64: Taunt

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Ana's POV

"No, she left an hour ago with an Uber, she had an emergency summon from her parents," a faint voice speaks as I gradually return to consciousness.

"Don't worry," she assures. "She should be arriving there by now, and you know with the rain, the network may be messed up which is why she isn't picking."

This time, I recognize the owner of the voice as my eyes glide open, my brain trying to process what went wrong and why is the back of my skull aching like I---

"Fuck," I mumble as I recall what went on, my eyes stinging as the pain in my head continues to throb.

"Sleeping beauty finally wakes," she cackles breaking the last string of hope that this may be a dream as she pokes my leg with the tip of her shoes.

"Emily," I aim to rise but I'm hauled back in my position, prompting me to stare at my abdomen only to see strong ropes holding me down which I can't decipher their kind and color due to the darkness that surrounds me.

I investigate further with my irises, not responding to her sneer as I observe the single wooden chair I'm tied to, my bare soles transmitting chills to my body from the cracked cement floor that I'm able to note by feeling the surface.

My attention darting to the surroundings as I sight a window that allows the view of the outside world, shattering all plans of escape as it appears too high and little for a pregnant lady to reach or slide from, in fact, I don't think a child can get through that seeing its structure.

The stale scent of earth and steady sounds on the roof implies my prediction was right earlier in regards to the weather earlier today. An idea clicks and I swerve to where her shadow is situated, not able to see her face because of the night around us.

"What time is it?" I inquire, a tad scared that I may have been out for days.

"She eventually decides to respond," she snorts. "Done with your analysis?"

"Answer me, Emily," I command, pulling on the strings all to no avail as it burns my wrists instead.

"Someone is sounding like the manager she is," she laughs in that hollow manner that leaves goosebumps on the skin of anyone who needs it, thus it comes off as that of every witch and wizard in movies that we the viewers get scared of. "Here isn't your company where you can throw orders around."

"I'm well aware of that," I retort, shutting and opening my eyes in an attempt to get more familiar with my environment, and maybe formulate plans on how to get out faster. "I'm not dumb."

"You are not," she confirms, the noise of her heels echoing stealthily in the quiet environment.

"I'm glad we agree on something," I mock. "Because even a blind man can see we aren't in la-la land so maybe you are the dumb one."

"Maybe I am," she confesses, switching on the light of her phone to guide her in a certain direction.

"Where are you going?" I interrogate, fear of abandonment washing over me like a waterfall.

"To make sure you aren't blind," she speaks, and bright lights shine in the area, causing me to clamp my lids to prevent real blindness.

"Oh you are not," she chuckles, sounding shocked. "I got scared for a moment."

"Let's not fool ourselves," I ridicule, slowly unfolding my lids to see we are presently in what looks like a bathroom under construction, a shower stand positioned at the left end of the room, a jacuzzi beside it.

I sight my image in the mirror mounted on the wall a few feet away from me. The curly brown wig on my head looking tattered with what happens to be leaf crumbs stuck in them. I try to pluck them out only to be reminded in a harsh way that I'm still restrained.

My eyes appear red probably from the headache I'm feeling and the impact of the hit, the cloth I'm donning looking dirty and disheveled.

"Like what you see?" Emily taunts as I continue to observe the environment, the walls are painted in a cool blue color, a towel rack on the corner close to the door where she's standing, her attire different from the one she wore during our hang out.

"Where are we, Emily?" I quiz, thus there's no sound of civilization, only the croaks of frogs in the distance as the rain subsides.

"The house I'm renovating," she smiles, walking gradually to my location.

"The one on the abandoned pathway?" I question, as I recollect the last building I caught a glimpse of before I passed out.

"Bravo, you seem to have a good memory," she claps, mocking me, her lips thinning in a straight line. "Too bad I didn't destroy that with the metal stick, I should have hit you harder."

"Then why didn't you?" I ridicule, staring up at her, my mouth tilting in a coy smirk that gets on her nerves. "Maybe you aren't as strong and tough as you--"

"Did you feel that?" She polls, flexing her fingers after it meets with my face in a strong blow.

"Fuck!" I clamor in pain at the impact, the metallic taste of blood meets my taste buds.

"How about more evidence?" She sneers in inquiry, smacking me on the cheek.

"Why are you doing this Emily?" I interrogate, not fathoming what could have led her to this.

"Oh come on, don't act like you didn't see it coming," she grunts, bending to my height.

"I didn't!" I shout in retort.

"Are you sure?" She jeers, and spits in my face, cackling afterward.

"I'm not dirty-minded as you Emily, I forgave you and took you as a friend," I argue.

"Really? After all, I did?" She interviews, her outlook changing to one of surprise.

"Yes Emily," I notify, gaping at her as tears form in my eyes. "I gave you a second chance and took you in, I believed you."

"Wow," she lets out. "I guess you are naive."

"Yes I'm naive," I concur, bestowing her a sad glimpse. "I'm naive because I forgave my ex-bestfriend whom I missed and love, despite all the hurtful things she's said and done, I decided to let her in once again."

"That makes you stupid then," she chuckles, retreating to her former position.

"I agree, I am stupid," I blurt, my mood changing. "But you, you are a worthless, heartless bitch, no wonder no one loves you, no one wants to be with you, no one cares for you, because you are a terrible human being."

"Shut up!" She screams stomping her feet, my words getting to her.

"You are a demon Emily, one that sucks the happiness away from people, one that leaves darkness in its wake," I go on to say.

"I said shut the fuck up!" She shrieks, stepping her heeled shoe on my toe that causes me to release a loud cry as the pain travels straight to my brain where it allows my eyes to release the held back tears. "Next time when I speak, you obey."

"I can only obey one person with all my heart and that is GOD, not you," I hiss, clenching my eyes as I strive to bear the anguish I'm feeling while I try to clench and unclench my toes.

"Oh really," she snickers, her eyes widening. "We'll see how that will go when you stay here till whenever. Oh, and when you go into labor."

"You are a snake Emily," I blurt, shaking in my chair as I have the urge to tackle her and bash her head on the pavement, the satisfaction I'll derive from seeing her blood merging with the floor will make me happy for life.

"So I've been told," she chuckles, flipping her black wig behind her. Her attire of all black from the jacket to her leather pants and boots typical for the role she's taking.

"Who were you speaking with when I woke?" I inquire, spitting out the blood I've been packing my mouth for a little time. My throat gnawing me from inside as thirst overrides me.

"Who do you think it is?" She asks in a laugh.

"I didn't quite hear much so I can't guess," I clarify.

"Who else will it be if not Daniel, the dude was sounding scared," she informs, rolling her eyes. "I even had to give him little assurance by telling him you went to see your parents as a result of an urgent call."

"I heard that part," I say.

"At least that will keep him busy for now," she asserts.

"You said it yourself, for now," I smile, taunting her.

"Don't get your hopes up," she warns. "Daniel won't come to your rescue, no one will."

"You know, Oluchi warned me about meeting with you," I confess, remembering what I was told.

"You didn't listen," she laughs. "Why am I surprised? It even makes it easier."

"How does it make it easier?" I request, confused.

"She won't worry as much, even if she does, pride won't let her take action," she states.

"Oluchi isn't like that," I defend.

"You'll be shocked," she giggles. "You never really know people till a situation arises."

"Yeah, I know that now," I bob my head, thinking of her.

"Get comfortable my dear, because no one is coming to your rescue," she mocks, walking to the door.

"You are forgetting God," I smile at her figure. "He will make a way out."

"Even if He does, the guards won't let you leave," she snorts, knocking on the wood and it opens from outside, a muscular man dressed in the same shade of clothes as her, his head tied in a black bandana, grey dyed hair peeking at the ends.

"You underestimate God," I blurt, the wood clanging shut, blocking my image of them. "The guards were present when Jesus left the tomb."

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