62: Hit

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Ana's POV

We walk aside each other to the entrance, my eyes taking note of how the radiant artificial flowers stuck to the glass of the building makes the environment come off beautiful and enticing, as they go well with the white glass rims.

Emily tips the doorman who smiles appreciatively, his look one of admiration as he likes her figure that's clothed in high-waisted brown leather pants she uses to tuck in a black criss-cross long-sleeved blouse, her natural hair combed and parked in an afro style.

She may not notice it herself but everyone familiar with her knows she's taken an evident change in her dress sense hence, her outfits these days give off a warm, sexy, responsible, and admirable vibe, a total difference from the slutty sense she's known for.

"That corner will be nice," she points at a table the instant we enter the restaurant, a few people turning to us, some fewer one's amazed to see two archnemeses stepping in together, others disregarding the view and returning their attention to what they were doing before. "I now know what Daniel feels like when people stare at him."

"How do you mean?" I issue as we saunter to the empty table that's stationed at the left-hand end of the tiled ground area.

"The attention," she confesses, indicating the numerous beings pretending not to be interested in us whereas we know the minute our backs are turned they'll be taking pictures, that is if one hasn't been taken already.

"What's the matter then?" I poll, not getting what she's implying.

"I once used to enjoy the glances and always being a topic for discussion, instead I now get scared and feel uncomfortable whenever I'm being stared at," she explains and I bob my head in understanding.

"Evidence of change, my girl," I clarify, offering her a grin. "Welcome to the other side."

"If this is the other side then I can't wait to retreat to my side," she mutters in low volume but I hear her.

"Don't worry, you'll get used to this," I assure, causing her astonishment at the realization that I heard.

"Well, I hope so, because I'm way tired of this job," she grumbles, making me perplexed.

"What job are you referring to?" I inquire as we attain to the region. Unhurriedly dropping the bag on the table, I use the opportunity to lower my whole weight into the seat.

"Did I say job?" She asks in a laugh, "my mind must be releasing jargon from my mouth. Pay me no heed."

"If you say so," I blurt, eying her discreetly thus I'm sure she must have known what she said.

"Yeah, don't ponder on it," she laughs.

"Alright," I let out, crouching in my seat.

"What would you like to have?" She requests, gazing at me.

"Fried rice and chicken," I beam like a kid who's asking for candy.

"Sorry I forgot you are a sucker for rice, particularly the fried kind," she lets out, chuckling at my expression.

"Yes, and my mouth is watering while thinking of it," I salivate, clapping my palms together in anticipation.

"One plate of fried rice, salad, and chicken coming up," she states, swerving to walk away.

"Wait," I command, holding up a finger in a sign to still her movements.

"Why did you stop my show?" She questions, pouting at me.

"Sorry," I giggle at her adorable act when her pink lips point out, and fair cheeks flushing as they go bloated, together with her eyes that squint the same way her forehead does in a frown.

"It's fine," her face morphs into a smile. "Why did you call me back?"

"I want to give you some money," I tell, unzipping the inner side of my bag where I thought my money will be, only to come up short as what is left is only a hundred naira note. "Oops."

"I wonder why you wanted to give me money anyway," she snorts. "I wouldn't even have accepted it if you did."

"Why?" I qualm. "You are the one going to get the food so I must grant you money."

"Did you forget I'm the governor's daughter?" She raises a question, her lips curling. "The fact I don't act bratty anymore doesn't change my genetics."

"My apologies your highness," I voice in mock surrender. "Feel free to spend your father's money however you please."

"You know, I've always wanted to hear that phrase." She winks, "also, I spend my money sometimes."

"No, you don't get to drop that bomb and escape," I order, holding her by the waist of her trousers as she plans to run. "You have money of your own?"

"You have so much faith in me," she speaks, sarcasm pouring out from that statement.

"Be serious Emily," I scold, bestowing her a pressing glimpse.

"Yes, Ana, I have my own money, I have little businesses which I run," she enlightens, provoking a stunning outlook from me.

"And you didn't show it to the world? Do you have any idea how much you'll be making if you put that on your media handles?" I investigate, not getting why she chooses to be quiet about something as important as that.

"I'm not much of a public person as everyone thinks me to be, I like to do most of my things in private," she notifies, and I don't know why but that unsettling feeling comes again, indicating that there's more to what she's saying.

"Well, I guess you learn something new every day," I shrug, partly in response, and partly to wriggle away from that creeping sense that comes and goes.

"Yeah, you do," she smirks and trains me a glance I can't decipher.

"Go get me the food, I'm starving," I say, smiling at her.

"Yes boss," she salutes. "One plate of fried rice and chicken and a plate of chicken and chips coming up."

"Wait," I call, and I can spot her getting frustrated. "I'm sorry, but can you add an extra plate of chicken and chips? My baby craves that."

"Yeah, your baby," she mumbles, ogling my belly. "I'll go do your bid."

"Don't let me die of hunger," I convey behind her back, gathering the attention of those sitting at the table in front of ours.

"You were the one holding me back," she throws over her shoulder and disappears in the crowd of tables and humans.

After she leaves, their usual buzz continues after it quietened a bit at our exchange. I snatch my phone from my bag and play mini militia to pass some time.

Yeah, I am that girl, don't blame me though, that's what happens when you grow up with boys, you get magnetized to this kind of activities.

I don't know why but I'm compelled to stare ahead which I do and behold a fair-skinned muscular attractive guy sitting at the other table opposite me is staring at something behind me.

Following his stare, I notice that's the counter, and Emily is there having a conversation with the person to get her the food. I look back at him thinking I'm mistaken, rather I'm not, as Emily is the only one left at that position as she places our order.

Excitement bubbles through me at the realization thus I can't wait to tell Emily of this information, it would be a good thing to see her moving on from Ike. Guilt settles in before I know it as it hits me that I'm related to the issue she's going through.

As if on cue she trudges to me, a blue tray in her hold which she places on the plastic red furniture close to the brown bag. A grin on my face, I peep at it and view the two plates of chicken and chips and one with the rice.

"Thank you, baby," I gush, my lips stretched upwards. "You complete me."

"Shut up," she reprimands, flushing at the compliment as she hands me my food. "I'm gonna watch how you consume that."

"Quick notice, don't be shocked at what you'll see in the next few minutes," I advise, grabbing the spoon and fork from the tray.

"I've seen it all my love, nothing can shock this baby," she says, gesturing to herself.

"Just a friendly reminder," I pronounce and dive into my meal.

"Will you believe me if I tell you that I miss this?" She inquires, providing me a sincere look.

"I will, because I do too," I affirm. "We should do this more often."

"Yeah," she confirms. *Too bad this will be the last time.*

"What?" I ask, not sure of what I heard.

"Never mind," she blurts. "The period we weren't conversing, I developed the habit of talking to myself at intervals, you'll get accustomed to it as time goes on."

"Oh, okay," I answer, and scoop a spoonful of the meal from the brown ceramic plate into my mouth, and moan in pleasure at the sweet taste.

"Nice right?" She interrogates.

"More than nice," I confess.

"I knew you would love it," she blurts, chewing on the chips from her red plate and taking a sip of the orange juice.

I nod, not able to respond as I'm lost in the world of enjoying the food, my lids closing as the baby in my womb leaps for joy at the nutrients it's about to consume.

Unraveling them, I catch a glimpse of the guy from earlier, gaping at her in wonder. She doesn't know thus she's facing away from him.

"You know, an attractive man sitting behind you happens to be checking you out," I tell, poking her left arm in excitement.

"Who?" She polls as if I am acquainted with him.

"I don't know who he is, but he's been smitten by my friend since she went to go get our food," I explain, wiggling my brows at her.

"You see me as a friend?" She queries, emotion lining her words.

"Sure you are," I blow her lightly. "What else are you?"

"I don't know I just--"

"You are my friend Emily, you've proven that before, and you've done the same again this time, so yes you are," I declare.

"Thank you," she lets out, reaching out for my palm which I clasp in hers.

"Yes, so enough of that mushy stuff, what do you think about the guy?" I invite.

"Which one?" She asks in a whisper and hastily swerves to peer at his location as two men are seated opposite each other, one the person I'm referring to.

"The one who's fair-skinned," I confide, awaiting her response as she pretends to peep at the wall clock on that end. "What do you think?"

"I don't know," she sighs, her cheeks reddening as their eyes seem to have clashed for a moment despite her pretense.

"What do you mean you don't?" I need, egging her on. "He is cute, so what else do you need?"

"As I said, I don't know," she hides her face in embarrassment.

"It would be a good thing to move on from, you know," I imply, not wanting to say his name.

"You can say it though," she smiles, but it doesn't quite reach her eyes.

"I can, but I'm a considerate person so I won't," I respond. "So will you give the guy a green light?"

"See Ana," her voice changes, as she lifts her head to peer at me. "I'm not ready."

"You will never be," I urge, not discerning the strange look in her eyes. "You just have to take that bold step."

"Not everyone recovers from a breakup as fast as you, Ana," she growls, startling me.

"I don't understand," I say, grimacing at her tone.

"I'm sorry," she exhales appearing exhausted. "Now you can see why I'm seeking help, my mood swings can scare anyone away."

"You'll be fine," I console, squeezing her arm in affection and release it to motion at the now two empty plates. "What did I tell you?"

"Damn!" She exclaims, cheering. "You deserve a standing ovation."

"Don't worry, when you get pregnant you'll understand," I giggle. "Can we go now?"

"Sure, I'm done too," she agrees, standing. "Do you need a hand?"

"No, I can handle myself," I decline, huffing afterward as I position my palms on the table to help me rise. When I'm at my full height I beam at her, "see? I told you so."

"Too bad this day has to end," she lets out sadly, rather she lights up immediately, an idea seeming to pop into her head. "I'll need to go pick up a prayer book from a church member, can you accompany me please?"

As I want to respond Oluchi's words come to mind but I shake it off, thinking *what's the worst that could happen?*

"Who am I to refuse something that relates to God?" I ask to her happiness. "Lead the way."

"Thank you," she embraces me quickly and hooks her hand in mine. "Let's go."


"Emily where does this your friend stay?" I inquire, a little frightened because we've been on the road for more than an hour now and it's getting late.

"A little space from the city, we are only five minutes away from her home," she notifies, her left hand on the wheel, the other is the one she uses for demonstration.

"We've been away from the city since I woke which is twenty minutes ago," I contest, not understanding why we seem to be going down a lonely path.

"Don't bother yourself, we'll arrive soon," she swerves to me, instead what I see in her orbs does nothing to pacify me.

"We are here," she blurts after a minute and I get scared hence the only house I see happens to look old, the compound behind the rail gate parked with leaves, and grasses hanging on the side of the walls.

"Emily?" I raise a question as she unlocks the door from inside and I step out. "Who lives here?"

"Emily," I call when I don't heed a response
Twisting to see the purpose for her silence, my eyes to come in contact with a metal stick before I get hit.

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