48: Nonsense

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Ana's POV

"Reporters," he states in clarification as I straighten, our vision on the hands being splayed around as if in a blind search.

"Yup," I nod, my breathing shallow as I stand, a palm on my bosom while I gulp, the excitement abandoning my system.

"Do you really need to be at work today?" he interrogates, blue long-sleeved concealed arms resting on his hips that are clad in kaleidoscope shorts.

"No I don't need to," I scoff my words coated in sarcasm. "Which is why I'm standing here still dressed and raking my brain for ways to get past that mob and not cuddled up on the couch watching E-entertainment."

"Chill, there's no need to rub that on me," he chortles. "So how do we get past them?"

"Didn't you hear me when I said I'm racking my brain for clues?" I remind in query.

"Sorry," he apologizes, raising his arms in fake surrender. "I thought you've found a solution."

"No, I haven't," I retort, biting my nails as I think.

"I've got it!" he yelps in a glimmer, his words higher than the cacophony coming at us.

"Tell me, tell me," I urge impatiently, the noise of those outside bringing me a headache as I'm certain they must have doubled by now.

"We need a microphone," he informs and I turn to him with a stupid look. "What?"

"What are u waiting for? Grab one," I assert motioning to the numerous ones stretched before us.

"Oh you are right," he agrees and does my bid, grabbing one of them and walking back to me.

"So what next?" I ask in a hushed tone, to avoid my voice being carried through the device.

"Just watch," he winks in a whisper and lifts it to his lips. "Okay everyone, Miss Ana will answer all your questions, but before that, I'll need everyone to walk three blocks behind."

His command was followed by murmurs and hushed whispers that all rhyme into a hum, causing each of us to exchange a look in apprehension.

"Reply yes loudly if you agree," he says through the microphone, and in response, he gets a loud "Yes" after a few seconds.

We both wait for a minute or two and we heed shuffles and little commotions which in no time the area becomes silent. I swerve to Joe and our gazes clash, a smile spreading on our lips.

"It seems it worked," he blurts in my direction.

"Yeah, let's hurry before they change their mind, " I assert, adjusting the bag on my shoulder.

"I'll be returning in a jiffy, let me just get my car keys," he conveys and I nod in reply, granting him the not-needed permission to go and produce the keys from his compartment.

"Hurry up!" I compel after a moment, pacing around in suspense.

"I'm here I'm here!" he calls, appearing in a different shirt, one in red color and short-sleeved.

"You had a change of clothes?" I inquire in shock at the observation, shaking my head causing the ends of the weaves to dance on my shoulders as I bit back a smile.

"It had a stain on the back!" he whines, and I can't hold it in anymore I break out in giggles as he pouts and motions to the door. "Shut up and get in, we don't have time on our hands."

I seal my lips as ordered and proceed to the vehicle as he opens it from within, prompting me to enter, banging it as I adjust in the seat.

"You forgot to set the gate to automatic," I declare, as he is about to make a u-turn.

"I set it in the morning while I was doing some washing, I forgot we don't allow you to drive," he responds.

"Oh, okay," I bob my head as he steers in the direction of the metal barrier while it slides to allow us to drive through.

"You need a bodyguard, " he speaks when we zoom past the crowd of journalists with them chasing behind the car, screams thrown around.

"Tell me about it," I sigh, leaning my head on the window and kneading my forehead with my fingers, as I go over the fact that my life has turned into a reality show.


We glide into the factory premises, and he parks, unlocking the doors for me to get out. I do so, only to see Glory striding in front of our office, phone in her right palm, the other running through her hair.

"You almost gave me a heart attack why weren't you picking your phone?" She interviews the second she sights me. "I've been calling you for edges."

"I'm sorry it's a long story," I say, sliding to the threshold where she's standing in tight-fitting jeans used to tuck in a black singlet strapped purple blouse below a corresponding jean jacket.

"Joe, I was also trying to reach you but your line wasn't connecting," she announces in the path of someone behind me and I whirl to see Joe walking to the front of his car towards us.

"I left my phone at home," he explains as I fit my palm into the satchel to retrieve the phone and I'm in awe to see up to twenty missed calls. Investigating I see thirteen from Glory and seven from Oluchi.

"Why did Oluchi call me this amount of times?" I raise a question to no one in particular.

"I reached her, asking to try and get through to you so maybe that's why," Glory answers, and I bob my head in understanding.

"I'll have to return home now, I've got work to attend to," Joe speaks up, patting me on the back. "Be good."

"I will," I assure, and Glory and I turn to watch him stroll to his car, reversing and departing after the gateman opens up for him to pass.

"So tell me what happened?" Glory implores after he is gone and we head to the entrance.

"Reporters stormed the gates of my house, I had to make a run for it to prevent any avoidable occurrences," I inform bringing the bag down from my shoulders to hold in my palm and striding behind her only to halt as sounds of heels and mutterings are heard.

"Shit that's----, " she stops in her sentence noting the commotion. "What is she doing here again?"

"Who?" I poll, and I'm answered by whoever it is.

"Me!" The lady shrieks and I change my position to see Emily stationed before me.

"Oh God not again," I groan in realization as I see her dressed in ripped black bum shorts, brown leather ankle boots, and a strapless neon top, showcasing enough cleavage that appears as if her breast may get out of its hold.

"Someone looks like she's on her way to a strip club," Glory jeers in a low volume for my ears alone. "And she's the stripper."

Fisting my palm around the bag I'm clapping, I attempt not to laugh as she lets out a chuckle after saying that.

"What's funny?" Emily blurts in a query.

"It's our little secret," Glory smirks, folding her palms.

"Why are you, here again, Emily, I thought you've said your peace the last time you showed up, so kindly let me in on the reason behind this unwanted visit at this time of the day when people should be at their jobs?" I solicit, tilting my head to stare down at her.

"Why are you shocked?" Glory quizzes in sarcasm. "She doesn't have a job."

"Yes I don't, rather I have much money than any of you could have the privilege to dream about, " Emily grits, her face squeezed in a scowl as she blinks rapidly.

"Is anything wrong with your eyes?" Glory taunts.

"No why?" Emily counters.

"Forget I said anything," Glory snorts.

"I came to give you my last warning Ana, stay clear of Ike, he's mine and not yours so don't let us have a disagreement over him," she warns.

"Like we did with Ken?" I quiz. "The only difference is this time, you know how it feels to be on the other side and in pain, that's if you have the heart to know what that means by the way."

"I don't have time for your shenanigans," she declares, flipping her strands over her shoulder. "I just came to say my bid and this is for the last time, be wise and adhere to my words."

"Thank you Miss announcer, we've heard you," Glory voices making a shooing motion. "Now please leave, some of us have got jobs to get to."

"I know why I'm letting you in on this, it's for your good, or else you want to end up in a way both of us will regret," she sneers, twisting her lips as a dirty and emotionless sign shows in her grey orbs. "I can be ruthless if someone dares to take what is mine away from me, and Ike is mine, so I won't let him go without a fight."

Panic escapes from my throat in a gasp thus I've seen that look only once, and I surely know what it signifies.

"You have said your nonsense, as usual, please leave," Glory urges and she does while I'm silent, my mind in all places at the same time.

"Ana?" Glory calls.

"I'm behind you," I say absently, gazing unseeingly at the hustle and bustle of other employees as they run around doing their daily jobs.

"Please lock the gates last time, it'll help prevent unwanted and crazy guests," Glory mutters to the man who returns to his post probably from a bathroom break he had after unlocking the iron mounts for Joe to drive out.

Authors note; I'm sorry for my little errors, I promise to edit once I'm done with the book.

Thank you for understanding,

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