49: BabyShopping

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Ana's POV

Today is Saturday and thankfully I made it in one piece without being mobbed due to the skill I have in dodging journalists and other news hungry beings.

Looking back now to the past week I can swear I was born for this shit, because mehn, sneaking in and out for a week isn't a child's play.

I wonder how celebrities deal with this in their daily life thus I'm fed up and it has only been six days. I will like my life to return to normality thank you very much, hence the struggle is tough.

Finally having a breather after I've rinsed off and hanged my dirty clothes, I walk to the kitchen where the water I put to heat on the present available electricity is boiling.

I retrieve the electric jug from its stand and pour the liquid into an orange ceramic cup that's designed with white polka dots and stop when it's one third full.

Dropping back the object in its place I go to collect the jars of sugar, powdered milk and chocolate from their respective positions in a cupboard and saunter to the spot the cup is situated.

I open each of them and put six cubes of sugar, don't judge please I'm in love with anything sweet, also don't talk about how it affects my health, I'll cross that bridge when I get there but as for now I've got to enjoy while I can.

Plopping the cubes of crystals to melt in the hot water, I in turn put three spoons of the milk and a spoon of chocolate before stirring it to produce an inviting creamy color that awakens my taste buds. If you ask me, I'll say I can sense the baby in my womb do a happy leap at the nice drink we are going to have.

I close the glass containers afterward and stroll to their location, fetching a little of the clear liquid from the kitchen tap which I use to dilute my tea to a warm temperature so as not to cause more harm than good to my swollen gum and throbbing teeth that didn't let me have a nice meal since the previous day.

Yup, you heard correct, I came home and had a lunch of jollof rice that Oluchi had prepared, and about an hour later I had this pain that led me to discarding tears from my orbs, partly from the pain and hormones.

I called my mom and she suggested I take a warm tea to sustain me and take some pain meds. I did, as Oluchi helped to prepare the tea for me and swallowed one of the pain meds the company produces which I keep around for certain emergencies as this one.

Gratefully it worked and I was able to sleep peacefully and so I have to repeat the procedure this morning before I go on to have a breakfast of indomie noodles an hour or two later when the pain that has resurfaced this morning goes down to a dull pace.

Stirring the tea and tasting the temperature with a spoon, I nod as it's at the right level, and carry it in my palm to the living room space.

"Hm," I let out as I bend to station it on the only wooden table in the area beside the card of pain relievers and drop my weight in the cushion beside it.

Taking a sip I release a satisfactory sigh at the flavor and soothing impact it has on my gum and throat as I continue to down it before I shift it from my lips to exhale and smile, my eyes shut lightly in bliss.

A jeering noise startles me, such that some tea spill from the cup in my hand in reaction to the sound and sharp fear that runs through me.

The turmoil continues as I heed the pitch of rattling metal. This has me standing from my previous position and ambling stealthily to the the door, as I'm almost there the barrier is pushed hastily, the bullet and soundproof makeup missing me by an inch as a figure dashes into the room, and bangs it after.

I halt, my arms going to my hips as I glare at the lady in her early twenties who almost gives me a heart attack while wondering at the same time why she is still my friend.

Breathing rapidly the female in question crouches to collect the goblet containing the warm liquid and the moment I open my mouth to stop her she hurls it down her throat only to spit it out a second later, making the surroundings messy.

"Now look at what you've done," I groan, gawking helplessly at her and the ground that will become sticky and attract ants in a few minutes if care is not taken.

"Why didn't you warn me?" she clamors in inquiry, her mouth clutched in a funny manner.

"Well, you took action before I could say 'stop' so its not my fault," I defend in a shrug, striding to the seat I was reclined in. "Besides I wasn't the one in control of your actions, you were."

"Atleast a fair warning would have been enough," she counters, gazing at my wide blue vest clad figure.

"Who was even chasing you, Olu?" I inquire, settling close to her as she removes the sunglasses draped atop her thick pink wool braids. "You looked like you were running from death itself."

"I was," she responds, loosening the not on her chiffon wine blouse that is tucked into a figure hugging black skirt which ends after her knees, a black hairtie hanging from her neck. "Some newsmen tried to corner me and ask me brain cracking questions so I fled."

"Yeah, shit is getting scary this days," I admit lounging the mug on the table the instant I'm done consuming what's inside. "How was the programme at church?"

"Woooo!" she gleams. "It was mad, I can feel the word of God flowing in my whole existence, and the band was amazing, I danced till I couldn't breathe normally anymore."

"Yeah, I know how you love dancing," I laugh.

"But do you know what I love more?" she quizzes, leaning towards me with a wink. "Shopping."

"Oh, hell no!" I refuse loudly at her suggestion. "I'm in no mood for that."

"You know, it shocks me how you bother to refuse my suggestions knowing fully well I'll drag you anyway," she smirks and I groan in defeat.

"Why!" I wail in helplessness as she continues to grin at me.

"I love you," she states as if that's a consolation to the suffering she's always put me through.

"Also it's high time we go baby shopping, for real this time as you are due in two months if not one," she pronounces, her glance on my belly.

"You have a point," I confess.

"I always have a point," she proclaims proudly.

"Shut up and get me a glass of water to use in swallowing my medicine," I order, pouting as she offers me a stern gaze. "Please bestfriend."

"I'll only do this because you agreed to go shopping with me," she scoffs, picking up the empty mug. "Also, Glory will go with us, I hope she'll be free though."

"She'll come even if she isn't," I assert. "What I'm marvelled at is how you just escaped the hungry crowd on the streets and still want to pass through them again."

"I conquered them once, I can do that again," she beams, and leaves me shaking my head in chuckles at her simple response.

**An hour later***

"Hand me the keys," Glory commands dressed in a mini jean skirt and a black tank top that contrasts her fair skin, her attire suiting the weather as we stride to the car after I had my breakfast of noodles which Glory cooked for me.

"Not ready to argue are we?" Oluchi mocks, knowing what she's doing.

"I suggest we take an Uber," I compel, thinking about the newsmen that may be perched in the street from Oluchi's earlier experience.

"Why?" The lady in question asks, coming off as confused.

"Because of the reporters," Glory answers, snorting at her sort of silly query.

"You know I didn't ask you right?" Oluchi jeers, having had a change of clothes as she's presently adorned in a thigh length tiny strapped multicolored gown that hugs her features.

"Guys, let's just order an Uber as I stated," I call in a final tone, unlocking the phone I produce my phone from the tiny nude purse that goes well with the baggy jean shorts and white shirt I'm rocking.

Reaching my destination, I peep through the hole provided to scout for any unwanted personals who may be in sight. Assuring myself when I see none, I straighten and I'm about to place an order when two voices frighten me out of my skin.

"Is the coast clear?" Oluchi quizzes.

A second after, Glory responds with a "Ofcourse it's clear, if not she would have told us otherwise."

"You two scared me half to death!" I exclaim, making them shake and shift backwards prompting me to roll my eyes. "The driver will be here in five minutes."

"Okay," Oluchi nods before calling. "Joe! We are going baby shopping."

"Alright babe, you girls have fun!" He replies in the exact loud manner as she. "Be safe!"

"We will!" I shout so I can be heard and he returned in an "Okay Ana!"

"Oooh, someone's a babe," Glory teases, wiggling her eyes and poking Oluchi in the side.

"Shhhh!" she hisses, blushing and peering around to see if Joe is in earshot. "He might hear you!"

"That's not bad," Glory informs, winking.

"What do you mean by that's not----" she starts but a horn blasts at the gate indicating the arrival of the driver.

"Let's get our butts going," I motion, thankful the man arrived at the right time to cut their growing bickering.

We all go through the small partition of the gate and trudge to the red lexus 300 packed at the entrance, Oluchi going to wave at him in greeting the same time I cross check the plate number so as not to get into trouble.

Confirming it's the one, I join Glory in the back seat while Oluchi takes a position in the passenger seat, balancing and crossing her legs as if she owns the vehicle, to this I snort inaudibly and hold in a jab.

"Take us to the Owerri Mall," I say to the driver while nodding at him in acknowledgement.

"Yes ma'am," the guy of presumably thirty years responds from his position in a navy t-shirt and brown slacks.

I have no zeal to correct him on his address of me hence he should be my senior, so I keep silent and turn my head to the side, Glory channelling her attention to her phone, Oluchi making snapchat videos.

In no time we arrive after escaping the unsuspecting journalists and Oluchi transfers the fare to his account as we alight.

"We enjoyed the ride, I'll surely urge my friend to give you a good rating," Oluchi says in farewell, a minute before he drives off.

"You were making cute snapchat videos, of course you enjoyed it," Glory taunts causing me to snicker as Oluchi fires her a glare.

"I swear one day, I'll wring your neck," Oluchi threatens, Glory seeming un-bothered by her declaration.

"Where to?" I inquire, as well as we are a few steps away from 'Shoprite' the light breeze blowing preventing the blazing sun from scorching our skin.

"Remember the last time we came here?" Glory implores in a bid to recall our memory to a past occurrence.

"Yeah, why?" Oluchi requests, sharing a bewildered glance with me, hence we don't get what she's implying.

"You two sometimes can be funny," she laughs. "Remember that cute baby shop? 'Baby's Closet?"

"Yeah, I do," Oluchi grins as she remembers. "The one with that adorable chubby baby?"

"Yes, that's the one," Glory affirms.

"So we are heading there?" I ask in confirmation.

"Yes dummy, we are," Oluchi retorts, tongue in cheek. Feeling happy for atleast making me feel dumb for once.

"Give yourself a medal," I retaliate.

"Come on, we've got some charming baby outfits to buy." Glory smiles, rounding her arms on our waists and stirring us into the vast building.

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