61: Refused

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Ana's POV

My pregnancy is now in its ninth month, three weeks since Emily's visit and two weeks since I accepted Ike back. Yes, you heard right, we are finally officially dating,

If I was ever told a week ago by anyone that a time like this will come I would have called their bluff, quarrel with them even for making jest of me and my situation.

A time when I will have a steady and solid relationship with the love of my life and the father of my child. A time where my Ex-bestfriend and her plotting ways will no longer be a problem to my mind and emotions.

Speaking of which, Emily and I have been conversing well lately, and I must say I've brought myself to totally forgive her. It happens that she's really sorry for her actions and not up to mischief like I earlier thought.

She's been helpful and concerned in this little period, checking up on me and wanting to know if there's anything I need especially as my pregnancy is in its last days. On the days when Oluchi is not around, she has been stopping by at intervals and bringing me fruits and sometimes going to the extent of picking out unisex clothes for the baby.

At first, I was warry but gradually I began getting accustomed to it after I didn't die when I bit into the apple she brought. You should have seen the way I eyed and prayed not to end up like snow white, or was it sleeping beauty.

We laughed afterward when nothing happened to me and I apologized seriously to her with her saying she understands and I'm right to worry.

Oluchi is slowly getting warmed up, despite her sending suspicious glances her way and warning me fervently to always be cautious around her.

Emily and I are meeting up today for a friendly hang out. After her steady pleas, I agreed to give in, hence I see no harm in that. This is why I'm standing here facing my wardrobe as I'm perplexed at the attire to choose.

It's always a tussle for a woman to find the right clothing for an outing, rather it is more troubling to a pregnant one, significantly a female that's bloated like a rubber duck, if that makes sense.

"What the fuck will I choose?" I ask the closet while scratching my strands. We are to meet up by noon, but staring at the clock above the wooden makeup right at this minute shows I've got less than an hour to leave as it's presently twenty minutes past ten in the morning thus I need to be out of the house before half-past eleven.

Selecting a toe-length button-up purple dress and a kimono-styled knee-length blue dress with a pink ribbon, I carry them separately in both arms and rest them on the bed.

The weather appearing to be a tad cool as a result of the air kissing my skin through the open windows, I decide to don the toe-length button dress, therefore returning the other garment to its residing place.

I make sure the shower cap is covering my hair and get rid of the orange hoodie I've been camped in since the previous day and snatch my undies from its position before I stride to the bathroom. I set the temperature of the water on warm, plucking the soap and sponge to lather my skin as I have a nice shower.

Coming out refreshed, steam abandoned in the space as I close the door. I grab a towel I forgot to carry earlier, and dry my skin ambling to the spot close to the mirror and collect the body lotion we produced which has been working well on my caramel skin. I apply it, noticing the chocolate complexion radiate after it touches the surface.

Finished with that, I get dressed, releasing the strands from the hair cap and put on the wig cap, and put on a short curly wig to frame my face. I opted for the brown portable bag hanging among others on the wall, throwing my phone into it I slide my feet into flats.

Glimpsing my reflection in the mirror, I exit, steering straight for the living room, there I sight the back of Oluchi's head as she seems to be focused on the television.

"Where does she seem to be heading to, at--" she says as she hears me enter, pausing in her speech to observe the time of day on her phone. "At 11:23 am."

"I'm going to meet up with Emily," I relay, drawing all her attention to me.

"You are what?" She interrogates, hauling off the couch in a flimsy nightgown which she must have used to seduce Joe last night.

"I don't need to repeat myself Olu," I exhale, placing a little of my weight on the seat through my palm resting on it.

"The hell you do!" She shouts, making me get frightened for a second. "I thought we've concluded you won't go anywhere near that death trap."

"You concluded Olu, I didn't," I declare, squaring my shoulders to display defiance. "And what do you mean by death trap?"

"What else do I mean," she snorts. "I still have a bad feeling about that woman, and the fact that it stays only proves we still have to be watchful around her."

"Who said I'm not watchful?" I counter. "I am, and I know what I'm doing."

"Are you sure you are Ana?" She taunts. "Check yourself because gazing at you, I see death calling, beckoning you closer while you are responding, following his directions."

"It's good to know what my best friend is wishing me," I roll my eyes.

"I'm stating a fact, " she retorts. "I told you something like this way back but you didn't listen. Can you remember how that turned out? Because I fucking do."

"I thought you were getting used to the idea of having her around me, what has gone wrong?" I investigate, not understanding her mood changes whenever Emily is mentioned.

"I have to, humans have the tendency to adapt to their environment, so of course I'm comfortable with her around," she proclaims.

"Then what is the problem?" I poll. "Hence I can't sight any difference."

"Hear me clearly, Ana," she instructs, clasping my shoulders, her brown eyes staring pointedly into my dark blue ones. "I am comfortable with her being around you, instead I'm not with you going out with her without adult supervision."

"What sort of adult supervision?" I argue. "I'm pregnant not a kid, I can take care of myself."

"There's nothing different between a pregnant woman and a child," she asserts. "You are both vulnerable species and therefore should be watched and taken care of."

"You make me laugh," I remove her arms from my body.

"Same way you do by not keeping your guard up around her," she insists.

"My guard is still up Olu," I aim to assure, understanding the fuss she's making over the situation. "I'll be fine."

"I find that hard to believe," she declines, trudging grudgingly to the cushion.

"I comprehend you are concerned over my wellbeing, rather I want you to trust me." I sigh copying her movements and sit beside her.

"It's hard Ana," she confesses. "Especially when Emily is involved, I can't understand why you can't see that she is a serpent, the devil in female form, that bitch is always up to no good."

"Look at me Olu," I compel, covering her right palm with my left one as she is turned away from me. "Please?"

"If you ever wrong me," I start.

"You know I would never," she contends, stopping me.

"I know you wouldn't but if you ever for any reason do it, no matter how small, will you like me to forgive you?" I implore, my gaze is intense.

"I will want that," she exhales, getting my point.

"So why don't you want me to forgive someone else?" I inquire.

"It's not just someone else, this is Emily we are referring to, someone who wronged you in the worst way possible, someone who badmouthed you, someone, who has threatened your life severally and still plots evil against you," she lets out in denial.

"But she has admitted her wrong, she's seeking help too just to get better, that effort alone covers the wrong she has done to me," I communicate, striving to make her see the justification in her actions.

"Not to me, it doesn't cover it," she differs, proving stubborn in her thinking.

"Oluchi to err is human but to forgive is divine, don't you want to obey the words of the scripture?" I plead.

"Okay fine," she succumbs and a smile slowly spreads on my face. "I'll permit you to go."

"Yayy!" I squeal, happy to have her on my side.

"But, you have to promise to be careful and don't accompany her to any strange place," she cautions.

"I promise," I notify, grinning.

"Good, now you can go," she permits.

"Will it kill you to go with me? You know to be safe?" I implore, begging her through my eyes.

"Me and Emily?" She mocks, chuckling. "Girl, do you want to start world war 3?"

"You know she has changed her ways," I persuade.

"The leopard never discards his spots," she blurts, shooing me towards the door.

"See you later love," I blow her a kiss.

"Better return home in one piece," she advises and I nod, reaching the entrance when it blows open, Glory who is clad in a thigh-length blue bodycon frock, black heels on her legs, its rope tied up to her knee, materializing in our vision.

"Who is ready for a girls' night out!" She screams, a bottle of Campari in her hold, her teeth shining in a grin.

"Have you forgotten I am pregnant?" I interview, stunned at her appearance.
"And that I'm not allowed to drink, or worse have the energy to party?"

"We should be planning a baby shower and not a night out, though I'll love to go clubbing, but for once I want to be the serious one," Oluchi pronounces. "Besides Ana's on her way out."

"No wonder she's dressed all flashy," Glory clamors, swerving to my location. "Where are you off to my good friend?"

"I'm off to meet up with Emily," I explain.

"What?" She shrieks in a query.

"You heard her correctly dear," Oluchi laughs at her shock. "I've tried to discourage her, she's refused to listen."

"You could have tied her down," Glory complains.

"I didn't think of it," Oluchi defends.

"Well, you should have!" She chastises, facing me. "Why did you agree to this?"

"I'm honoring a friend's invitation," I answer. "You can follow me if you like."

"I'll pass," she grumbles, an angry outlook on her features as she lowers herself in a sitting position and plops the drink on the glass table, bending to untie her shoes. "Oluchi and I will have a drinking spree to keep ourselves from worrying about you."

"Awwn," I gush in sarcasm. "So I'm so important that you have to drink to forget about me."

"She didn't say forget," Oluchi pipes in. "Also don't get ahead of yourself."

"Interpreter," I ridicule.

"What time are you supposed to meet up with her again?" Oluchi requests.

"By twelve," I reply. "Why?"

"You've got less than thirty minutes to get there," she enlightens.

"Shit!" I exclaim, hurrying to the door. "See you two later."

"Be safe!" Glory shrieks behind me as I depart.

Banging the door, I produce the iPhone from my bag and search for the taxi app. Finding it, I quickly order a ride, walking to the gate after I do so, only to cease as I see Joe lending me an inquisitive glimpse.

"Still going to see her?" He interrogates, a black vest and white shorts encasing his nakedness.

"I'll be good Joe," I assure, yanking the metal partition open and wave at him before I stride into the street.

On time the driver arrives and I do the needful, hoping in and exchanging pleasantries as he drives off. Soon he parks at Kilimanjaro, the spot Emily and I are meeting, and I sight her immediately through the window.

She appears to be putting an object in the boot, something that appears like a long iron stick.

"Madam, my money?" The man who brought me asks and I apologize, retrieving the required charge that I remember from when I was booking the ride from my purse and handing it to him.

"Thank you, sir," I appreciate, exiting the vehicle.

"Oh you are here," she recognizes as she notices me immediately she shuts her car boot, her attitude showing anxiety.

"Yeah, I am," I speak, walking on the interlocked floor to her position as the cab drives off, music coming from the interior of the glass-walled restaurant that displays the jolly people inside. "How did you-- never mind."

"Alright," she nods. "What about Oluchi and Glory?"

"They are busy," I lie.

"You don't need to do that Ana," she smiles sadly. "I already knew they wouldn't make it."

"I'm sorry," I blurt sensing her hurt. "It will take some time for them to accept you fully."

"I understand," she beams and motions me to stride beside her. I do that, instead, I can't shake off the premonition that there's a hidden meaning in her statement.

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