the item, I fasten the doors of the wardrobe and station it on the ground close to the location of the dress, and stroll to the white plastic vanity table, where I set my makeup kit ready for use after I have my bath.

Done with that, I retrieve the soft blue towel from its location and remove my robe to wrap it around me, going into the bathroom to brush my teeth and have a hot shower.

I rinse my body when I'm finished scrubbing and dry my skin, materializing in the room a few moments later. Using a small towel to dab the ends of my weaves, I eliminate the one on my figure to set it back to its spot and stand peeking at the clothing I'm deemed to adorn.

Shrugging for no reason, I grab it and slide it on, appreciating the smooth sensation it gives to my skin as it stops at my knees, the length shorter due to my pregnancy hence its normal length halts some inches after my its present site.

I swerve to witness my reflection, smiling a tad as I approve of my outlook. Wandering to the zone the makeup kit is located, I take a seat and do the usual magic on my face, smacking and rubbing my lips to smooth the lip gloss that lets the natural brown lips shine. Lastly, I apply edge control on the front strands to frame my face.

Rising from my chair, I take a black satchel from the numerous ones hanging on nails on the wall and put on the designated heels I chose earlier, ambling to the black bedside table to turn off the lamp I used the other night to work on some papers.

Glancing around the room to make sure everything is in place I steer to the exit, banging it after I leave the space, and head to the living room, shocked to see Oluchi poking at Ike's chest.

"What is going on?" I query, trudging to them, noting Ike standing in fear.

"I'm just letting this guy know what to do in certain situations," she responds, whirling to let me see her dressed in a pink vest and black leggings.

"And I've assured you many times Oluchi that I understand," Ike retorts, pleading for help with his eyes.

"I think we should go now," I murmur, coming to his rescue as I hook his arm with mine, beaming at Oluchi. "See you later girl."

"See you later Olu," Ike waves, appearing eager to leave.

"Bring her back in one piece," she warns, pointing at him. "Or else I'll do what I said."

"I'll be fine Olu," I blow a kiss her way which has her rolling her eyes as she aims to hide a smile.

"You better be," she responds and I wink, twirling with Ike as we trek to the door, my heels clanging on the tiles as we proceed.

I tug it open, walking out before him, only to be pulled to him afterward, my fingers spreading on the wide expanse of his chest, as we gape at each other in fierce attraction.

"Do you have any idea how beautiful and sexy you look?" He inquires, bending to brush his lips on mine, his palms clamped at my back.

"Can I hold you like this forever?" He implores, slipping his arms to clench my butt, offering it a hard squeeze that makes me hold in a moan.

"My waist dip was made for your arms to fill," I reply in a husky voice, shivers dashing through my system.

"I'm sure you don't know how this baby you are harboring has made you appear. I can't help but want you every waking second," he groans, tilting his head to grant him access to my neck. "This bump has illustrated the deep curve of your ass that I just crave to bury my palms in their midst."

"Ike," I whimper the instant he bits on the delicate skin there, prompting me to suck in a breath, only for him to seize it by clamping our lips together in a ferocious kiss.

His mouth glides on mine, allowing me to let out a moan before he silences me, sliding his tongue to clash with mine where they fight, succumbing to an erotic dance that leaves me needing more of him.

My hands shift from his chest to his back, tightening our proximity while his fingers skim into the opening of my dress to sweep the bare skin due to the absence of a bra.

"You both know the door is still open right? And that I can see you," Oluchi's voice startles us.

"Um, sorry," I chuckle in apology and embarrassment, kicking the said object closed with my foot.

"Yikes," Ike lets out, shuddering at the ordeal. "I've forgotten how intense she can be."

"She scared you didn't she?" I raise a question, giggling as he nods. "Don't worry, this too shall pass."

"You sound like a preacher," he murmurs, brushing a stray hair strand that must have missed the edge controller out of my face.

"I read the Bible, I can preach if I want to," I beam as he releases me.

"I love you," he utters unconsciously, coming across as stunned as he does this.

"Same," I mumble, avoiding eye contact and walk ahead, abandoning him on the porch. "Where is your car?"

"It's outside, Joe didn't let me drive in," he explains.

"Okay let's go then," I drone, taking the lead to the gates, him behind me as I unlock it, vacating the compound till I reach his vehicle which is a black Toyota Tundra. "You didn't bring one of the big cars today."

"Nah, I don't want to draw attention to ourselves," he smirks, pinning me unexpectedly to the passenger side the heat emanating from his eyes able to make any woman's heart melt into a puddle and her panties drench. "I want you, only you and all of you for today."

"What makes you think you'll have me?" I taunt, reciprocating his smirk.

"The eyes don't lie, baby," he asserts, recalling my memory of the first time he invited me on a dinner date.

"Yeah they don't," I reply as he gets off me and walks to the drivers' side while I get in and catch my breath, not able to stop my mind from going back to that night before all the chaos began.


"I can open my door you know," I say, scoffing at his attempt at chivalry.

"Well next time then." He shrugs making me flush a little as I realize there is going to be a next time.

"Ladies first." He smiles, shifting a bit, to make a way for me to stride in.

"This is nice," I confide, the second I waddle into the dimly lit interior with cute round tables and flower-designed chairs scattered everywhere, complementing the plain white walls as it adds color to the place.

"I knew you'd like it," His voice utters from above me. "Have a seat dear while I go place an order, by the way, what will you have?"

"I will have some fried rice with salad, plantain, and chicken," I reply as I withdraw a seat at the table we stop at while patting myself on the back for not mumbling what my mind is screaming at me to say, which is an *I'll love to have you right now*

"Okay, I'll be back." He winks before walking away in the direction of the counter where he places our order. Not long after, he comes back with a tray in his hand that I'm sure contains our food.

"Dinner is served," He blurts, resting the said tray on the table and settles in the seat opposite me.

"Thank you." I nod. "You don't know how famished I am."

"Yeah, I noticed you had a hectic day," He pronounces, dropping the plate of goodness in front of me before diving into his food.

"What do you mean by, you noticed," I ask, chewing my first bite and moaning at how delicious It is.

"Delicious right?" He chuckles, "and I was there."

I quickly clasp a glass of water, gulping it to stop myself from choking to death as a result of what he precisely said.

"You were what?" I query in disbelief.

"I was there," he affirms. "The art exhibition right? I was the one who sponsored it."

"You were the----," I clamor. "Okay let me get something straight, you sponsored the art exhibition? How come I didn't know about this."

"I made myself anonymous, apart from you and Dominion, no one else knows I did." He laughs after he catches sight of the shock plastered on my face.

"Okay, those artworks cost more than half a million naira, how did you do it?" I inquire as I go back to munching on my food, my shock subsiding a little.

"That's a long story, for now, let's enjoy our food hm?" He beams, to which I just bestow on him a curious look.

"How did you immediately turn from a one-night stand to a dinner buddy?" I quiz when he ignores the inquisitive glances I've been offering him.

"Don't worry, there's surely gonna be another one-night stand once we're done," He counters with a lust-filled look in those deep dark eyes of his and trails a finger slowly down my left arm that sits on the table.

"And who gave you that assurance?" I question in a smirk, striving to hide the tingly feeling that flows down the arm he's touching, plus the heat building up between my legs.

"The eyes don't lie," He says in a husky voice, leaning towards me to lightly nip my earlobe.

"Wanna get out now?" I ask, shivering, the excitement gradually increasing in the pit of my stomach.

"Gladly." He smirks, rising, and drops some naira bills on the table before grabbing my arm as we beeline for the exit doors.

**End Of Flashback**

"Babe wake up we are here," he blurts, bringing my focus back to the present.

"Okay," I turn to smile at him and face the establishment in front of us, the first thing or should I say person my eye catches is Ken as he swerves, likely to check if his car is secured before he walks into the restaurant that reads 'Kilimanjaro'

Brief authors note:
In case you are bothered by the frequent flashbacks, I offer my sincere apologies.
I do that because as you can tell, this story has a backstory, one in which the flashbacks are meant to help you understand.
Thank you

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