65: Search

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Oluchi POV

After Ike's talk with Emily, we grew suspicious at her last statement and the fact that Emily is a She-Devil who is willing to do anything for the sake of vengeance and her pride.

*Who knows what she'll be doing to Ana* I think, shaking that image out of my head.

It's almost four in the morning and we've all been sitting here since around 1 AM, no one daring to say a word as we are all occupied with our thoughts.

I sense a chill run through me, this time not from the weather as the cold appears to decrease while the sun peeks its head in the sky, promising the day to be bright.

Thankfully after brainstorming of the possible places Emily can keep Ana, that's if our assumptions are correct and she's the one holding her captive.

Ike finally hit the jackpot by explaining to us about an abandoned house in a forest pathway which Emily took him to one time, saying how she'll like to give it a makeover.

The description of the place fits the kind of location to hide a kidnapped human thus it was forsaken by its owners during the war and is stationed in a secluded area, far away from civilization.

Presently the TV is the only thing producing a sound as it's playing music videos at a low volume. No one concentrates on it as it also serves as the only light hence the bulbs were turned off at some point between the hours of 1-2 am by me when the darkness was far spread in the sky.

Everybody we know apart from Ana's parents and family members were called by 3 am to inform them of the situation at hand.

I took it upon me to phone Maxwell and Nuel with Nuel appearing in less than thirty minutes which still surprises me as I whirl to see him lounging on the mattress laid on the floor that Glory and I brought from my room.

His attire of fitting black trousers and a blue vest worn the opposite way indicates the hurry he went through while donning it on his figure.

I haven't brought myself to warn him of his wardrobe malfunction due to two reasons, one because it cheers me up and causes me to release a low chuckle when I sight it, and secondly, I don't want to make fun of him which will lead to a huge argument between us, and that is something we don't need right now as we need to focus on how to search and rescue Ana.

His hasty arrival has made me have little, I repeat, little respect for him, thus I never knew he cared about his sister as much in regards to their steady fights and his overbearing attitude towards her.

Glory's job was to call Dominion, the boss of the art company they both work for and Abdul, who I always seem to clash with whenever we are in the same room with Ana, hence the fact he's her other best friend does things to my thinking.

I'm not a psychopath, no, rather I happen to be overprotective about the people I love. That is something I've noticed in Ike which is why despite all his shortcomings I urge Ana to forgive him because we are cut out from the same clothe.

Glory also reached out to Brian who promised to be here soon with his twin brother as we need all the help we can get. Brian to me is a really intelligent dude who seems to act dumb just for the heck of it, but deep down I see something tangible in him, and this is why he gives me this crazy look whenever we are in the same perimeter.

Right now, Glory, Ike, Nuel, Joe and I are sitting facing each other though not staring but you get what I mean. We are clad in jeans or black trousers and numerous colors of t-shirts as we await the arrival of the rest.

Glory and Ike left an hour ago to have a change of clothes and returned about thirty minutes later. Ike is clad in a long-sleeved red t-shirt, ripped jeans, and black Nike Air Max. Glory in a blue t-shirt, the same shade as Nuel's and boyfriend jeans and brown boots.

Joe is covered in black sweatpants and an ash sleeveless t-shirt which I restrain myself from asking once again if he isn't feeling the slight cold still hovering in the air seeing as we are fully covered up, I too as I'm wearing a brown and black vest that's tucked into one of Joe's many sweatpants.

My dressing today would have shocked Ana if she was here thus I'm not one to be friendly with any attire that has two legs at the bottom, the behavior all started from the church I attended when I was little and somehow grew to mold my fashion sense.

Due to the pin-drop silence, a horn is heard, causing almost everyone to shake, even Nuel who appears to be dozing a bit sits up. Not a minute later it is accompanied by the flash of headlights that blink through the windows, indicating it is coming from the gate.

Joe quietly gets up, our eyes following him as he strides to the door, tugging it open and exiting. Our attention still at the door, Nuel rises and departs, probably to help him out with the metal barrier.

Ike and I exchange a look of solace as we wait with Glory for the others to come in. As if on cue, the door which was pushed halfway closed by a small breeze is opened, Dominion, Abdul, Brian, his twin Brandon, and Maxwell are the first group to enter.

Wanting to ask about Joe and Nuel, they materialize in the room, Joe slamming the wood shut after him as Dominion strolls to Ike who rises to welcome him.

"Sorry for the delay," Dominion who is dressed in jeans from head to toe except for the black vest underneath his jacket says as they shake hands. "I had to pick those three up."

"It's okay, I'm glad you all could make it," Ike acknowledges, nodding at Abdul, Brian, and Brandon as Max trudges to my position.

"How are you two holding up?" Dominion requests, getting settled as he channels the question to Glory and me.

"Don't know," Glory retorts, while I wave lazily, Max, sliding up to me on the couch and I cradle the eighteen-year-old boy in my arms, rubbing my palm comfortingly on his wrist.

"Wait, if you brought, Brian, Abdul, and Brandon, how did Max get here?" Glory interviews, deciphering Dominion's explanation.

"He arrived the same time as they did, in his car," Joe answers. "I'm grateful he didn't get into an accident judging by how close he is with Ana."

"Have you spoken with the police?" Dominion implores, sitting straight, and directing the question to Ike who has chosen not to return to his former posture as he stands upright.

"I did, to the commissioner of police on my way to change," Ike retorts.

"Okay, call him now and tell him we are ready to go." Abdul conveys and Ike bobs his head, producing his phone from his back pocket, his hands tapping on the screen before he places it on his ear.

"Hello Sir," he greets, as the man seems to pick up.

"Please sir, have you mobilized your men?" He inquires. "Thank you, sir. Please, let your men not use their sirens, I'll be sending you the directions immediately."

"Okay bye," he ends the call, and does as he says, tapping on the device and locks it, swerving to us. "Guys, it's time to move."

"Brandon are you ready? We are going into a marked territory," Brian speaks to his twin.

"Be serious for once man," Glory blurts, getting up, and eyes him.

"I just want to lighten the mood," Brian pouts, his twin rubbing his back as he holds his chuckle. Both of them looking like the twins they are as they are clad in the same hue of black jeans and brown vests.

"Please Brian, for once, keep zip," Dominion instructs in a commanding tone, adjusting the cuffs of his long-sleeved cashmere black sweater that's hanging above black sweatpants.

"No one should force me to speak," he wails, his expression morphed in fake sadness.

"Brian, Dominion, and Abdul, you'll go with me," Ike tells, gesturing to them.

"Joe, Nuel, Glory, Oluchi, and Maxwell," he calls and we all look up, significantly Maxwell and I as we are still cuddled up on the cushion. "You five will go in Joe's jeep."

"Okay, let me go fetch my keys," Joe voices, walking past Ike to do his bidding.

"I'll lead the way, and we'll stop some distance away from the building, wait for my signal," Ike directs, jingling his car keys.

"We should move now right?" Joe queries, returning with his keys in his hands.

Ike nods and wanders through the entrance Ike came through. Dominion, Abdul, Brian, and Brandon, following suit. Nuel standing from his location on the armrest of Ike's previous seat.

"It will be alright bro," Joe says in consolation as he taps Maxwell on the shoulder, squeezing him comfortingly.

"Okay y'all, it's our turn, we need to get out of here," Glory orders, taking a serious stance.

We obey and walk to the veranda, Glory walking aside Maxwell and me, Joe at the forefront, and Nuel at the back who shuts the door after us. We see Ike's car is on, Dominion is the last one to enter as he bangs the back door of the Ferrari when Brian and Brandon enter.

Copying Joe's steps, I attain at his car and he unlocks it with the car remote, and I point Nuel, Glory, and Max to pass into the back seat.

"Oluchi, help me drive the car to the street while I open and lock up," Joe lets out, handing me the keys.

"Okay," I nod, collecting it from his hold, and climbing into the driver's side. Peering at Glory through the mirror and lending her a wink at her scary outlook due to the fact I'm behind the wheel.

"Don't wreck us," Maxwell mutters, hitting the back of my seat as Joe pushes the gate, Ike driving through.

"Well if you keep hitting the back of my seat, I just might," I communicate, starting the engine and getting the car ready to move.

Nodding at Joe as I pass where he's standing, I park a few feet away from the compound and shuffle to the passenger side, waiting for his arrival, the engine still running. He shows up two minutes later and slides in, taking control of the vehicle as we tail Ike's movements, on our way to mission 'search and rescue Ana.

We reach the scene and Joe stops the car behind Ike's Ferrari, which is a kilometer or so apart from the structure. Climbing down, the others do the same and we round the vehicle to the front, there Ike and his group are stationed waiting for us.

"Good, now we are all gathered," he voices as he notices we are complete.

"See that building?" He implores, flashing the light of his iPhone 11 ProMax ahead, and we bob our head in affirmation as we observe a brown bricked roof.

"That's Ana's location," he whispers after Dominion motions him to quiet down.

"Oluchi, Glory, and Nuel, you go through this way," he points at the grass at our left. "You scamper a few feet that way, and when you feel it's time, you swerve to the right and keep going. The plan is to go in from behind. From what I can remember, the back wall is broken. Let's hope I am right, and that she hasn't gotten around to fixing it."

"Dominion, Abdul, and I are to go directly from the entrance, and use this," he says, ambling to the booth of his car, throwing it open and pointing the light on it to reveal, a pestle, two huge metal sticks, a baseball bat, a hockey stick and a black sleek revolver. "To tackle them from the front. You can help yourselves to anyone you feel you can handle."

"I know in a way this is illegal but the life of someone we care about and my baby is in danger so we have to result to these measures," he enlightens at Glory's panicky glimpse. "The police should be on their way but at this moment, we are counting on each other okay?"

"Thank you," he appreciates as we all offer him affirmation gestures. "Maxwell, Brian, and his twin will come after a while to make sure no external forces apart from the police get into the compound or let anyone who isn't from our group out."

"Joe, sorry I forgot, you'll join Oluchi's group, they'll need all the help they can get thus they are the rescuing team," he enunciates and snatches a metal stick. "You'll need this."

"Good luck everyone, and may the Lord be with us," he dismisses, and we all kick into gear, Joe heading our group in the designated direction as we begin our task.


Slowly and stealthily, our feet generate crunchy noises, the same time our arms part the long weeds to grant us passage. The dark sky and lack of moon helping to conceal our figures from anyone on the lookout for intruders.

At Nuel's signal, because he's the brainy one who must have calculated the distance in his head, we corner to our right and continue to walk till after a while we arrive at a spot where we can see the building from behind, especially as Joe switches on the blinding light of a torch I don't know he's possessing.

"Fuck! Turn that shit off!" I whisper yell at the brightness, provoking him to obey. "Do you want to get us busted?"

"I'm sorry," he mumbles and instead uses the light of his phone's screen to guide us on the right path.

As faith will have it, Ike's prediction proves correct because what used to be a wall is seen scattered in crumbles of worn-out stones as we approach it, making it easier for us to enter without getting noticed.

We approach a door, and I move forward to investigate, Joe, shining the light. "It's unlocked," I tell.

"How can they be so--" Joe snorts and pulls it open only to reveal another door, this one latched with a padlock. "No wonder."

"I can jingle that," Nuel murmurs, and reaches out a palm to Glory. Her getting the message, unhooks an earring and hands it to him.

He walks to us and we give way for him to do his magic. Five minutes after, we are all quiet, our tension building as we wait for the outcome of his skills. Sweat runs down my back as all sorts of pictures dash into my head hence we don't know what we may find.

The place itself is eerily quiet which is unusual as there seems to be no sound of movement, only the creaking of night insects from the surroundings showing a sign of life.

"It's done," Nuel announces, removing the now loosened lock from the latch of the door, his gaze turning to us as he presses down on the handle. "Should I?"

"Ana please be alright," I shut my eyes and clamp my palms in quick prayer an instant before the door is pushed open.

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