66: Rescue

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Ana's POV

"Wake up daughter, it's time," someone whispers in my ear, and I stir, my eyes flashing, but I don't see anyone who matches that voice in the room.

I sight Emily lounging and dozing off on a couch that was brought in sometime around midnight, I guess she felt the need to be here for a reason known to her.

"Be still, for I am with you," it comes again, and this time I don't think it's a dream as I feel the deep rumble of his words.

"Who, who are you?" I ask, my shocking loud voice echoing in the vast space, that it causes Emily to jolt upright.

Her stance showing on guard, she observes the area, spotting no one whom I could be conversing with, she channels her attention to me. "Who were you talking to?"

"I- I, don't know," I stutter, gaping around in the fear that I may be losing my mind.

"What do you mean you don't know?" She queries, her mood serious as she strives to understand who it is. "You were the one speaking so, answer me!"

"I have no idea!" I answer, peeping at her. "Wait, did you hear it?"

"Fuck no! I'm not that crazy," she clamors. "I didn't hear a thing."

"She can't hear me," the voice speaks again, and I feel a light breeze blow the wig strands hanging above my shoulders.

"What do you mean by---" I halt, gulping. "Who are you?"

"Are you seriously asking me that?" Emily mocks, "I guess I succeeded in messing up your brain with that stick."

"No, I was asking him," I blurt, noticing how stupid I sound.

"Him?" Emily doubts. "Who is 'Him' or 'what?"

"The voice I'm hearing, it's a he," I explain, watching her shake her head in disbelief.

"So you admit you know who are you speaking with?" She investigates, taking a step closer.

"I don't know, I'm not sure," I sigh, having no idea of what I'm saying. "His voice sounds familiar and Fatherly and comforting. Didn't you hear him speak?"

"Okay," she chuckles, seeming to conclude in her head. "I get what you are trying to do."

"What are you saying?" I quiz, stunned at her response.

"You are either crazy or aiming to make me come off as the crazy one," she cackles throwing her arms in the air as she laughs hysterically.

"I admit this may sound crazy but--" I stop as I hear it again.

"I told you she won't hear me," it affirms. "You had faith in me, and so I'm here to do my part."

As that statement settles in me, I feel an inner peace spread all through my bones as if all my worries are melting away. This may sound surreal but I swear on everything holy that I didn't imagine those words and I for sure I'm not making up this feeling which takes over me.

"Why are you smiling?" Emily raises a question, striding to me to lift my face with her forefinger for a clearer view.

"Am I smiling?" I inquire, having no clue of my facial expression until she asks that and I perceive my cheeks straining at the ends. "You are right."

"Of course I'm right," she snorts, gazing into my eyes. "What game are you playing?"

"I don't understand," I admit, squinting my eyes, my words coming out unclear due to her right palm clamping my cheeks to try and change my facial tone.

"Why were you smiling Ana?" She repeats her question, standing erect and gawking at me.

"Something is coming," I grin, much to her disapproval, her hands having no control over my face due to her distance.

"What in God's name do you mean by that?" She polls, rolling her eyes.

"Don't call the name of a man you mocked before," I smirk, confidence entering my being in a way I can't decipher.

"Nothing and no one is coming for you," she recounts her earlier words. "The sooner you get that into your skull the better for you."

"Also, the sooner you begin to believe in God, the better for you," I laugh, my lips tilting to the left. "Something is coming."

"What is that?" She asks as we heed other sounds apart from the ones usually heard in the night. "Ana, what is going on?"

"I told you, something is--"

"Shut up! Shut up!" She screams, striding to bestow me a slap on my left cheek. "I'm tired of hearing that line from your filthy mouth."

"You can't make me," I giggle hollowly like a maniac. "You can't ---"

"One more word," she grits, her index finger lifted in the air in a warning sign as it shakes, portraying her anger.

"You don't own me Emily, and therefore can't tell me what to--"

"Shut up," she mutters, her ring finger smashing my chin, blowing it repeatedly.

"Next time I say shut up, you obey!" She shrieks, her hands palming the back of my head to direct her knee to meet the bone of my nose in a cracking sound.

"You are a nuisance, a psychopath," I let out, bearing the sting and not giving her the satisfaction of seeing me in pain despite the injury she's inflicted on me. "It's bad luck for me that I'm just realizing this now."

"What do you plan to do with me, Emily?" I inquire, "torment me? Kill me? Hurt my child? And for how long?"

"How long do you think you can keep me without someone looking for me? Without my family asking questions? Without the police investigating my case?" I interview, my body slacking forward in hurt but my head raised in her location.

"You forget my father is the governor and I as his daughter automatically has the right to manipulate things around," she ridicules, a smile showing up on her face. "You of all people should know how corrupt the system is."

"I know, but you forget there are people higher than your father in the political world," I scoff.

"True, which is why a sitting senator is on my side too." she beams, inspecting her nails.

"Who may I ask are you referring to?" I implore.

"Ike's father dummy," she says, chuckling at my astonished outlook. "Oh don't look, surprised sweetie, he warned you."

"So this was all a plan," I assert the pieces falling into place.

"I'm stunned it took you this long to figure out," she teases. "Oh poor baby, we're you busy trying to fit the puzzle?"

"You both are sick!" I spit, using all my strength to stand upright, rather a few seconds later, I find myself crashing to the floor.

"Pathetic," she titters, helping me up. "Be thankful that deep down, I have a soft spot for you. Who knows how soon that will go away."

The place is silent for a moment as we stare into each other's orbs and no matter how she tries to hide it, I see an atom of guilt and remorse in them at that unguarded moment before she masks it the instant we hear the sound of feet breaking twigs, followed up by a zap of white light that disappears as soon as it came.

"There it is again," she lets out and retreats hastily from our posture, her feet taking her to my back where she makes sure the strings are secured.

"I knew they'll come for me," I grin, regardless of the slight fear that it might just be passing night crawlers out on a mission.

"No one is coming, and I'll make sure of that," she sneers, abandoning me in my position and heading for the door. "I'll be right back.

"Thank you, Jesus, thank you, God," I say in gratitude the moment the barrier is closed after she leaves as I can taste freedom.

"Thank you, Lord, for showing yourself mighty in this situation and comforting me, while at the same time sending me aids, thank you."

"I may not be seeing them yet, but I know you've got plans, and your plans never fail, thank you for putting the enemy to shame, thank you," I sniff, a teardrop kissing my cheek as my lids are slammed shut in prayer and thanks to the Almighty.

"Sorry to burst your bubble baby girl," she cackles returning after the door is opened with a bang and she strides over, not bothering to close it. "There are no strange people apart from the guards in a five-mile radius."

"Why was I even worried?" She laughs at her own question as I don't respond, the hope I thought I had, descending to the pit of my belly. "No one knows of this place."

"Must you wreck every possibility of freedom I have in me?" I cry in query, my heart shattering as defeat takes over me. "You are a monster Emily, one I'll love to rot in hell."

"You took Ike away from me Ana, no hell is worse than that!" She rasps, her eyes turning deadly.

"How can you allow yourself hit rock bottom because of a man?" I interrogate, feeling pity for her despite my situation.

"That's none of your business," she jeers, her orbs expanding in her face. "You crossed my path Ana, now you've got to bear the consequences."

"Same way you'll bear yours once I get out of here," I snarl.

"I'm not worried," she chuckles, lowering her body to my level. "Because you are never getting out of here."

"Do you have any idea how many guards are surrounding this place?" She questions, the long nail of her middle finger tickling my skin. "Three at every door and corner, even the USA swat team can't take them all down without a fight."

"See this?" She polls, retrieving a pistol from a black waist bag I'm just noticing. "It'll help me cart you out of here without them touching a hair on my head."

"Did you hear that?" I implore, smirking as a noise that comes of as a heavy thing falling to the ground vibrates through our feet. "Maybe one of your guards has fallen."

"That is impossible," she snorts, clenching the gun in her hand.

"Why don't you go check?" I mock, noticing fear dash in her eyes. "To be on the safe side."

"Stay where you are," she instructs, about to obey my suggestion.

"I'm tied to a chair remember?" I taunt, wincing at the pain from the numerous hits I've received to my face. "Where can I possibly go?"

She ignores my jab and slowly ambles to the door, the pistol held downwards in her two palms as she peeks through the door before disappearing into the darkness beyond.

I listen to the sound of murmurings and crinkly cacophonies coming from my back. Striving to swerve backward, my condition doesn't allow that, so I remain where I am, quietly praying to God for His rescue as He promised.

"Fuck! That was loud," someone who sounds like Glory mumbles as the commotion of plywood flying to the wall with force reaches my ears.

"Oh my God, the lights," A male lets out, shielding his eyes with his arms as he blindly walks forward.

"Nuel?" I call, recognizing the pair of long legs, wide hunched shoulders, and lean arms.

"Ana!" Another yells a familiar female scent that has known never to change in the decade I've known her wraps itself around me together with the arms that pull me to her bosom. "My goodness Ana, thank God you are alive."

"What did she do to you?" Joe questions and I see him from below Oluchi's hands as he squats before me, putting the strands behind me. "You've got bruises on your face."

"You are free," the voice I'm now certain to be Glory's announces, freeing my arms from the now loosened ropes.

"How did you do it?" I ask the female as I'm released by my best friend and rub my wrists while I gaze at her standing aside my brother who is crying silently as he is rooted in shock.

"Always carry a razor in your back pocket," Glory confesses, showing the red single packet.
"The ropes weren't even that solid."

"It finally came in handy," I chuckle, blinking away the tears. "You can hug me Nuel."

"I'm so sorry Ana," he wails, rushing to scoop me in his arms. "You didn't deserve this."

"Shit happens," I console, patting his back.

"What is going on here?" The person I've come to dread raises a question, coming back to see me free and surrounded by my family as Nuel releases me hastily.

"Someone should fucking give me an answer or I swear I'll shoot!" She screeches, swinging her hand in no designated location as she shifts the gun to every one of us.

"You will do no such thing Emily," Ike states as I see him materialize in the doorway, rushing to stand in front of me and spreading his arms wide. "Drop the gun."

"Daniel get the fuck out of the way I don't wanna shoot you," Emily commands, squaring her jaw as I unconsciously wound my hands around Ike's torso.

"Then drop the gun," he urges, and I see her eyes water from my location behind him.

"Move out of the way Daniel, I don't want to regret this," she says in a shaky voice filled with emotions as she wipes her damp cheeks with the back of her elbow.

"You'll regret this either way Emily," he argues, sounding unafraid. "And I won't move for anything."

"Daniel please I love you, don't make me do this," she pleads, her face turning red from anger and crying.

"You are the one doing this Emily not me," he tries to explain but she shakes her head. "Look at what you are doing to yourself."

"Emily, wait," I come out of hiding and I feel Oluchi tug on my arm, instead I shake it off as Ike swerves to me in fright. "Emily I--"

I don't finish that sentence as the sound of a shot fired echoes through the premises and I see red stains fly around before I slowly slip into the darkness of my mind.

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